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Published 2013 January 15 © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Jianfeng Wu et al 2013 ApJ 763 109 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/763/2/109



We present a systematic study of the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of a sample of 17 highly radio-loud quasars (HRLQs) at z > 4 with sensitive X-ray coverage from new Chandra and archival Chandra, XMM–Newton, and Swift observations. Eight of the new and archival observations are reported in this work for the first time. New Chandra observations of two moderately radio-loud and highly optically luminous quasars at z ≳ 4 are also reported. Our HRLQ sample represents the top ∼5% of radio-loud quasars (RLQs) in terms of radio loudness. We found that our HRLQs have an X-ray emission enhancement over HRLQs at lower redshifts (by a typical factor of ≈3), and this effect, after controlling for several factors which may introduce biases, has been solidly estimated to be significant at the 3σ–4σ level. HRLQs at z = 3–4 are also found to have a similar X-ray emission enhancement over z < 3 HRLQs, which further supports the robustness of our results. We discuss models for the X-ray enhancement's origin including a fractional contribution from inverse Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons. No strong correlations are found between the relative X-ray brightness and optical/UV emission-line rest-frame equivalent widths (REWs) for RLQs. However, the line REWs are positively correlated with radio loudness, which suggests that relativistic jets make a negligible contribution to the optical/UV continua of these HRLQs (contrary to the case where the emission lines are diluted by the relativistically boosted continuum). Our HRLQs are generally consistent with the known anti-correlation between radio loudness and X-ray power-law photon index. We also found that the two moderately radio-loud quasars appear to have the hardest X-ray spectra among our objects, suggesting that intrinsic X-ray absorption (NH ∼ 1023 cm−2) may be present. Our z > 4 HRLQs generally have higher X-ray luminosities than those for the composite broadband spectral energy distributions of HRLQs at lower redshift, which further illustrates and supports the X-ray emission enhancement of z > 4 HRLQs. Some of our HRLQs also show an excess of mid-infrared emission which may originate from the synchrotron emission of the relativistic jets. None of our z > 4 HRLQs is detected by the Fermi-LAT two-year survey, which provides constraints on jet-emission models.

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X-ray studies of z > 4 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) over the past ≈12 yr have greatly improved understanding of the growth of the first supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the early universe, thanks to unprecedentedly powerful X-ray observatories as well as wide-field surveys in the optical/UV and radio bands. Chandra and XMM–Newton, along with other X-ray missions, have observed more than 100 quasars at z > 4, the majority of which were first identified by wide-field optical/UV surveys, e.g., the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; York et al. 2000), or radio surveys, e.g., the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST; Becker et al. 1995) survey and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998). The quasar population is divided into radio-quiet and radio-loud subcategories based on the apparently bi-modal distribution of the radio-loudness parameter (e.g., Ivezić et al. 2004),7 which was defined by Kellermann et al. (1989) as R = f5 GHz/f4400 Å (rest frame; see Section 3 for a detailed definition). Radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) have R < 10, while radio-loud quasars (RLQs) are those with R ⩾ 10.

The basic X-ray properties of z > 4 RQQs are now well established (e.g., Kaspi et al. 2000; Brandt et al. 2001, 2002; Vignali et al. 2001, 2003a, 2003b, 2005; Shemmer et al. 2005, 2006). The z > 4 RQQs have remarkably similar X-ray properties to those of RQQs at lower redshift, which is notable given the strong evolution of the quasar population over cosmological timescales (e.g., Richards et al. 2006b; Croom et al. 2009; Jiang et al. 2009). These results suggest that the mode of SMBH growth via accretion does not strongly evolve with redshift.

RLQs feature powerful jets that originate near the SMBH and may extend up to hundreds of kiloparsec. These jets possess bulk relativistic velocities on at least sub-kiloparsec scales and generate strong radio emission that is particularly pronounced in low-inclination (highly beamed, foreshortened, core-dominated) RLQs. RLQs usually show an enhancement of nuclear X-ray emission compared to RQQs, likely due to a contribution from the spatially unresolved jet (e.g., Worrall et al. 1987; Miller et al. 2011, and references therein).

Previous X-ray studies of representative RLQs at z ≳ 4 (R ≈ 40–400; e.g., Bassett et al. 2004; Lopez et al. 2006; Saez et al. 2011) have shown that the factor of X-ray emission enhancement of these objects is similar to that of low-redshift RLQs of similar radio loudness. These results limit any redshift dependence of the nuclear X-ray emission in RLQs (consistent with earlier studies to moderate redshifts; e.g., Worrall et al. 1987). The lack of strong redshift evolution argues against a dominant X-ray generation mechanism for the nuclear jet-linked contribution whereby relativistic jet electrons upscatter cosmic microwave background photons into the X-ray band (the IC/CMB model; e.g., Tavecchio et al. 2000; Celotti et al. 2001). While photon fields associated with the quasar are expected to be more relevant on small scales (≈0.1–2 kpc), for z = 4 core-dominated RLQs (for which 1'' is 7.1 projected kpc and typical inclinations of 5°–7° correspond to deprojected lengths ∼10 times greater) the spatially unresolved X-ray emission potentially includes contributions from the jet to tens of kiloparsec. The IC/CMB model is often proposed to explain the X-ray knot emission from low-redshift large-scale RLQ jets studied with Chandra, but here too the consequent predicted strong increase with redshift in the X-ray luminosities of jet knots (absolute or relative to jet radio or non-IC/CMB core X-ray emission; e.g., Schwartz 2002) is to date not observed (e.g., Bassett et al. 2004; Lopez et al. 2006; Marshall et al. 2011; Saez et al. 2011). While some degree of IC/CMB emission is required, the relative contribution (and associated spatial scales) to the observed X-ray emission is currently unclear.

Some z > 4 quasars with the highest values of radio loudness (R ≳ 400) have been studied individually in X-rays (e.g., PMN J0525−3343, Worsley et al. 2004a; Q0906+6930, Romani 2006; RX J1028.6−0844, Yuan et al. 2005; GB 1428+4217, Worsley et al. 2004b; GB 1508+5714, Siemiginowska et al. 2003, Yuan et al. 2003, 2006). These objects are often referred to as "blazars" due to their extreme radio loudnesses and other properties.8 Most of the previous studies were focused on their X-ray spectral properties. These objects often show soft X-ray spectral flattening; the fraction of objects with such flattening appears to rise with redshift (e.g., Fiore et al. 1998; Page et al. 2005; Yuan et al. 2006). This flattening has been proposed to be caused by intrinsic X-ray absorption with a column density of NH ∼ (1–3) × 1022 cm−2 (but also see Behar et al. 2011). This level of intrinsic X-ray absorption is also found in one z > 4 quasar with moderate radio loudness (SDSS J0011+1446; Saez et al. 2011). An alternative mechanism for the soft X-ray spectral flattening is the bulk Comptonization of broad-line photons by relativistic plasma moving along the RLQ jet (e.g., Begelman & Sikora 1987; Sikora et al. 1997). Celotti et al. (2007) studied the time-dependent spectra generated by this mechanism and reproduced the soft X-ray flattening feature in the XMM–Newton spectrum of GB 1428+4217. Volonteri et al. (2011) studied hard-X-ray-selected high-redshift blazars and found a deficit of RLQs at z > 3 compared to the expectations from the number of blazars. Possible explanations of this deficit require either a decrease of average bulk Lorentz factor in relativistic jets or an increase by a factor of 2–10 in the number of very massive black holes (MBH > 109M) at high redshifts (derived from the radio luminosity function). They stressed the importance of finding high-redshift blazars which could provide constraints on the SMBH–dark halo connection and structure formation.

Although these highly radio-loud quasars (HRLQs hereafter) are rare, they produce among the most powerful relativistic jets in the universe. These remarkable objects have required the larger sky coverage of modern wide-field optical/UV and radio surveys to be discovered in sufficient numbers to assemble a statistically meaningful sample at high redshift. Current major X-ray missions provide coverage of the 2–40 keV energy band in the rest frame of z > 4 HRLQs. Studies of the X-ray and broadband properties of high-redshift HRLQs provide probes of the jet-launching and radiation mechanisms in the early stages of cosmic evolution (e.g., Fabian et al. 1998, 1999). However, there has not been a systematic survey to investigate the general properties of these remarkable HRLQs at z > 4. Miller et al. (2011, M11 hereafter) studied the X-ray properties of a large, diverse sample of RLQs9 with wide ranges of redshift and radio loudness. However, HRLQs at z > 4 only made up ≲ 1% of their full sample. In this work, we conduct the first X-ray survey of a sample of HRLQs at z > 4 using new X-ray observations by Chandra and sensitive archival X-ray data. Our science goals include the following: (1) assess any X-ray emission enhancement of these objects and compare them to HRLQs at lower redshift; (2) provide constraints on the basic X-ray spectral properties of the newly observed Chandra targets, and study the relation between X-ray spectral properties and radio loudness; (3) investigate relations between relative X-ray brightness, radio loudness, and optical/UV emission-line properties; and (4) study the broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of our objects.

In Section 2, we describe the selection of our sample of HRLQs at z > 4. In Section 3, we detail the X-ray observations and the data analyses. Overall results and discussion are presented in Section 4. Throughout this paper, we adopt a cosmology with H0 = 70.5 km s−1 Mpc−1, ΩM = 0.274, and ΩΛ = 0.726 (e.g., Komatsu et al. 2009).


We began our sample selection from the SDSS Data Release 7 (DR7; Abazajian et al. 2009) quasar catalog (Schneider et al. 2010) which covers 9380 deg2 of sky area. We searched for z ≳ 4 RLQs satisfying one or both of the following criteria: (1) log R > 2.5 (R ≳ 320) and (2) Mi < −29. Seven objects were first selected via this method. We also added another object (J0741+2520) that does not have SDSS spectroscopy, but was confirmed as a very luminous (Mi = −29.04) z = 5.194 RLQ in follow-up optical/UV spectroscopy of radio-selected SDSS sources (McGreer et al. 2009). Among the SDSS-covered z ≳ 4 RLQs without sensitive X-ray coverage, these eight objects have the most remarkable radio and/or optical properties. They are ideal targets, with high radio loudness, high optical luminosity, and high redshift, for economical Chandra snapshot observations. Six of the eight objects were awarded Chandra time in Cycle 12 (see Table 1 for an X-ray observation log). Four of the six targets (J1026+2542, J1412+0624, J1420+1205, and J1659+2101) have radio loudness log R > 2.5. We define this radio-loudness value as the threshold for being "highly radio loud." RLQs satisfying this criterion represent the top ∼5% of the RLQ population in terms of radio loudness (see the dash-dotted curve in Figure 1). We note that Sbarrato et al. (2012b) have also recently studied J1026+2542, claiming that it is a blazar. The other two targets (J0741+2520 and J1639+4340) are only moderately radio loud (with log R = 1.06 and log R = 1.62, respectively), but they are the most optically luminous (Mi < −29) RLQs at z ≳ 4 that have sensitive X-ray coverage (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. The distribution of our sample of RLQs in the plane of Mi (SDSS absolute i-band magnitude) vs. log R (the logarithm of radio loudness), compared to high-redshift, moderately radio-loud quasars and RQQs. The filled stars show our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, while the filled squares are HRLQs at z > 4 with sensitive archival X-ray coverage. The asterisks show the high-redshift, moderately radio-loud quasars reported in Bassett et al. (2004), Lopez et al. (2006), and M11. The small dots represent the high-redshift, radio-quiet SDSS quasars that have sensitive X-ray coverage. All the symbols are color-coded based on their redshifts using the color bar at the top right corner of the figure. The dotted and dashed lines show our criteria for RLQs (log R ⩾ 1) and highly radio-loud quasars (log R > 2.5). The dash-dotted curve shows the quasar radio-loudness distribution from Ivezić et al. (2004), which illustrates that our sample represents the quasars residing in the tail of high radio loudness.

Standard image High-resolution image

In addition to our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, we further searched for other HRLQs at z > 4 satisfying our log R criterion in the sky area north of δ = −40° using the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED).10 The sky area north of δ = −40° is covered by the 1.4 GHz NVSS survey, and thus we are able to calculate the radio loudness for each object. In fact, for typical z > 4 RLQs identified in current wide-field surveys (mi ≲ 21), if an object satisfies our log R > 2.5 criterion for being an HRLQ, it should have been detected by NVSS according to the NVSS sensitivity (∼2.5 mJy). Therefore, our selection method should not introduce incompleteness owing to the radio-flux limit.11 For objects with both FIRST and NVSS detections, we adopt the radio-flux values from the FIRST catalog due to its better sensitivity; the radio-flux values in the FIRST and NVSS catalogs are generally consistent with each other. A total of 24 HRLQs at z > 4 were identified. We checked for sensitive archival X-ray coverage for these z > 4 HRLQs by Chandra, XMM–Newton, ROSAT,12 or Swift. Thirteen have sensitive archival X-ray coverage (see Table 1),13 while the other eleven do not (see Table 2).14 Tables 1 and 2 together provide a complete list of known HRLQs at z > 4 in the sky area north of δ = −40°. All of the 13 objects having sensitive archival X-ray coverage are detected in X-rays; all of them were targeted in their relevant X-ray observations except for SDSS J1235−0003. The archival Chandra, XMM–Newton, or Swift observations of four objects (PMN J1155−3107, SDSS J1235−0003, GB 1713+2148, and PMN J1951+0134) are reported in this work for the first time. Some of the archival objects have been classed as "blazars" and were covered by multiple X-ray observations (see Section 1). They were usually selected from radio (e.g., Green-Bank 6 cm, GB6, Gregory et al. 1996; the Parkes-MIT-NRAO survey, PMN, Griffith & Wright 1993) or X-ray (e.g., the ROSAT All Sky Survey; Voges et al. 1999) surveys. The individual X-ray properties of these blazars have been studied in detail (see the last column of Table 1 for references). In this work, we combine the 13 archival sources and the four newly observed HRLQs to form a sample to perform general systematic studies of HRLQs at high redshift. Our sample of HRLQs at z > 4 with sensitive X-ray coverage thus includes 17 objects, 8 of which have their X-ray properties presented for the first time in this work.

Table 1. X-Ray Observation Log

Object Name R.A. (J2000) Decl. (J2000) za Detector Observation Observation Exp. Timeb Referencec
(deg) (deg) Date (UT) ID (ks)
Chandra Cycle 12 Objects              
SDSS J074154.71 + 252029.6 115.4780 25.3416 5.194 ACIS-S 2010 Oct 04 12171 4.0 1,2
SDSS J102623.61 + 254259.5 156.5984 25.7165 5.304 ACIS-S 2011 Mar 10 12167 5.0 1
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 213.0415 6.4019 4.467 ACIS-S 2011 Mar 16 12169 4.0 1
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 215.2000 12.0962 4.027 ACIS-S 2011 Mar 20 12168 4.0 1
SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 249.9605 43.6677 3.980 ACIS-S 2010 Aug 08 12170 4.0 1
SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 254.8051 21.0211 4.784 ACIS-S 2011 Jan 22 12172 6.5 1
Archival X-ray Data Objects              
PSS 0121 + 0347d 20.3590 3.7851 4.130 ACIS-S 2002 Feb 07 3151 5.7 3
PMN J0324 − 2918 51.1846 −29.3059 4.630 ACIS-S 2003 Dec 16 4764 3.8 4,5
PMN J0525 − 3343e 81.2758 −33.7182 4.401 MOSf 2001 Sep 15 0050150301 19.0 4,6,7
Q0906 + 6930 136.6281 69.5085 5.480 ACIS-S 2005 Jul 1 5637 30.0 8,9
SDSS J091316.55 + 591921.6d,g 138.3190 59.3227 5.122 ACIS-S 2002 Mar 7 3034 9.8 10
RX J1028.6 − 0844 157.1617 −8.7441 4.276 MOSf 2003 Jun 13 0153290101 21.3 11,12,13
PMN J1155 − 3107 178.7632 −31.1330 4.300 XRT 2008 Jan 07 00036791002 4.2 1,14
SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7d,g 188.7626 −0.0588 4.673 MOS 2010 Jul 01 0651740301 5.3 1
CLASS J1325 + 1123d,g 201.3021 11.3916 4.415 ACIS-S 2003 Mar 02 3565 4.7 15
GB 1428 + 4217d,e 217.5989 42.0768 4.715 MOSf 2003 Jan 17 0111260701 14.2 16,17,18,19
GB 1508 + 5714d,g 227.5122 57.0454 4.313 ACIS-S 2001 Jun 10 2241 90.1 20,21,22,23
GB 1713 + 2148d 258.8385 21.7588 4.011 ACIS-S 2004 Jun 07 4815 9.5 1,3,16
PMN J1951 + 0134 297.9001 1.5785 4.114 XRT 2007 Mar 15 00036263002 7.8 1,14

Notes. aRedshift for each source. The redshift values for objects in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog are from Hewett & Wild (2010). bThe exposure times are corrected for detector dead time. cReferences. (1) This work; (2) McGreer et al. (2009); (3) Vignali et al. (2003a); (4) Hook et al. (2002); (5) Lopez et al. (2006); (6) Fabian et al. (2001); (7) Worsley et al. (2004a); (8) Romani et al. (2004); (9) Romani (2006); (10) Vignali et al. (2003b); (11) Zickgraf et al. (1997); (12) Grupe et al. (2004); (13) Yuan et al. (2005); (14) Healey et al. (2008); (15) Bassett et al. (2004); (16) Hook & McMahon (1998); (17) Fabian et al. (1998); (18) Fabian et al. (1999); (19) Worsley et al. (2004b); (20) Siemiginowska et al. (2003); (21) Yuan et al. (2003); (22) Cheung (2004); (23) Yuan et al. (2006). dThese archival sources are covered by the SDSS footprint. eThese sources were observed in multiple XMM–Newton or Swift observations. The parameters listed in this table are for the observation with the longest MOS or XRT exposure time. MOS exposure times have been corrected for the background flares. fThese objects were observed by both the MOS and pn detectors. We list the MOS exposure times here. gThese archival objects have SDSS spectroscopy; they appear in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog.

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Table 2. HRLQs at z > 4 without Sensitive X-Ray Coverage

Object Name R.A. (J2000) Decl. (J2000) za mib Mi f1.4GHzc log R
(deg) (deg) (mJy)
SDSS J003126.79 + 150739.5 7.8616 15.1276 4.297 20.0 −27.2 41.0 2.824
SDSS J030437.21 + 004653.5 46.1550 0.7815 4.260 20.2 −27.1 20.0 3.259
SDSS J081333.32 + 350810.8 123.3888 35.1363 4.945 19.2 −28.2 20.0 2.663
NVSS J105011 − 044254 162.5480 −4.7150 4.270 23.4 −23.8 6.0 3.338
NVSS J112310 − 215405 170.7921 −21.9016 4.110 22.9 −24.1 48.0 4.041
SDSS J123142.17 + 381658.9 187.9257 38.2830 4.128 20.1 −26.9 25.0 2.777
SDSS J123726.26 + 651724.4 189.3594 65.2901 4.300 20.5 −26.6 24.0 2.785
SDSS J124230.58 + 542257.3 190.6274 54.3826 4.766 19.7 −27.7 19.0 2.678
PMN J2134 − 0419 323.5501 −4.3194 4.350 20.1 −27.1 333.0 3.714
SDSS J222032.50 + 002537.5 335.1354 0.4271 4.218 19.9 −27.1 61.0 3.531
PMN J2314 + 0201 348.7030 2.0309 4.110 20.2 −26.9 117.0 3.308

Notes. aThe redshift values for SDSS objects, all of which appear in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog, are from Hewett & Wild (2010). bThe apparent i-band magnitude. For objects not in the SDSS footprint, the i-band magnitude was estimated from their R-band magnitude by assuming a power law with a spectral index of αν = −0.5. cRadio-flux density at observed-frame 1.4 GHz from FIRST or NVSS.

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We searched for high-resolution radio images of these objects obtained by the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) or Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI); seven of them have available high-resolution images. Two objects have point-like source profiles and no indications of extended radio emission (J0913+5919, Momjian et al. 2004; J1235−0003, Momjian et al. 2004). Another three objects have clear extended radio emission on milliarcsecond (mas) scales from relativistic jets although their extended radio emission only contributes <10% of the total radio flux (Q0906+6930, Romani et al. 2004; GB 1508+5714, Cheung 2004, Helmboldt et al. 2007; GB 1428+4217, Cheung et al. 2012). The extended radio emission of GB 1508+5714 coincides with the extended X-ray emission, showing the signature of a relativistic jet (Cheung 2004). The extended radio feature of GB 1428+4217 in its VLA imaging at observed-frame 1.4 GHz and 4.9 GHz (Cheung et al. 2012) lies 3farcs6 away from the core. It also coincides with the extended X-ray emission found in its Chandra observation. GB 1428+4217 furthermore shows milliarcsec-scale extended radio emission in its VLBI images at observed-frame 2.3 GHz and 8.6 GHz. The extended radio emission of J1026+2542 is on a ≈20 mas scale; it contributes ≈40% of the total radio flux (Helmboldt et al. 2007). The milliarcsec-scale extended radio emission of the other object, J1659+2101, contributes ≈30% of the total radio flux at observed-frame 1.6 GHz, while the image of this object at observed-frame 5 GHz shows no evidence of extended radio emission (Frey et al. 2010).15 The five objects with extended radio emission have higher radio loudness on average (〈log R〉 = 3.21 ± 0.23) than the three objects without extended radio emission (〈log R〉 = 2.81 ± 0.25).

Besides the 17 HRLQs at z > 4, we will also separately discuss the two highly optically luminous RLQs observed by Chandra in Cycle 12 even though they do not satisfy the "highly radio loud" criterion. All of our 19 objects are among the most-luminous RLQs in both the radio and optical/UV bands (see Figure 2). The monochromatic luminosity ranges of our objects are 1033–1036 erg s−1 Hz−1 in the radio (at rest-frame 5 GHz) and 1030–1033 erg s−1 Hz−1 in the optical/UV (at rest-frame 2500 Å). GB 1713+2148 has remarkable properties even compared to other HRLQs in our sample. It is much fainter (by a factor of ≈6) in the optical band, and it has the highest radio loudness (see Figure 1). Its radio loudness is also higher than those of most of the objects (99%) in the full sample of M11. All of our objects are spectroscopically confirmed broad-line quasars by either the SDSS or other observations. They have precise redshift measurements based on their broad emission lines (e.g., Lyα and/or C iv). The available SDSS spectra of nine objects (five Chandra Cycle 12 targets and four archival sources) are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. The monochromatic luminosity at rest-frame 5 GHz (radio; upper panel) and at rest-frame 2500 Å (UV; lower panel), plotted against redshift. The filled stars show our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, while the filled squares are our HRLQs with sensitive archival X-ray coverage. The plus signs represent the radio-loud and radio-intermediate objects in the full sample of M11. The upper (lower) panel is color-coded based on UV (radio) luminosity using the color bars at the bottom right corner of each panel. Our sample of quasars are among the most luminous objects in both the radio and UV bands.

Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 3.

Figure 3. The SDSS spectra of five of our Chandra Cycle 12 targets and four objects with sensitive archival X-ray coverage, ordered by log R which is shown at the top-left corner of each panel. Also labeled are the object names and redshifts. The y-coordinates are the flux density (Fλ) in linear units. The spectra have been smoothed using a 20-pixel sliding-box filter. The wavelengths corresponding to major emission lines (Lyα λ1216 and C iv λ1549) and the Lyman limit are labeled by the dotted vertical lines. The spectral resolution is R ≈ 2000. The apparent broad features of J1639+4340 and J1412+0624 at ∼1000 Å are caused by the stretched scaling due to their weak Lyα emission lines.

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The six RLQs at z > 4 targeted by Chandra in Cycle 12 were observed with the S3 CCD of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS; Garmire et al. 2003). The Chandra data were reduced using standard CIAO v4.3 routines. We generated X-ray images for the observed-frame soft (0.5–2.0 keV), hard (2.0–8.0 keV), and full (0.5–8.0 keV) bands using ASCA grade 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6 events. The source detection was performed using the wavdetect algorithm (Freeman et al. 2002) with a detection threshold of 10−6 and wavelet scales of 1, $\sqrt{2}$, 2, $2\sqrt{2}$, and 4 pixels. All targets were clearly detected by Chandra within 0farcs6 of the optical coordinates. To assess possible extended X-ray emission from a putative jet, we followed the method in Section 2.3 of Bassett et al. (2004) requiring a minimum of ≈3 nearby counts offset from the core by ≈2'' along roughly the same direction. None of our targets shows evidence for extended X-ray emission. The X-ray counts were measured with aperture photometry using the IDL aper procedure. The aperture radius was adopted as 1farcs5 for each source (≈95% enclosed energy for the soft band, ≈90% enclosed energy for the hard band; aperture corrections were applied). The background counts were retrieved from an annular region with inner and outer radii of twice and three times the aperture radius, and were scaled to the source-aperture area. All background regions are free of X-ray sources. Table 3 lists the X-ray counts in the three bands defined above, as well as the band ratio (defined as the ratio between hard-band and soft-band counts) and effective power-law photon index for each source. The effective photon index was derived from the band ratio with the Chandra PIMMS16 tool, under the assumption of a power-law model with only Galactic absorption.

Table 3. X-Ray Counts for Objects without Previously Published X-Ray Photometry

Object Name Full Band Soft Band Hard Band Band Γc
(0.5–8.0 keV)a (0.5–2.0 keV)a (2.0–8.0 keV)a Ratiob
Chandra Cycle 12 Objects          
SDSS J074154.71 + 252029.6 29.8+6.5−5.4 17.8+5.3−4.2 11.1+4.4−3.3 0.62+0.31−0.23 1.21+0.44−0.37
SDSS J102623.61 + 254259.5 59.3+8.7−7.7 42.6+7.6−6.5 14.3+4.9−3.7 0.34+0.13−0.10 1.73+0.32−0.31
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 29.9+6.5−5.4 18.9+5.4−4.3 9.9+4.3−3.1 0.52+0.27−0.20 1.33+0.43−0.38
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 48.9+8.0−7.0 33.9+6.9−5.8 13.1+4.7−3.6 0.39+0.16−0.12 1.61+0.35−0.32
SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 42.9+7.6−6.5 25.8+6.2−5.0 15.7+5.1−3.9 0.61+0.25−0.19 1.19+0.34−0.31
SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 43.6+7.7−6.6 30.8+6.6−5.5 11.1+4.4−3.3 0.36+0.16−0.12 1.75+0.40−0.36
Archival X-Ray Data Objects        
PMN J1155 − 3107 12.1+4.6−3.4 10.1+4.3−3.1 <8.3 <0.82 >1.33
SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 25.9+9.1−8.1 <18.3 <15.9 ... ...
GB 1713 + 2148 92.5+10.7−9.6 63.2+9.0−7.9 25.9+6.2−5.0 0.41+0.11−0.09 1.63+0.24−0.23
PMN J1951 + 0134 45.2+7.8−6.7 25.4+6.1−5.0 20.7+5.6−4.5 0.81+0.30−0.24 1.54+0.33−0.30

Notes. aErrors on the X-ray counts were calculated using Poisson statistics corresponding to the 1σ significance level according to Tables 1 and 2 of Gehrels (1986). bThe band ratio is defined here as the number of hard-band counts divided by the number of soft-band counts. The errors on the band ratio correspond to the 1σ significance level and were calculated using Equation (1.31) in Section 1.7.3 of Lyons (1991). The band ratios for all of the Chandra objects observed in the same cycle can be directly compared with one another. cThe effective power-law photon indices were calculated using the PIMMS tool (version 3.9k). The effects of the quantum-efficiency decay over time at low energies of the ACIS detector were corrected for Chandra observed objects. The Chandra ACIS Cycle 5 response was used for GB 1713+2148, while the Chandra Cycle 12 response was used for the other objects. For J1155−3107 and J1235−0003, which do not have photon index estimation, we adopt a typical RLQ photon index value Γ = 1.6 in the following analyses.

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The X-ray properties of the archival objects were obtained from the literature (see Table 1) except for those objects listed in Table 3 for which their archival Chandra, XMM–Newton, or Swift observations have not been previously published. For objects with multiple X-ray observations, we chose the Chandra/XMM–Newton observation with the longest exposure time.17 This approach should not introduce any biases in the following considerations regarding the X-ray emission strength. Vignali et al. (2003a) reported a tentative detection of GB 1713+2148 using a ROSAT HRI observation. This object was later observed with Chandra ACIS in Cycle 5 (PI: L. Gurvits). We processed the Chandra data for GB 1713+2148 using the same method as described in the previous paragraph. The X-ray flux of GB 1713+2148 in the Chandra epoch is consistent with that in the ROSAT epoch, showing that this object did not have any strong X-ray variability.

SDSS J1235−0003 was serendipitously covered by an XMM–Newton observation on 2010 July 1. We performed data reduction and processing with standard XMM–Newton Science Analysis System (SAS; v10.0.0) routines. X-ray images were generated for the observed-frame soft, hard, and full bands for the MOS1 and MOS2 detectors; this object is not covered by the pn detector. Source detection was carried out using the eboxdetect procedure. This object was detected only in the MOS1 full-band image at a ≈3σ level, and thus we only used the MOS1 image for its X-ray photometry (it was not detected in the MOS2 images because it is very close to the CCD edge). We filtered the events file by removing the periods of background flaring (49% of the total exposure time). The aperture radius for the photometry (53farcs0) was the 90% enclosed-energy radius at 1.5 keV based on the point-spread function (PSF) of the MOS1 detector at an off-axis angle of 12farcm8. The upper limits on X-ray counts in the soft and hard bands were calculated as $3\sqrt{N}$, where N is the total counts in the aperture. The vignetting was corrected by calculating the effective exposure time (4.2 ks) at the source location based on the exposure map.

Another two archival objects, PMN J1155−3107 and PMN J1951+0134, were targeted by the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT; Burrows et al. 2005) in two (ObsIDs: 00036263001/2, total exposure time 5.1 ks) and three (ObsIDs: 00036791001/2/3, total exposure time 10.4 ks) observations, respectively. For each object, we first generated the exposure maps for all XRT events files using the xrtexpomap routine. We then merged the event files and exposure maps for each object using the xselect and ximage packages, respectively. Similar to the approach for the Chandra and XMM–Newton data, XRT images were created for the observed-frame soft, hard, and full bands. Source detection was performed with the wavdetect algorithm with a detection threshold of 10−6. PMN J1155−3107 is detected in the full band and soft band, while PMN J1951+0134 is detected in all three bands. Aperture photometry was performed using aperture radii of 59farcs6 and 64farcs9, which are the 90% enclosed-energy radii in the full band based on the PSF of the XRT detector at off-axis angles of 1farcm0 and 2farcm6,18 respectively. The X-ray photometry of these two archival objects is also listed in Table 3.

Table 4 lists the key X-ray, optical, and radio properties of our sample:

Table 4. X-Ray, Optical/UV, and Radio Properties

Object Name       Count     log Lx     log Luv   log Lr        
mia Mib NH Ratec FXd f2 keVe (2–10 keV)f ΓXg f2500 Åh (2500 Å)i αrj (5 GHz)k log Rl αox Δαox, RQQ (σ)m Δαox, RLQn
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Chandra Cycle 12 Objects                                
SDSS J074154.71 + 252029.6 18.54 −29.04 4.26 4.44+1.33−1.04 1.89 6.80 45.20 1.21+0.44−0.37 1.95 31.97 ... 33.16 1.059 −1.71 0.07 (0.5) −0.02
SDSS J102623.61 + 254259.5 20.03 −27.50 1.80 8.55+1.52−1.30 3.51 24.03 45.76 1.73+0.32−0.31 0.62 31.49 −0.38 35.15 3.542 −1.31 0.39 (2.7) 0.07
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 19.44 −27.74 2.11 4.73+1.36−1.08 1.93 7.73 45.15 1.33+0.43−0.38 0.65 31.40 ... 34.36 2.698 −1.51 0.18 (1.2) −0.06
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 19.80 −27.18 1.72 8.47+1.72−1.45 3.45 17.84 45.44 1.61+0.35−0.32 0.56 31.26 −0.36 34.55 3.052 −1.34 0.33 (2.3) 0.06
SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 17.78 −29.13 1.36 6.45+1.54−1.26 2.57 8.67 45.13 1.19+0.34−0.31 4.29 32.14 −0.32 33.93 1.621 −1.80 −0.01 (0.1) −0.16
SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 20.26 −27.17 5.47 4.77+1.02−0.85 2.15 14.12 45.34 1.75+0.40−0.36 0.60 31.40 ... 34.25 2.557 −1.39 0.30 (2.1) 0.07
Archival X-ray Data Objects                                
PSS 0121 + 0347 18.57 −28.44 3.19 10.30+1.60−1.30 3.19 26.78 45.64 2.10+0.40−0.30 1.77 31.78 −0.33 34.47 2.573 −1.47 0.28 (1.9) 0.04
PMN J0324 − 2918 18.65 −28.61 1.19 13.70+2.20−1.90 5.83 39.70 45.89 1.80+0.40−0.40 1.73 31.84 +0.30 34.92 2.953 −1.40 0.35 (2.4) 0.08
PMN J0525 − 3343 18.63 −28.52 2.19 ... 27.70 159.40 46.46 1.67+0.02−0.02 1.73 31.81 +0.06 34.84 2.903 −1.17 0.58 (4.0) 0.31
Q0906 + 6930 19.85 −27.76 3.64 10.72+0.63−0.60 4.16 24.78 45.80 1.6+0.1−0.1 0.61 31.51 +0.17 34.64 3.008 −1.31 0.40 (2.7) 0.13
SDSS J091316.55 + 591921.6 20.39 −27.03 3.85 0.51+0.34−0.29 0.16 0.95 44.34 >0.71 0.36 31.23 −0.67 34.07 2.717 −1.76 −0.09 (0.6) −0.32
RX J1028.6 − 0844 19.14 −27.95 4.60 ... 38.14 179.40 46.49 1.40+0.03−0.03 1.26 31.65 −0.30 35.03 3.329 −1.09 0.63 (4.3) 0.34
PMN J1155 − 3107 19.28 −27.90 6.04 ... 5.63 29.79 45.34 >1.33 1.01 31.56 +0.53 34.37 2.727 −1.36 0.36 (2.4) 0.12
SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 20.10 −27.20 1.90 ... 2.15 10.57 44.96 ... 0.16 30.81 ... 33.87 3.051 −1.22 0.39 (1.9) 0.16
CLASS J1325 + 1123 19.18 −28.01 1.93 5.04+1.26−1.05 1.62 10.71 45.29 1.80+0.50−0.40 1.03 31.59 −0.09 34.43 2.722 −1.53 0.19 (1.3) −0.05
GB 1428 + 4217 19.10 −28.18 1.39 ... 70.07 447.30 46.95 1.73+0.03−0.03 1.15 31.68 +0.37 34.87 3.065 −0.93 0.80 (5.5) 0.52
GB 1508 + 5714 19.92 −27.16 1.46 42.06+0.70−0.69 15.08 76.68 46.13 1.55+0.05−0.05 0.24 30.94 +0.13 34.93 3.871 −0.96 0.67 (3.4) 0.34
GB 1713 + 2148 21.42 −25.53 5.05 6.63+0.94−0.83 2.36 12.40 45.29 1.63+0.24−0.23 0.13 30.61 −0.30 35.11 4.501 −1.16 0.42 (2.1) 0.05
PMN J1951 + 0134 19.69 −27.40 16.42 ... 8.78 42.79 45.51 1.54+0.33−0.30 0.69 31.36 +0.24 34.48 3.036 −1.23 0.45 (3.1) 0.20

Notes. aThe apparent i-band magnitude. bThe absolute i-band magnitude, corrected for Galactic extinction. cThe count rate of the Chandra-observed sources in the observed-frame soft X-ray band (0.5–2.0 keV), in units of 10−3 s−1. dThe Galactic absorption-corrected observed-frame flux between 0.5–2.0 keV in units of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. eThe flux density at rest-frame 2 keV, in units of 10−32 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. fThe logarithm of the X-ray luminosity in the rest-frame 2–10 keV band, corrected for Galactic absorption. gThe X-ray power-law photon index (also see Table 3). hThe flux density at rest-frame 2500 Å in units of 10−27 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. iThe logarithm of the monochromatic UV luminosity at rest-frame 2500 Å. jThe radio spectral index α between observed-frame 1.4–5 GHz, defined as fν∝να. kThe logarithm of monochromatic radio luminosity at rest-frame 5 GHz. lThe logarithm of radio loudness; see Section 3 for definition. mΔαox, RQQ: the difference between the measured αox and the expected αox for RQQs with similar UV luminosity, defined by the αoxL2500 Å relation in Equation (3) of Just et al. (2007). The statistical significance of this difference, σ, is measured in units of the RMS αox defined in Table 5 of Steffen et al. (2006). The error range of Δαox is ∼0.003–0.07. nΔαox, RLQ: the difference between the measured αox and the expected αox for RLQs with similar UV and radio luminosities, defined by the L2 keVL2500 ÅL5 GHz relation in Table 7 of Miller et al. (2011) for their full sample.

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Column 1: the name of the quasar.

Column 2: the apparent SDSS i-band magnitude of the quasar. For objects covered by the SDSS footprint, the values are obtained either from the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog (BEST photometry; Schneider et al. 2010) or from the SDSS database. For other objects, the i-band magnitude was converted from AB1450(1 + z) under the assumption of a power-law spectral index of αν = − 0.5 ($f_\nu \propto \nu ^{\alpha _\nu }$; e.g., Vanden Berk et al. 2001). The values of AB1450(1 + z) were calculated from R-band magnitudes (from the NED) using the empirical relation of AB1450(1 + z) = R − 0.684z + 3.10 (Kaspi et al. 2000; Vignali et al. 2003a).

Column 3: the absolute SDSS i-band magnitude for the quasar, Mi, from the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog, which was calculated from the apparent SDSS i-band magnitude in Column 2 by correcting for Galactic extinction and assuming a power-law spectral index of αν = −0.5.

Column 4: the Galactic neutral hydrogen column density calculated with the Chandra COLDEN19 tool (Dickey & Lockman 1990; Stark et al. 1992), in units of 1020 cm−2.

Column 5: the count rate in the observed-frame soft X-ray band (0.5–2.0 keV) for the Chandra observed objects, in units of 10−3 s−1.

Column 6: the X-ray flux in the observed-frame soft band (0.5–2.0 keV) corrected for Galactic absorption. This measurement was obtained with the Chandra PIMMS tool and is in units of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. An absorbed power-law model was used with the photon index (ΓX) listed in Column 9 and the Galactic neutral hydrogen column density (NH) listed in Column 4. For objects without ΓX information or only with lower limits on ΓX, we adopt ΓX = 1.6 which is typical for RLQs (e.g., Page et al. 2005).

Column 7: the X-ray flux density at rest-frame 2 keV generally obtained from the count rate in the observed-frame 0.5–2.0 keV band with PIMMS, in units of 10−32 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1 and corrected for Galactic absorption. Although for our objects rest-frame 2 keV corresponds to observed-frame 0.3–0.4 keV, we chose the standard approach to using the observed-frame 0.5–2.0 keV band because we are able to minimize effects from potential intrinsic X-ray absorption and X-ray instrumental contamination below observed-frame 0.5 keV, and we can also obtain better photon statistics with the larger numbers of X-ray counts in this band.

Column 8: the logarithm of the quasar luminosity (erg s−1) in the rest-frame 2–10 keV band corrected for Galactic absorption.

Column 9: the power-law photon index (ΓX) of the X-ray spectrum. For the objects listed in Table 3, the values were obtained from band-ratio analysis (see the last column of Table 3). For the other objects, the values were retrieved from the literature. Some objects have shown X-ray spectral variability (e.g., GB 1428+4217; see Figure 4 of Worsley et al. 2006). The choice of ΓX values do not significantly affect the X-ray flux calculation. We have chosen the Chandra/XMM–Newton observations with the longest exposure time which should best constrain the power-law photon index.

Column 10: the continuum flux density at rest-frame 2500 Å in units of 10−27 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. For objects appearing in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog, the values were obtained from the catalog of Shen et al. (2011). For other SDSS covered objects, the flux density was calculated using the SDSS photometry with the composite spectrum for SDSS quasars in Vanden Berk et al. (2001). For objects not covered by the SDSS, the flux density was calculated using the optical photometry from the literature under the assumption of a power-law spectral index of αν = − 0.5.

Column 11: the logarithm of the monochromatic luminosity (erg s−1 Hz−1) at rest-frame 2500 Å, which was calculated from the flux density at rest-frame 2500 Å given in Column 9. A standard cosmological bandpass correction was applied when converting flux into monochromatic luminosity.

Column 12: the radio power-law slope αr ($f_\nu \propto \nu ^{\alpha _{\rm r}}$) between observed-frame 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The 1.4 GHz flux density was obtained from the FIRST or NVSS surveys, while the 5 GHz flux density was obtained from the GB6 survey, the PMN survey, or from the literature for individual objects (J1639+4340, Holt et al. 2004; Q0906+6930, Romani 2006; J0913+5919, Momjian et al. 2004). The observations at 1.4 GHz and at 5 GHz are not simultaneous. All objects with αr measurements are flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs; αr > −0.5) except for J0913+5919. For the five objects without 5 GHz flux measurements, we assume αr = 0 to keep consistency with other objects in our sample.

Column 13: the logarithm of the monochromatic luminosity (erg s−1 Hz−1) at rest-frame 5 GHz, obtained from the flux density at rest-frame 5 GHz, f5GHz. This quantity was calculated using a radio power-law slope given in Column 12 and the flux density at observed-frame 1.4 GHz, f1.4GHz, which were obtained from the FIRST or the NVSS surveys. A standard cosmological bandpass correction was also applied.

Column 14: the logarithm of the radio-loudness parameter, given by

Equation (1)

The denominator, f4400 Å, was calculated from f2500 Å using an optical power-law slope of αν = −0.5. The numerator, f5 GHz, was calculated using the same method as in Column 13. All measures of flux density are per unit frequency. The definition of radio loudness in M11 used f2500 Å as the denominator. We converted their values to our definition for the scientific analyses described in the following section.

Column 15: the αox parameter, defined by

Equation (2)

which represents the slope of an assumed power-law connecting rest-frame 2500 Å and 2 keV. Our UV and X-ray measurements were not simultaneous, and thus the αox parameter could be affected by variability.

Column 16: Δαox, RQQ, defined as

Equation (3)

The expected αox, RQQ value for a typical RQQ is calculated from the αoxL2500 Å correlation given as Equation (3) of Just et al. (2007). The statistical significance of this difference compared to RQQs (given in parentheses) is in units of σ, which is given in Table 5 of Steffen et al. (2006) as the RMS of αox for several ranges of luminosity. The Δαox, RQQ parameter quantifies the excess of X-ray emission from the relativistic jet of the RLQs compared to that of RQQs for which the X-ray emission is mainly from the accretion disk and its corona. In Section 4.2, we will validate the use of Δαox, RQQ as a useful diagnostic quantity for HRLQs.

Column 17: Δαox, RLQ, defined as

Equation (4)

The expected αox, RLQ value for a typical RLQ is obtained from the L2keVL2500 ÅL5GHz correlation based on the full sample in M11 given in their Table 7, which is equivalent to

Equation (5)

The Δαox, RLQ parameter assesses the relative X-ray brightness of a RLQ compared to typical RLQs (mostly at z = 0.3–2.5 and with a median redshift of z = 1.4) with similar optical/UV and radio luminosities that have both disk/corona-linked and jet-linked X-ray emission.


4.1. Enhanced X-Ray Emission at High Redshift

4.1.1. The Relative X-Ray Brightness of z > 4 HRLQs

To assess the enhancement of the X-ray emission of our objects at z > 4 compared to similar objects at lower redshift, we compare their distributions of αox, Δαox, RQQ, and Δαox, RLQ to those of RLQs at z < 4. Figure 4 shows the positions of our objects and the typical RLQs in M11 in the log R–(αox, Δαox, RQQ, Δαox, RLQ) planes. Our objects generally occupy the same region as the typical RLQs in the log R–αox plane (see the top panel of Figure 4). However, our sample appears to have an excess of objects with stronger X-ray emission in the log R–(Δαox, RQQ, Δαox, RLQ) planes. The thick black lines in the middle panel of Figure 4 show the mean Δαox, RQQ values of M11 objects binned by radio loudness (Δlog R = 0.2 per bin). Out of our 17 HRLQs at z > 4, 15 have Δαox, RQQ values greater than the mean value of the corresponding log R bin. Similarly, 14 of our 17 HRLQs at z > 4 have Δαox, RLQ values greater than zero, which generally represents the mean Δαox, RLQ value of M11 objects (see the bottom panel of Figure 4). We will show later that the generally higher Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ values of our objects are caused by stronger X-ray emission rather than weaker optical/UV emission (see the broadband SED studies on our objects in Section 4.4). It is worth noting that the X-ray weakest object in our z > 4 HRLQ sample (J0913+5919; see the red square with the smallest Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ values in Figure 4) has a steep radio spectral slope (αr = −0.67), while the others with available αr values are all FSRQs.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. The relation between radio loudness and αox (top panel), Δαox, RQQ (middle panel), and Δαox, RLQ (bottom panel) for RLQs at all redshifts. The filled stars show our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, while the filled squares are our HRLQs with sensitive archival X-ray coverage. The open circles (downward arrows) represent the radio-loud and radio-intermediate objects in the full sample of M11 that have X-ray detections (upper limits). The typical error bars for αox, Δαox, RQQ, and Δαox, RLQ for our objects are shown at the bottom-right corner of each panel. The dashed lines represent the positions of Δαox = 0. The thick black lines show the mean Δαox, RQQ values for the M11 objects binned in log R (Δlog R = 0.2 per bin). All symbols are color-coded based on their redshifts using the color bar at the top of the figure.

Standard image High-resolution image

To verify this excess quantitatively, we obtained the mean values and statistical distributions of Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ for our HRLQs and a comparison sample consisting of objects in the full sample20 of M11 with log R > 2.5 and z < 4. Our sample, which includes objects originally selected in the optical (7 objects; e.g., SDSS), radio (9 objects; e.g., GB6 and PMN), or X-ray (1 object; from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey) bands, is somewhat heterogeneous. To minimize potential selection biases (e.g., the most exceptional objects being preferentially targeted in X-ray observations), we need a sample containing most of the known z > 4 HRLQs regardless of their selection methods and having nearly complete X-ray coverage. To achieve this goal, we chose an optical-magnitude cut of mi < 20 on all known z > 4 HRLQs north of δ = −40° (see Tables 1 and 2). There are 15 HRLQs at z > 4 satisfying this mi cut, and 12 of them have sensitive X-ray coverage (and thus are included in our sample). For the three HRLQs without sensitive X-ray coverage, two of them (J0813+3508 and J1242+5422, both optically selected) were in our original Chandra Cycle 12 proposal, but were not awarded Chandra time (see Section 2). These two objects have the highest redshifts, optical brightnesses, and optical luminosities among those z > 4 HRLQs without sensitive X-ray coverage (see Table 2). The i-band magnitude of the other HRLQ (J2220+0025, optically selected) is close to our mi cut. To maintain consistency, we also applied the mi < 20 criterion to our comparison sample from M11. There are 283 objects in total in our comparison sample, including 269 X-ray detected objects and 14 objects with X-ray upper limits.

The mean values of Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ shown in Table 5 were calculated using the Kaplan–Meier estimator21 implemented in the Astronomy Survival Analysis (ASURV) package (e.g., Lavalley et al. 1992). These mean values indicate that HRLQs at z > 4 have stronger X-ray emission (by a factor of ≈3 on average) than those at z < 4 with similar UV and/or radio luminosity. The distributions of Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ are shown in Figure 5. The Peto–Prentice test (e.g., Latta 1981), also implemented in the ASURV package, was employed to determine whether the z > 4 and z < 4 HRLQs follow the same Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ distributions. The Peto–Prentice test is preferred over other two-sample tests because it is the least affected by factors such as unequal sample sizes (e.g., Latta 1981) which do exist in our study. The distribution of Δαox, RQQ for our objects is significantly different from that of the HRLQs at z < 4. The null-hypothesis (i.e., the two samples following the same distribution) probability is only 1.21 × 10−4. The two-sample test for the Δαox, RLQ distribution reaches a similar conclusion; the null-hypothesis probability is slightly higher (1.37 × 10−4), but it still shows that the two samples follow different distributions at a >3σ level. One might speculate that the significant differences of the Δαox distributions are caused by a "tail" of z > 4 objects with extraordinary X-ray brightness. However, Figure 5 suggests that the entire Δαox histograms of our z > 4 HRLQs are shifted toward high Δαox values relative to those of z < 4 HRLQs (also see Figure 4). Therefore, our sample of HRLQs shows a significant X-ray emission enhancement at z > 4 over those HRLQs at lower redshift. However, one should keep in mind that although we have compiled a sample of z > 4 HRLQs with nearly complete X-ray coverage using all available databases, potential selection biases could still exist. For example, although we have assembled all known z > 4 HRLQs north of δ = −40°, this is still not a fully complete sample (see footnote 11). Therefore, in the next subsection we describe a variety of tests of the robustness of our results.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. The histograms of Δαox, RQQ (top panel) and Δαox, RLQ (bottom panel) for the full-sample objects in M11 with log R > 2.5, z < 4, and mi < 20 (gray and open histograms for X-ray detected and undetected objects, respectively) and our HRLQs at z > 4 with mi < 20 (black histogram).

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 5. Results of Peto–Prentice Tests

Parameter No. of No. of Comparison Objects Mean Mean Statistic Null-hypothesis
Our HRLQs (No. of X-Ray Limits) (Our HRLQs) (Comparison Objects) Probability
Δαox, RQQ 12 283(14) 0.435 ± 0.054 0.251 ± 0.008 3.844 1.21 × 10−4
Δαox, RLQ 12 283(14) 0.167 ± 0.049 0.005 ± 0.007 3.814 1.37 × 10−4
Δαox, RQQ (Worrall et al.'s Objects) 8a 81(7) 0.475 ± 0.065 0.302 ± 0.018 2.682 7.32 × 10−3
Δαox, RLQ (Worrall et al.'s Objects) 8 81(7) 0.204 ± 0.059 0.014 ± 0.016 3.181 1.47 × 10−3
Δαox, RQQ (FIRST-selected) 8 70(0) 0.475 ± 0.065 0.241 ± 0.011 3.892 9.94 × 10−5
Δαox, RLQ (FIRST-selected) 8 70(0) 0.205 ± 0.059 0.002 ± 0.011 3.814 1.37 × 10−4
Δαox, RQQ (log L5GHz > 34)b 12 133(7) 0.435 ± 0.054 0.294 ± 0.012 2.668 7.63 × 10−3
Δαox, RLQ (log L5GHz > 34) 12 133(7) 0.167 ± 0.049 −0.001 ± 0.011   3.628 2.86 × 10−4
Δαox, RQQ (log L2500 Å > 30.9)b 12 90(6) 0.435 ± 0.054 0.305 ± 0.016 2.363 1.81 × 10−2
Δαox, RLQ (log L2500 Å > 30.9) 12 90(6) 0.167 ± 0.049 0.018 ± 0.013 3.126 1.77 × 10−3
Δαox, RQQr > −0.5) 11c 90(2) 0.458 ± 0.054 0.261 ± 0.014 3.782 1.56 × 10−4
Δαox, RLQr > −0.5) 11 90(2) 0.188 ± 0.049 0.029 ± 0.013 3.587 3.35 × 10−4

Notes. For the detailed definition of the Peto–Prentice test statistic, see Feigelson & Nelson (1985). The null-hypothesis probability was calculated from the test statistic based on a Gaussian distribution, e.g., 1 − PG = 1.21 × 10−4, where PG is the cumulative Gaussian probability at 3.844σ. aThe number of radio-selected objects in our z > 4 HRLQ sample that satisfy mi < 20. One object, GB 1713+2148, has mi > 20, and thus is excluded from the two-sample tests. bThe range of radio luminosity L5GHz > 34 and optical/UV luminosity L2500 Å > 30.9 were determined based on our z > 4 HRLQs with mi < 20. Thus all 12 of our HRLQs surviving this mi cut are included in these tests. cAll of our 12 z > 4 HRLQs with mi < 20 are FSRQs except for J1412+0624 which does not have available αr measurement.

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4.1.2. Robustness Tests

In order to test the robustness of our results against selection issues, we carried out further two-sample analyses by constructing other comparison samples or controlling for a variety of relevant parameters (see results in Table 5):

  • 1.  
    Many of our z > 4 HRLQs are radio selected, while the majority of our comparison sample from M11 is optically selected. To minimize the effects of different selection methods, we first compare our radio-selected z > 4 HRLQs with a radio-selected subsample in M11. We chose their "Einstein" supplemental sample (see Section 2.2.1 of M11) which was primarily radio selected. The X-ray observations of these objects were first presented in Worrall et al. (1987), and we transform their luminosities to our adopted cosmology. We also incorporate improved X-ray coverage for a handful of objects, as in M11. All of these objects have z < 4 and mi < 20;22 we further require them to be HRLQs (i.e., log R > 2.5). Our z > 4 HRLQs have significantly different Δαox distributions (both Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ) from those of this radio-selected comparison sample at a ≈3σ level.
  • 2.  
    We generate a quasi-radio-selected comparison sample following Section 2.1.1 of M11 by only selecting those objects that were targeted by SDSS spectroscopy owing to being FIRST radio sources (i.e., with the "FIRST" flag set in the SDSS quasar catalog).23 Our z > 4 HRLQs have significantly different Δαox distributions from those of this "radio-selected" comparison sample at a ≈4σ level.
  • 3.  
    As discussed in Section 2, our z > 4 HRLQs are among the RLQs with the highest radio luminosities; this may introduce a luminosity bias into our sample. As discussed in Ghisellini et al. (2011), for example, more luminous blazars have relatively more hard X-ray emission (because the peak photon energy shifts to lower frequencies), and this could make the observed X-ray flux greater for high-redshift blazars. Therefore, we construct another comparison sample from M11 to have comparable radio luminosity (log L5GHz > 34; compare with Figure 2). After controlling for radio luminosity, the significance of the difference in the Δαox distributions becomes slightly lower, but still remains at a ≈3σ level.
  • 4.  
    Similarly, we construct another comparison sample to have comparable optical/UV luminosity (log L2500 Å > 30.9; compare with Figure 2) to our z > 4 HRLQs to avoid optical/UV luminosity bias. The significance of the Δαox distribution difference is at a ≳ 2.5σ level after controlling for optical/UV luminosity.
  • 5.  
    All of our z > 4 HRLQs with available αr are FSRQs (αr > −0.5; see Section 3) except for J0913+5919,24 which may suggest that low-inclination RLQs are overrepresented in our sample. Therefore, for another comparison sample, we selected the M11 full-sample objects with available αr measurements that satisfy the FSRQ criterion. After controlling for this effect, our results still have >3.5σ significance.

In summary, our finding that z > 4 HRLQs have a substantial X-ray emission enhancement over HRLQs at lower redshifts remains significant after controlling for those factors which may introduce biases. We also note that, owing to the respectable sizes of the samples being compared, variability effects upon Δαox distributions should tend to average out (also see Section 3 for explanation of how our selection of the X-ray observations utilized was designed to avoid biases due to variability).

It is possible that this X-ray enhancement of HRLQs is not solely confined to z > 4 but arises at lower redshift. To investigate this briefly, we compared the Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ distributions of z = 3–4 HRLQs (9 objects) in the full sample of M11 with those of z < 3 HRLQs (274 objects), and found they are different at a ≳ 5σ level (see Table 6; z = 3–4 HRLQs have both larger Δαox, RQQ and Δαox, RLQ values which indicate an X-ray emission enhancement by a factor of ≈3). However, the Δαox, RQQ values of z = 2–3 HRLQs (39 objects) follow a similar distribution to that of z < 2 HRLQs (235 objects; 0.18σ level difference). For the Δαox, RLQ parameter, although its distribution for z = 2–3 HRLQs is different from that of z < 2 HRLQs at a ≈2σ level, the mean Δαox, RLQ value of z = 2–3 HRLQs is slightly lower than that of z < 2 HRLQs (−0.030 ± 0.019 versus 0.005 ± 0.008). Therefore, the above tests suggest that the X-ray emission enhancement of HRLQs begins to arise at z ≈ 3. This statistically independent result from z = 3 to 4 also supports the robustness of our findings of an HRLQ X-ray emission enhancement at z > 4. Furthermore, after combining the samples of z > 4 HRLQs and z = 3–4 HRLQs, we find that z > 3 HRLQs have an X-ray emission enhancement over z < 3 HRLQs at a >5.7σ significance level corresponding to a null-hypothesis probability of ≈10−8 (also see Table 6).

Table 6. Results of Peto–Prentice Tests for Additional Redshift Ranges

Sample No. of HRLQs Mean(Δαox, RQQ) Mean(Δαox, RLQ)
(No. of X-Ray Limits)
3 ⩽ z < 4 9(1) 0.468 ± 0.056 0.167 ± 0.046
z < 3 274(13) 0.244 ± 0.008 0.000 ± 0.007
Test statistic   4.954 5.428
Null-hypothesis probability   7.27 × 10−7 5.70 × 10−8
2 ⩽ z < 3 39(4) 0.249 ± 0.023 −0.030 ± 0.019  
z < 2 235(9) 0.243 ± 0.009 0.005 ± 0.008
Test statistic   0.176 1.981
Null-hypothesis probability   0.861 0.048
z ⩾ 3 21(1) 0.450 ± 0.039 0.167 ± 0.034
z < 3 274(13) 0.244 ± 0.008 0.000 ± 0.007
Test statistic   5.905 5.726
Null-hypothesis probability   3.53 × 10−9 1.03 × 10−8

Notes. For the detailed definition of the Peto–Prentice test statistic see Feigelson & Nelson (1985). The null-hypothesis probability was calculated from the test statistic based on a Gaussian distribution, e.g., 1 − PG = 7.27 × 10−7, where PG is the cumulative Gaussian probability at 4.954σ.

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4.1.3. Relevant Physical Considerations Regarding the X-Ray Emission Enhancement

Our results suggest that the most luminous relativistic jets generate stronger X-ray emission in the early universe. Previous studies by Bassett et al. (2004) and Lopez et al. (2006) that included a mix of HRLQs (including a subset of those in our sample) and moderately radio-loud quasars found that high-redshift objects did not show substantially stronger X-ray emission compared to a lower-redshift sample of RLQs detected by ROSAT (from Brinkmann et al. 1997). We further assess these previous results by performing a similar two-sample analysis on the moderately radio-loud quasars (1 < log R < 2.5) in the full sample of M11 (which includes the moderately radio-loud objects from Bassett et al. 2004 and Lopez et al. 2006). The Δαox, RQQ distribution of z > 4 moderately radio-loud quasars (10 objects; all X-ray detected) is different from that of z < 4 moderately radio-loud quasars (280 objects with 48 X-ray upper limits) at a ≈2σ level, while the Δαox, RLQ values of z > 4 moderately radio-loud quasars follow a similar distribution to that of z < 4 moderately radio-loud quasars (0.57σ level difference). Therefore, there is no firm evidence that moderately radio-loud quasars have a significant X-ray emission enhancement compared to those at lower redshift (recall also from Section 1 that RQQs show no evolution in X-ray properties with redshift). This suggests that the X-ray enhancement in high-redshift HRLQs occurs within the jet-linked component, which likely (e.g., M11) contributes an increasing fraction of the X-ray continuum with increasing radio-loudness values.25

The enhancements in relative nuclear X-ray emission we find for z > 4 HRLQs are less than would be predicted for an X-ray jet-linked component dominated by IC/CMB emission, which possesses a strong (1  +  z)4 dependence on redshift (e.g., Schwartz 2002; see Section 1). For example, the median redshift for the RLQs from Miller et al. (2011) with z < 4, log R > 2.5, and mi < 20 is z = 1.3. If the jet-linked contribution to the nuclear X-ray emission is at least ≈50% at z = 1.3, as is a conservative estimate for RLQs with log R > 2.5 (e.g., Zamorani et al. 1981; Figure 7 of M11), then for a pure IC/CMB X-ray jet the overall enhancement in the nuclear X-ray emission at z = 4.4 would be ≳16, corresponding to an increase in Δαox, RLQ of 0.46. However, our z > 4 HRLQs only show an increase in Δαox, RLQ of 0.15–0.20 (see Table 5). Instead, our results are consistent with an X-ray jet-linked component in which the fractional contribution from the IC/CMB process at z = 1.3 is ≲6% of the nuclear X-ray emission, with the balance of the jet-linked X-ray emission arising from inverse Compton scattering of other seed photon fields such as radiation from the broad-line region or dust (e.g., Sikora et al. 2009), from the jet synchrotron emission itself (e.g., Sokolov et al. 2004; Meyer et al. 2012 find that synchrotron self-Compton emission is relatively less important in high-powered jets), or from non-cospatial synchrotron radiation in a structured jet (e.g., Migliori et al. 2012). The overall enhancement to the nuclear X-ray continuum then rises more gradually with redshift; at z = 4.4/3.0/2.0 RLQs would be X-ray brighter by factors of ≲2.8/1.5/1.1 (relative to a z = 1.3 template), corresponding to Δαox, RLQ increases of 0.17/0.07/0.02.

Another possible explanation for the X-ray enhancement is that an increasing contribution of the X-ray emission from the jets is due to the inverse-Compton scattering of the photon field of the host galaxy; e.g., Hardcastle & Croston (2011) provided a detailed modeling of upscattering of host-galaxy photon fields into high-energy emission. The X-ray enhancement of our sample can be explained if the host galaxies of high-redshift HRLQs are more luminous in the infrared/optical band than those at lower redshift. This higher infrared/optical luminosity could be generated by the enhanced star formation activity of high-redshift host galaxies (e.g., Wang et al. 2008, 2011a; Mor et al. 2012). Smail et al. (2012) found that for the high-redshift (z = 3.6–3.8) radio galaxies in their study, the luminosity of the extended X-ray halo is correlated with the far-infrared luminosity of the galaxy, which supports the X-ray generation mechanism of inverse Compton scattering of the far-infrared photons produced by star-formation activity. Since the cosmic star formation rate density has a broad plateau starting at z ∼ 1 and running to z ∼ 4 (e.g., Hopkins & Beacom 2006), one might expect in this model the enhancement to emerge at z ∼ 1 rather than at z ∼ 3–4. However, the generally massive host galaxies of quasars may show stronger evolution effects at earlier cosmic times owing to cosmic downsizing (e.g., Cowie et al. 1996; Panter et al. 2007). For example, Archibald et al. (2001) found a (1 + z)3 evolution of the total infrared luminosity of radio galaxies at high redshifts.

The αox and Δαox parameters are defined based on the X-ray flux density at rest-frame 2 keV, which corresponds to observed-frame ∼0.3–0.4 keV for our z > 4 HRLQs. However, the rest-frame 2 keV flux density was derived from the observed-frame 0.5–2.0 keV count rate (see Section 3), which means that we have extrapolated the X-ray spectrum to rest-frame 2 keV, assuming a single power-law model. It is known that some z > 4 HRLQs show X-ray spectral flattening below observed-frame 0.5 keV, i.e., an X-ray flux deficit compared to a single power-law model (e.g., Yuan et al. 2006). Therefore, the extrapolation process may have overestimated the X-ray flux density at rest-frame 2 keV. Although X-ray spectral flattening has also been found in a few z < 3 objects (e.g., Page et al. 2005), it would not affect the X-ray flux calculation because the rest-frame 2 keV is covered by the observed-frame 0.5–2.0 keV band for these objects. To test whether the X-ray emission enhancement we found for z > 4 HRLQs is caused by this kind of X-ray spectral curvature, we recalculated the αox and Δαox values for our z > 4 HRLQs utilized in the two-sample analyses above (i.e., those with mi < 20) from the count rates in the observed-frame ultrasoft band (0.3–1.0 keV; see results in Table 7) except for the two Swift sources (PMN J1155−3107 and PMN J1951+0134) which do not have adequate counts in the ultrasoft band due to the limited sensitivity of the Swift XRT. These αox, US values obtained from the ultrasoft band are similar to those we have obtained in Section 3; the mean difference between them is 〈αox, US − αox〉 = −0.03 ± 0.01. If we use the Δαox values calculated from the ultrasoft band (Δαox, RQQ, US and Δαox, RLQ, US) in the two-sample tests above, the Δαox distributions of z > 4 HRLQs and z < 4 HRLQs are still different at a ≳ 3σ level. Therefore, X-ray spectral curvature only contributes to a small fraction, if any, of the X-ray emission enhancement of z > 4 HRLQs over those at lower redshift. In fact, some of the z > 4 HRLQs without the apparent X-ray spectral curvature (e.g., GB 1508+5714; Yuan et al. 2006) are among the objects we find to have the strongest X-ray enhancements.

Table 7. X-Ray Properties of z > 4 HRLQs Derived from the Observed-frame Ultrasoft Band (0.3–1.0 keV)

Object Name Count Ratea FX, USb f2keV, USc αox, USd Δαox, RQQ, USe Δαox, RLQ, USf αox, US − αoxg
Chandra Cycle 12 objects            
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 1.32+0.86−0.55 0.81 5.66 −1.56 0.13 −0.11 −0.05
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 3.89+1.26−0.97 2.48 18.75 −1.33 0.34 0.07 0.01
Archival X-ray data objects            
PSS 0121 + 0347 5.93+1.21−1.02 2.02 18.41 −1.53 0.22 −0.02 −0.06
PMN J0324 − 2918 6.62+1.66−1.35 4.37 38.69 −1.40 0.35 0.08 0.00
PMN J0525 − 3343 34.33+0.87−0.85 22.07 178.82 −1.15 0.60 0.33 0.02
Q0906 + 6930 5.32+0.47−0.43 3.55 31.09 −1.26 0.45 0.18 0.05
RX J1028.6 − 0844 21.80+0.73−0.70 16.25 118.41 −1.16 0.56 0.27 −0.07
CLASS J1325 + 1123 2.01+0.89−0.64 0.75 6.43 −1.61 0.11 −0.13 −0.08
GB 1428 + 4217 53.55+1.41−1.37 32.45 281.56 −1.00 0.73 0.45 −0.07
GB 1508 + 5714 22.33+0.51−0.50 6.37 48.61 −1.03 0.60 0.27 −0.07

Notes. The objects included in this table are our z > 4 HRLQs with mi < 20, i.e., those z > 4 HRLQs used in the two-sample analyses in Section 4.1, except for the two Swift sources (PMN J1155−3107 and PMN J1951+0134). aThe Chandra or XMM–Newton count rate in the observed-frame ultrasoft X-ray band (0.3–1.0 keV), in units of 10−3 s−1. bThe Galactic-absorption corrected flux in the observed-frame ultrasoft X-ray band, in units of 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. cThe X-ray flux density at rest-frame 2 keV derived from the ultrasoft band count rate, in units of 10−32 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. dThe αox values obtained from the ultrasoft X-ray band data. eThe Δαox, RQQ values obtained from the ultrasoft X-ray band data. fThe Δαox, RLQ values obtained from the ultrasoft X-ray band data. gThe difference between the αox, US values in this table and the αox values in Column 15 of Table 4 which are obtained from the observed-frame soft band (0.5–2.0 keV) data. The X-ray spectral curvature discussed in Section 4.1.3 is expected to result in negative values for this difference.

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Considering the seven z > 4 HRLQs with high-resolution radio images (see Section 2), the five with extended radio emission on mas scales have higher Δαox, RQQ values (〈Δαox, RQQ〉 = 0.51 ± 0.09) on average than those of the two without extended radio emission (〈Δαox, RQQ〉 = 0.15 ± 0.24). This might be because the objects with extended radio emission have higher average radio loudness (see Section 2). However, after considering the strength of their radio emission, the objects with extended radio emission still have a higher average Δαox, RLQ value (〈Δαox, RLQ〉 = 0.23 ± 0.09) than that of the objects without extended radio emission (〈Δαox, RLQ〉 = −0.07 ± 0.23) although with substantial uncertainty due to the limited number of objects.

4.2. Optical/UV Broad Emission Lines

The optical/UV spectra of quasars at z > 4 usually show prominent broad emission lines such as Lyα + N v and C iv (see Figure 3). For RLQs, if the optical/UV continuum emission is also beamed following the radio emission, one might expect that the emission-line rest-frame equivalent widths (REWs) would be correlated with the beaming of the radio emission. Therefore, we investigate the relation between emission-line REWs and radio loudness for our sample of HRLQs, and compare this relation to that for the majority of RLQs over a wide range of redshift.

For our z > 4 HRLQs with SDSS spectroscopy, we obtained measurements of REWs from Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) and Shen et al. (2011) for Lyα + N v and C iv, respectively (see Table 8).26 Two objects (J1026+2542 and J1420+1205) with SDSS spectroscopy do not have REW(Lyα + N v) measurements in Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009).27 We measured REW(Lyα + N v) for these two sources following the method in Section 2 of Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009). Available REW measurements for other objects without SDSS spectroscopy were also obtained from the literature (see Table 8). Measurements of REW(Lyα + N v) are usually affected by the presence of the Lyα forest, so our values likely underestimate the intrinsic strength of Lyα. Although the number density of Lyα absorbers is known to evolve with redshift (e.g., Weymann et al. 1998; Songaila & Cowie 2002; Janknecht et al. 2006), this effect will not introduce biases to our correlation analyses of emission-line REWs with radio loudness assuming the RLQ radio-loudness distribution does not evolve with redshift. The number of objects in our sample that have emission-line REW measurements is not adequate for reliable correlation analysis. Therefore, we first investigate these correlations for a sample of RLQs across a wide range of redshift, and then see whether our z > 4 HRLQs follow similar trends. We selected all SDSS DR7 RLQs which have REW(Lyα + N v) and REW(C iv) measurements from Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) and Shen et al. (2011), respectively. Figure 6 shows the relation between emission-line REWs and radio loudness, for which highly significant positive correlations are found (see Table 10 for the correlation probabilities). Figure 6 also shows the best-fit linear correlation in the logarithmic parameter space using the IDL linfit procedure,

Equation (6)


Equation (7)
Figure 6.

Figure 6. The REWs of the broad emission lines Lyα + N v (upper panel) and C iv (lower panel) as a function of radio loudness. In the upper panel, the open circles represent the radio-loud SDSS DR5 quasars in Table 1 of Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) which gives the REW measurements of Lyα + N v. In the lower panel, the small dots represent the radio-loud SDSS DR7 quasars with C iv REW measurements from Shen et al. (2011). Our objects with available line REW measurements are shown in both panels as filled stars (for Chandra Cycle 12 targets) or filled squares (archival objects). The weak-line quasar in our HRLQ sample (J1412+0624) is labeled in the upper panel. The typical error bars for emission-line REWs of our objects are shown at the bottom-right corner of each panel. All symbols are color-coded based on their redshifts using the color bar at the top of the figure.

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 8. Emission-line REW Measurements

Object Name MJDa REW(Lyα + N v) REW(C iv)
Chandra Cycle 12 objects    
SDSS J102623.61 + 254259.5b 53734 41.6 ...
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 53504 2.4 7.1
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 53885 55.0 52.7
SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 52051 23.3 7.8
SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 52913 17.9 6.4
Archival X-ray data objects    
PSS 0121 + 0347c 53328 81.1 33.5
SDSS J091316.55 + 591921.6b 51907 110.9 ...
SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 51941 39.5 54.1
CLASS J1325 + 1123 53148 75.8 63.4
GB 1428 + 4217d 50283 17.1 12.9
GB 1508 + 5714 52079 60.1 47.0
GB 1713 + 2148d 50280 107.0 127.7

Notes. All REW values are in units of Å. aThe MJD (Modified Julian Date) listed here is the date of optical/UV spectroscopy. bTwo objects (J0913+5919 and J1026+2542) do not have C iv coverage in their SDSS spectra because of their high redshifts. cReference for emission-line REW measurements: Vignali et al. (2003a). dReference for emission-line REW measurements: Hook & McMahon (1998).

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Table 9. Non-thermal Dominance (NTD) Calculation

Object Name $\log L_{{\rm C\,\scriptsize{IV}}}$ log νL1350, obs log νL1350, pred NTD
(erg s−1) (erg s−1) (erg s−1)
Chandra Cycle 12 objects      
SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 44.289 46.670 45.881 6.150
SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 44.968 46.465 46.467 0.995
SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 44.946 47.255 46.448 6.402
SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 44.121 46.516 45.736 6.021
Archival X-ray Data objects      
SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 44.597 46.100 46.148 0.896
CLASS J1325 + 1123 45.425 46.860 46.861 0.997
GB 1508 + 5714 44.873 46.503 46.385 1.312

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Our HRLQs generally follow the above positive correlations between emission-line REWs and radio-loudness (see the filled stars and squares in Figure 6), showing that these correlations do not seem to evolve with redshift. These positive correlations are consistent with the results in Kimball et al. (2011a) on the REW(Mg ii) and REW(C iv) for SDSS DR5 quasars.28 One possible explanation for them is that the broad emission-line region of RLQs may emit anisotropically (see Section 6.2 of Kimball et al. 2011a). Additionally or alternatively, the decrease in synchrotron peak frequency with increasing peak or kinetic luminosity in FSRQs (e.g., Meyer et al. 2011, their Figure 4) might more stringently limit jet dilution of optical emission-line features in more radio-loud quasars. Our results indicate that for HRLQs with broad emission lines (i.e., not BL Lac objects), the beamed relativistic jets generally have negligible contribution to the optical/UV continua (except for a few outliers with exceptionally weak optical/UV emission lines; see below). This is consistent with recent results from SED studies of HRLQs (e.g., Ghisellini et al. 2010) that their optical/UV emission is disk dominated. Furthermore, this finding of a minimal jet-linked contribution to the optical/UV continuum validates the use of Δαox, RQQ as a diagnostic quantity for our HRLQs; note in Column 16 of Table 4 that the αoxL2500 Å correlation for RQQs is utilized.

To assess further the jet contribution to the optical/UV continua of our HRLQs, we calculated the non-thermal dominance parameter (NTD ≡ Lobs/Lpred) of the optical/UV continuum following Shaw et al. (2012). Lobs is the observed monochromatic continuum luminosity near an emission line (νL1350 near C iv in our case), while Lpred is the predicted νL1350 from the relation between continuum luminosity and emission-line luminosity in Shen et al. (2011; see their Equation (14)) obtained from typical quasars. Lpred represents the optical/UV continuum emission from the accretion disk. NTD ≫ 1 means that there is substantial jet-contributed optical/UV continuum. We calculated the NTD values for our HRLQs with SDSS spectroscopy covering the C iv line (see Table 9). Three objects (J1420+1205, J1235−0003, and J1325+1123) have NTD values close to unity, supporting our results that the relativistic jets of our HRLQs generally have little contribution to their optical/UV continua. Another object, GB 1508+5714 (NTD = 1.3), may possibly have some jet-linked optical/UV continuum emission. However, its NTD value is consistent with unity considering the scatter of the relation between νL1350 and $L_{{\rm C\,\scriptsize{IV}}}$ (∼0.2 dex; see Section 3.7 of Shen et al. 2011). The other two HRLQs (J1412+0624 and J1659+2101) have NTDs ≈ 6 due to their exceptionally weak C iv lines that are discussed further below.

For the REW(Lyα + N v)–log R correlation, it appears that there are a few outliers with exceptionally weak Lyα + N v lines (see the upper panel of Figure 6); they were identified as weak-line quasars (WLQs) by Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009), including one of our Chandra Cycle 12 targets (J1412+0624). Another z > 4 HRLQ (J1659+2101) in our sample has REW(Lyα + N v) values (17.9 Å; see Table 8) close to the WLQ criterion of REW(Lyα + N v)<15.4 Å. These two objects also have weak C iv emission lines. Their REW(C iv) values are below the 3σ negative deviation from the mean REW(C iv) of SDSS quasars (Wu et al. 2012). The weak emission lines of these objects may suggest they have a relativistically boosted optical/UV continuum which dilutes the emission lines. However, the broadband SEDs of these objects (see Section 4.4) do not show the signature of a relativistically boosted continuum (e.g., a parabolic profile of the SED; Nieppola et al. 2006). It is also possible that the weakness of their emission lines is caused by extreme quasar disk-wind properties as for the radio-quiet weak-line quasars (e.g., Richards et al. 2011; Wu et al. 2011, 2012). One of our moderately radio-loud quasars (J1639+4340) also has a weak C iv line (see Table 8). This object is more likely to fit in the latter scenario, and thus the apparent high NTD value of this object does not indicate that it has substantial jet-contributed optical/UV continuum.

The jet-linked X-ray emission of RLQs is also likely beamed, although probably to a lesser extent compared to jet radio emission (e.g., see Section 6 of M11). Therefore, the relation between emission-line REWs and relative X-ray brightness is also worth investigating. A correlation analysis was performed on a sample combining our RLQs and the objects in M11 that have available Lyα + N v and C iv REW measurements (see Figure 7 for the relation between line REWs and relative X-ray brightness of this sample) using Spearman's rank-order analysis in the ASURV package; Spearman's rank-order analysis is usually preferred over Kendall's τ test for samples where the number of objects is N ⩾ 30.29 The results are shown in Table 10. Only a marginal correlation (93.3%) was found between REW(C iv) and Δαox, RQQ, which is consistent with the result in Richards et al. (2011) that RLQs with weaker C iv lines also tend to be weaker in X-rays. However, the bottom-left panel (Δαox, RQQ versus C iv REW) of Figure 7 shows a large scatter in this correlation. No other significant correlations were found between relative X-ray brightness and emission-line strength for the RLQs (see Table 10 and Figure 7).

Figure 7.

Figure 7. The REWs of the broad emission lines Lyα + N v (top row) and C iv (bottom row) as a function of Δαox, RQQ (left column) and Δαox, RLQ (right column), respectively. The open circles in the top-row panels represent the M11 objects with available REW(Lyα + N v) measurements in Table 1 of Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009). In the bottom-row panels, the open circles are the M11 objects with REW(C iv) measurements from Shen et al. (2011). Our objects with available line REW measurements are shown in both panels as filled stars (for Chandra Cycle 12 targets) or filled squares (archival objects). The typical error bars for emission-line REWs, Δαox, RQQ, and Δαox, RLQ of our objects are shown at the bottom-right corner of each panel. All symbols are color-coded based on their redshifts using the color bar at the top of the figure.

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 10. Correlation Analysis Results

  REW(Lyα + N v) REW(C iv)
Na Spearman Na Spearman
rS 1 − PS rS 1 − PS
Δαox, RQQ 32 −0.19 71.0% 169 0.14 93.3%
Δαox, RLQ 32 −0.21 75.0% 169 0.08 69.0%
log R 298 0.14 98.0% 3536 0.30 >99.99%

Note. aN is the sample size.

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4.3. X-Ray Spectral Properties

Our Chandra Cycle 12 targets do not have sufficient counts for individual X-ray spectral analysis, and thus we obtained their effective power-law photon indices based on their band ratios (see Section 3). The X-ray power-law photon index for RLQs is known to be anti-correlated with log R (e.g., Wilkes & Elvis 1987; Reeves & Turner 2000; Lopez et al. 2006; Saez et al. 2011). Our sample of HRLQs at z > 4 is generally consistent with this anti-correlation (see Figure 8). Kendall's τ test on a sample combining our HRLQs and the moderately radio-loud quasars at z > 4 in Saez et al. (2011) shows a 2σ-level anti-correlation between ΓX and log R (95.6% correlation probability). The best-fit correlation for this sample, obtained via the EM linear-regression algorithm in the ASURV package,30 is

Equation (8)

This ΓX–log R relation (the dashed line in Figure 8) is consistent with that for the z > 2 RLQs in Saez et al. (2011; see their Equation (1)) and with that for the z < 2 RLQs in Reeves & Turner (2000; see Equation (2) of Saez et al. 2011), suggesting that this relation does not evolve with redshift. The two moderately radio-loud quasars observed in Chandra Cycle 12 (J0741+2520 and J1639+4340), which do not satisfy our criterion for HRLQs, are outliers from this correlation. Instead of having the softer X-ray spectra generally associated with lower radio loudness, they have the hardest spectra among our objects.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. The relation between X-ray power-law photon index ΓX and radio loudness log R. The filled stars show our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, while the filled squares show our HRLQs with sensitive archival X-ray coverage. The open circles represent z > 4 moderately radio-loud quasars in Saez et al. (2011). The gray horizontal lines (rightward arrow) represent the 1σ error bars (lower limit) for the X-ray power-law photon indices. The dashed line shows our best-fit correlation between ΓX and log R for z ≳ 4 RLQs, while the dotted line and dash-dotted line represent the ΓX–log R correlations for z > 2 RLQs in Saez et al. (2011) and for z < 2 RLQs in Reeves & Turner (2000), respectively. The two moderately radio-loud objects among our Chandra Cycle 12 targets are apparent outliers (J0741+2520 and J1639+4340; see the two filled stars labeled in the bottom left part of the figure).

Standard image High-resolution image

HRLQs often appear to have intrinsic X-ray absorption with NH ≳ 1022 cm−2 (e.g., Yuan et al. 2006). Bassett et al. (2004) found evidence of a similar level of intrinsic X-ray absorption for z > 4 moderately radio-loud quasars. To assess possible indications of intrinsic absorption for our Chandra Cycle 12 targets, we performed joint spectral analyses. We divided our six targets into two groups with log R > 2.5 (four objects) and log R < 2.5 (two objects), respectively. For each object, the X-ray spectrum in observed-frame 0.5–8.0 keV (corresponding to rest-frame ≈2–40 keV) was extracted from a 3'' radius circular region centered on the X-ray position using the standard CIAO routine psextract. Background spectra were extracted from annular regions with inner and outer radii of 6'' and 9'', respectively. All background regions are free of X-ray sources. Joint X-ray spectral fitting was performed with XSPEC v12.6.0 (Arnaud 1996). We applied the C-statistic (Cash 1979) in the spectral fitting instead of the standard χ2 statistic because the C-statistic is well suited to limited X-ray count scenarios (e.g., Nousek & Shue 1989). We fit the spectra jointly using two models: (1) a power-law model with a Galactic absorption component represented by the wabs model (Morrison & McCammon 1983); (2) another model similar to the first, but adding an intrinsic (redshifted to the source rest frame) neutral absorption component, represented by the zwabs model. Each source was assigned its own values of redshift and Galactic neutral hydrogen column density (see Column 4 of Table 4). Table 11 shows the best-fit spectral parameters along with the errors or upper limits at the 90% confidence level for one parameter of interest (Δ C = 2.71; Avni 1976; Cash 1979). The best-fit power-law photon index values are consistent with those from band-ratio analysis (see Table 3). Our joint-fitting procedure is not able to provide tight constraints on the intrinsic X-ray absorption for either highly or moderately radio-loud quasars (see the upper limits on intrinsic NH in Table 11) mainly due to the limited number of X-ray counts and their high redshifts. Adding an intrinsic absorption component does not improve the quality of the joint fits.

Table 11. Joint X-Ray Spectral Analysis Results

Object Name Power Law Power Law
with Galactic Absorption with Galactic and Intrinsic Absorption
ΓX C/na ΓX NH(1022 cm−2) C/na
J1026/J1412/J1420/J1659b 1.59+0.24−0.24 122.47/148 1.60+0.40−0.24 <9.50 122.47/148
J0741/J1659c 1.34+0.39−0.37 46.87/66 1.34+0.49−0.36 <12.41 46.87/66

Notes. aC is the C-statistic, while n is the total number of spectral bins. bOur Chandra Cycle 12 targets with log R > 2.5. The names are in the format of "Jhhmm" for brevity. cOur Chandra Cycle 12 targets that are moderately radio loud. The names are in the format of "Jhhmm" for brevity.

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As discussed above, our two moderately radio-loud quasars appear to have a harder average X-ray spectrum than that of our HRLQs, which appears inconsistent with the known anti-correlation between X-ray power-law photon index and radio loudness. Possible heavy X-ray absorption may exist in these two objects. We estimate the potential intrinsic X-ray absorption for these two moderately radio-loud quasars by assuming their unabsorbed power-law photon indices follow the log R–ΓX relation (see Equation (8); ΓX, unabs = 1.79 for J0741+2520, ΓX, unabs = 1.74 for J1639+4340), and then adding an intrinsic X-ray absorption component to make the apparent ΓX agree with the values obtained from the band-ratio analysis (ΓX = 1.21 for J0741+2520, ΓX = 1.19 for J1639+4340; see Table 3). The required intrinsic hydrogen column densities are NH = 3.3 × 1023 cm−2 for J0741+2520 and NH = 2.0 × 1023 cm−2 for J1639+4340, which are about an order of magnitude higher than the values found for high-redshift RLQs in previous studies. The intrinsic X-ray absorption in RLQs is often associated with absorption features in their optical/UV spectra (e.g., Elvis et al. 1998). The optical/UV spectrum of J1639+4340 (see the top-right panel of Figure 3) shows several C iv and Si iv absorption features, although none of them has sufficient width to be identified as a broad absorption line (BAL). The optical/UV spectrum of J0741+2520 (see Figure 3 of McGreer et al. 2009) does not show Si iv absorption features; it does not have coverage of the C iv region.

4.4. The Radio-to-γ-Ray Spectral Energy Distributions

To investigate the broadband SEDs of our RLQs, we gathered photometric data from the following sources.

  • 1.  
    Radio: the 1.4 GHz flux densities are from the FIRST or NVSS surveys; the 5 GHz values are from the GB6 or PMN catalogs or individual observations (see Section 3); the flux densities at other frequencies were retrieved from the NED.
  • 2.  
    Mid-infrared: from the all-sky catalog of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al. 2010).31 All of our objects have WISE detections in at least two bands (W1 at 3.4 μm and W2 at 4.6 μm) except for GB 1428+4217 and PMN J1951+0134. We examined the WISE images of these two objects. There appears to be a source at the optical location of GB 1428+4217, but it is strongly blended with a nearby brighter source 9'' away. There is no source at the optical location of PMN J1951+0134 in the relevant WISE images. All other objects are free of issues such as source blending, confusion, or mismatching. The high-detection fraction (>17/19) in the mid-infrared band is remarkable given the high redshifts of our objects.
  • 3.  
    Near-infrared: from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS; Skrutskie et al. 2006). For the objects having SDSS spectroscopy, we also checked the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog which provides additional deeper 2MASS photometry. Only our two moderately radio-loud quasars (J0741+2520 and J1639+4340) have 2MASS detections, likely owing to their exceptional overall luminosities. GB 1428+4217 has additional near-infrared observations with the United Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope (UKIRT) reported by Fabian et al. (1999).
  • 4.  
    Optical: from the SDSS database and/or the NED. The photometry for the bands that are seriously affected by the Lyα forest is omitted. We do not include any UV photometric information for the same reason.
  • 5.  
    X-ray: from this work.
  • 6.  
    γ-ray: the upper limits upon γ-ray luminosities are derived from the two-year survey data of the Large Area Telescope (LAT; Atwood et al. 2009) on board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. See below for details.

The radio-to-γ-ray SEDs of our objects are plotted in Figure 9, ordered by log R in the descending order. We compare the SEDs of our high-redshift HRLQs to those of similar RLQs at lower redshifts. There are two commonly used composite SEDs of RLQs in the literature: Elvis et al. (1994, E94 hereafter) and Shang et al. (2011, S11 hereafter). The E94 SED is biased toward X-ray bright quasars as they required their objects to have X-ray observations with good signal-to-noise ratio (see discussion in Section 3 of E94 and Section 5.1 of Richards et al. 2006a). For the S11 SED, although their sample is not X-ray selected, the majority of their RLQs have lower optical/UV luminosities than those of our objects. The optical/UV luminosity can affect the shape of the broadband SED (see Equation (5) for the dependence of αox on optical/UV luminosity). The αox parameter of RLQs also depends on radio luminosity (see Equation (5)). Therefore, we selected 10 RLQs in the S11 sample with comparable optical/UV luminosity (log λLλ(3000 Å)>45.9) and radio-loudness values (2.9 < log R < 3.7) to those of our z > 4 HRLQs. We construct a comparison composite SED using these 10 objects (see the solid lines in Figure 9). We normalized the comparison SED to the observed data at rest-frame 2500 Å for the following reasons: (1) rest-frame 2500 Å is within a region without strong emission lines; (2) the optical/UV continuum generally does not have a substantial contribution from the jet (except perhaps for a few objects with weak emission lines; see Section 4.2); and (3) when SEDs are normalized at rest-frame 2500 Å, the relative positions of X-ray data points directly reflect the αox values of the relevant quasars. One caveat about the SEDs is that our multi-band photometry is non-simultaneous, and some HRLQs are known to have strong variability.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. 

The rest-frame broadband SEDs for our sample of objects ordered by log R (in descending order), including radio (red filled upside-down triangles), mid-infrared (WISE, orange open diamonds), near-infrared (2MASS and UKIRT, green open triangles), optical (blue filled circles), X-ray (purple asterisks and lines), and γ-ray (filled square) data points. Downward arrows indicate upper limits. The purple solid (dotted) lines show the X-ray power-law spectra (and their uncertainty range) based on the photon-index values provided in Column 9 of Table 4. The purple asterisks represent observed-frame 2 keV. The black solid lines show the composite SEDs for the 10 RLQs in Shang et al. (2011, S11) with comparable optical luminosity and radio loudness, scaled to the flux density at rest-frame 2500 Å (corresponding to 1015.1 Hz; see Section 4.4). The vertical dotted lines show the frequencies of rest-frame 2500 Å and 2 keV. The name, redshift, and log R of each object are labeled at the bottom right of each panel. (An extended, color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)

Standard image High-resolution image

    The 10 RLQs from S11 used in constructing our comparison SED satisfy our log R criterion for HRLQs; they are HRLQs at low redshifts (z < 1.4). The majority of our HRLQs (11/17) have higher X-ray luminosities than those of the comparison SED. Meanwhile, they do not show weaker optical/UV emission relative to their infrared emission. Therefore, the generally higher Δαox values of our z > 4 HRLQs (see Section 4.1) do reflect stronger X-ray emission instead of fainter optical/UV emission. This is an additional illustration of the X-ray emission enhancement of z > 4 HRLQs compared to HRLQs at lower redshift. The SEDs of RX J1028−0844, GB 1428+4217, and GB 1508+5714 all reach maximal νLν values (over the 109–1019 Hz range) in the X-ray band. This type of SED has been modeled as the emission generated by Compton scattering of synchrotron emission from the jet itself and/or of a powerful external photon field such as the thermal emission of the accretion process (SSC/EC; see Fabian et al. 1998, 1999; Ghisellini et al. 1998). The SED of Q0906+6930 has also been described with a similar model (Romani 2006). Q0906+6930, along with PMN J0525−3343 and GB 1713+2148, has notably stronger mid-infrared emission than that of the comparison SED, especially in the longer wavelength bands (W3 at 12 μm and W4 at 22 μm). This mid-infrared excess may have a contribution from the jet synchrotron radiation (e.g., Ghisellini et al. 1998). An alternative origin for the mid-infrared excess is the thermal emission of circumnuclear dust predicted by the clumpy torus model (e.g., Nenkova et al. 2008). The SEDs of our HRLQs are significantly different from those of typical BL Lac objects which generally have a parabolic profile peaking in the near-infrared band (e.g., Nieppola et al. 2006).

    Many blazars are high-energy γ-ray emitters above 100 MeV (e.g., Hartman et al. 1999). Q0906+6930 has a tentative claimed detection (∼1.5σ) in its γ-ray observation by the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on board the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (Romani et al. 2004). The Fermi-LAT has an order of magnitude better sensitivity and positional accuracy than EGRET. Romani (2006) suggested Q0906+6930 should be detected by the Fermi-LAT in its first year of operation. However, although the first two-year survey of the Fermi-LAT has detected >800 blazars at z ≲ 3 (e.g., Ackermann et al. 2011), none of our HRLQs, including Q0906+6930, is detected at present. We searched the second source catalog of the Fermi-LAT (2FGL; Nolan et al. 2012) and found no counterparts for our HRLQs within a 10' matching radius.32 To obtain upper limits upon γ-ray luminosity, we first estimated the photon flux limits (in units of photons cm−2 s−1) for all objects based on the point-source flux limit map of the Fermi-LAT two-year survey (see Figure 1 of Ackermann et al. 2011). We converted the photon flux limits to energy flux limits between observed-frame 100 MeV–100 GeV and then flux-density limits at rest-frame 1 GeV, assuming a typical power-law photon index of Fermi-detected FSRQs (Γγ = 2.4; see Figure 18 of Ackermann et al. 2011). The upper limits on the monochromatic γ-ray luminosity at rest-frame 1 GeV, calculated from the flux-density limits at the same frequency, are in the range of (1.2–2.6)× 1047 erg s−1 Hz−1 (see Table 12 and Figure 9). For some of our z > 4 HRLQs with strong X-ray enhancements (e.g., Q0906+6930, RX J1028−0844, GB 1428+4217, and GB 1508+5714), the γ-ray luminosity limits appear inconsistent with the prediction of the synchrotron-Compton blazar emission model in Romani (2006; see their Figure 3). Further Fermi-LAT survey observations will provide tighter γ-ray luminosity upper limits (by a factor of ∼2) or perhaps detections of z > 4 blazars, which will help constrain the emission models for blazars at high redshift. Sbarrato et al. (2012a) found a positive correlation between the luminosity of optical/UV broad emission lines and the γ-ray luminosity for Fermi-detected blazars. This correlation may suggest that the z > 4 blazars with higher optical/UV emission-line luminosity should be easier to detect with Fermi.

    Table 12. Upper Limits upon γ-ray Flux and Luminosity from the Fermi-LAT

    Object Name Photon Flux Limita Energy Flux Limitb Flux Density Limitc log (νL1GeV) Limitd
      (10−9 photons cm−2 s−1) (10−12 erg cm−2 s−1) (10−35 erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1) (erg s−1 Hz−1)
    Chandra Cycle 12 Objects      
    SDSS J074154.71 + 252029.6 4.5 2.4 2.1 47.4
    SDSS J102623.61 + 254259.5 4.5 2.4 2.2 47.4
    SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 5.0 2.6 2.0 47.3
    SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 5.0 2.6 1.8 47.1
    SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 4.5 2.4 1.6 47.1
    SDSS J165913.23 + 210115.8 4.5 2.4 1.9 47.3
    Archival X-ray Data Objects      
    PSS 0121 + 0347 4.5 2.4 1.6 47.1
    PMN J0324 − 2918 4.5 2.4 1.9 47.3
    PMN J0525 − 3343 4.5 2.4 1.8 47.2
    Q0906 + 6930 3.5 1.8 1.8 47.4
    SDSS J091316.55 + 591921.6 4.0 2.1 1.9 47.3
    RX J1028.6 − 0844 5.0 2.6 1.9 47.2
    PMN J1155 − 3107 5.0 2.6 1.9 47.2
    SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 5.0 2.6 2.1 47.3
    CLASS J1325 + 1123 5.0 2.6 2.0 47.3
    GB 1428 + 4217 4.0 2.1 1.7 47.2
    GB 1508 + 5714 4.0 2.1 1.5 47.1
    GB 1713 + 2148 5.0 2.6 1.8 47.1
    PMN J1951 + 0134 7.0 3.7 2.5 47.3

    Notes. aThe upper limit upon the Fermi-LAT photon flux between observed-frame 100 MeV–100 GeV. bThe upper limit upon the γ-ray energy flux between observed-frame 100 MeV–100 GeV. cThe upper limit upon the γ-ray flux density at rest-frame 1 GeV. dThe upper limit upon the monochromatic γ-ray luminosity at rest-frame 1 GeV.

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    Six objects with SDSS spectroscopy have available black-hole mass (MBH) and Eddington-ratio (L/LEdd) estimates (see Table 13) in the catalog of Shen et al. (2011).33 The bolometric luminosity in Shen et al. (2011) was calculated from the optical/UV luminosity and the bolometric correction from the composite SED of Richards et al. (2006a). Therefore, the bolometric luminosity and the Eddington ratio only account for the emission of the quasar from its accretion activity (i.e., excluding beamed jet emission). All of the six objects have MBH > 109M except for GB 1508+5714. These five objects have estimated Eddington ratios between 0.1 and 1, which are typical for SDSS quasars at high redshift (e.g., Shen et al. 2008). GB 1508+5714 has a smaller MBH but an Eddington ratio L/LEdd ≈ 3. This object is similar to the Fermi-detected FSRQs in Shaw et al. (2012) which have smaller MBH and higher Eddington ratios than those of optically selected quasars. The objects in Shaw et al. (2012) show significant non-thermal (synchrotron) emission in the optical band associated with the jet. However, GB 1508+5714 has a smaller NTD value (consistent with unity; see Section 4.2) than the majority of the objects in Shaw et al. (2012; see their Figure 3), which suggests that this object does not have substantial jet-linked optical/UV continuum emission. It is worth noting that the MBH measurements for our objects are all based on the C iv emission line due to their high redshifts. The C iv estimator for MBH is more affected by the quasar disk wind than the Hβ and Mg ii estimators, and this may lead to errors for individual MBH measurements (e.g., Shen et al. 2008). Thus, the apparent super-Eddington emission of GB 1508+5714 should not be over-interpreted.

    Table 13. Measurements of Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio

    Object Name log MBH log 
    (M) (L/LEdd)
    Chandra Cycle 12 objects
    SDSS J141209.96 + 062406.9 9.859 ± 1.218 −0.708
    SDSS J142048.01 + 120545.9 9.284 ± 0.180 −0.338
    SDSS J163950.52 + 434003.6 10.628 ± 0.168  −0.893
    Archival X-ray data objects
    SDSS J123503.03 − 000331.7 9.182 ± 0.727 −0.602
    CLASS J1325 + 1123 9.455 ± 0.071 −0.115
    GB 1508 + 5714 8.517 ± 0.388 0.467

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    We have compiled a sample of 17 HRLQs (log R > 2.5) at z > 4 with sensitive X-ray coverage by Chandra, XMM–Newton, or Swift. Four of them were targeted in new Chandra Cycle 12 observations, while the other 13 objects have sensitive archival X-ray coverage. Our sample of HRLQs represents the top ∼5% of the total RLQ population in terms of radio loudness. They are among the most-luminous quasars in both the radio and optical/UV bands. The X-ray and broadband properties of our HRLQs are presented and investigated. We have also reported new Chandra Cycle 12 observations of two moderately radio-loud quasars (1 < log R < 2.5) at z ≳ 4 which are among the most optically luminous RLQs. Our main results are summarized as follows.

    • 1.  
      All of our Chandra Cycle 12 targets are detected in X-rays. None of them shows detectable extended X-ray emission. All of the archival objects in our sample of z > 4 HRLQs were also detected by Chandra, XMM–Newton, or Swift, including four objects for which their archival Chandra (GB 1713+2148), XMM–Newton (SDSS J1235−0003), or Swift (PMN J1155−3107 and PMN J1951+0134) observations are first reported in this work. See Section 3.
    • 2.  
      Our HRLQs at z > 4 show stronger X-ray emission (by a typical factor of ≈3) than HRLQs at lower redshift with similar optical/UV and radio luminosities. This contrasts with the behavior of moderately radio-loud quasars at z > 4, implying that the high-redshift X-ray enhancement occurs within the jet-linked component that becomes increasingly prominent for HRLQs. We examined possible biases in our analysis and found that our result remains robust after controlling for a variety of potential issues. A similar X-ray emission enhancement is also found for z = 3–4 HRLQs, which provides statistically independent evidence for our findings. The observed X-ray enhancement is not likely to be caused by the X-ray spectral curvature found in some high-redshift HRLQs. See Section 4.1.
    • 3.  
      Our z > 4 HRLQs are generally consistent with the positive correlations between optical/UV emission-line REWs (Lyα + N v and C iv) and radio loudness found for the typical RLQ population. These positive correlations suggest that the optical/UV continua of HRLQs usually have a negligible contribution from the relativistic jets (except for perhaps a few outliers with weak emission lines). Our z > 4 HRLQs do not show strong correlations between the relative X-ray brightness and optical/UV emission-line REWs. See Section 4.2.
    • 4.  
      Our sample of z > 4 HRLQs generally follows the known anti-correlation between X-ray power-law photon index and radio loudness. However, the two targeted moderately radio-loud quasars, having the hardest X-ray spectra among our objects, appear to be outliers from this correlation, suggesting the possible presence of intrinsic X-ray absorption (NH ∼ 1023 cm−2). See Section 4.3.
    • 5.  
      The majority of z > 4 HRLQs have higher X-ray luminosities than those of the matched low-redshift HRLQs used to construct a comparison SED, which further illustrates and supports the X-ray emission enhancement of z > 4 HRLQs over those at lower redshifts. The SEDs of our objects with the highest X-ray luminosities are consistent with the expectations from SSC/EC models. Some of our HRLQs also show an excess of mid-infrared emission which may be contributed by synchrotron radiation from the relativistic jets. None of our HRLQs has been detected by the Fermi-LAT in its two-year survey. See Section 4.4.

    We have performed the first systematic X-ray survey of HRLQs at z > 4. Our primary new result is the measurement of an increase (by a factor of ≈3) in the relative X-ray emission of z > 4 HRLQs compared to their low-redshift counterparts. This work adds the relative X-ray brightness of HRLQs to the RLQ properties that evolve with redshift, such as the frequency of intrinsic X-ray absorption (see Section 1) and perhaps the RLQ fraction (e.g., Jiang et al. 2007; Singal et al. 2012). The number density of hard X-ray-selected FSRQs has been found to evolve strongly with redshift, with a peak number density of zpeak ≈ 3–4 (Ajello et al. 2009). Unfortunately, the sample utilized by Ajello et al. (2009) from the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT; Barthelmy et al. 2005) does not have any FSRQ detections at z > 4, and thus there is considerable uncertainty in making quantitative comparisons at the high redshifts most applicable to our work. We do note, however, that the SED evolution we find for high-redshift HRLQs (which are primarily FSRQs) will affect the interpretation of number-density evolution results for X-ray-selected samples. For example, it may help to explain the higher zpeak value found for FSRQs than for general quasars or X-ray-selected AGNs.

    While the limited increase in X-ray luminosities confirms earlier findings that the small-scale X-ray jet-linked emission is not dominated by IC/CMB emission, our results are consistent with a fractional contribution from IC/CMB (∼6% of the nuclear X-ray emission at z = 1.3) rising with redshift. This does not conflict with growing evidence that RLQ jets have mildly relativistic bulk velocities beyond several kiloparsec, as inferred from radio core/jet prominences (e.g., γjet ≈ 1.2–1.5; Mullin & Hardcastle 2009), or that various predictions of IC/CMB models are not obviously met in X-ray observations of large-scale RLQ jets (e.g., Hardcastle 2006; Marshall et al. 2011; Massaro et al. 2011; note that these studies are based almost exclusively on RLQs with z < 2.5). It may be that IC/CMB emission is relevant only over a limited range of spatial scales (e.g., ≈1–5 kpc), with quasar-related photon fields dominating at smaller distances (e.g., Ghisellini & Tavecchio 2009) and the jet decelerating at larger distances. For example, a drop in the bulk jet velocity from β = 0.995 to β = 0.75, corresponding to a decrease from γ = 10 at ≲ 5 kpc to γ = 1.5 at large scales, would act to diminish X-ray IC/CMB emission by a factor of ≈44. Jet deceleration appears to be required in at least some RLQs even in the context of IC/CMB modeling of the large-scale X-ray jet emission, when coupled with VLBI constraints (Hogan et al. 2011). Such deceleration could be partially due to mass entrainment; simulations predict that even in powerful jets the bulk Lorentz factor decreases by a factor of ∼2 on kiloparsec scales (Bowman et al. 1996). Although faster jets are more stable against Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities (e.g., Perucho et al. 2005), the gradual accumulation of velocity-shear perturbations may similarly act to slow the jet. The Compton-rocket effect (e.g., Ghisellini & Tavecchio 2010) provides another means of draining jets. Whatever the dominant mechanism, the postulated degree of deceleration could plausibly be accomplished without disrupting or decollimating the jet; for example, in their classic work Kaiser & Alexander (1997) estimate that a powerful jet with γjet = 2 is persistently stable (although see also Wang et al. 2011b). This deceleration possibility can be tested with additional observations of large-scale jets in high-redshift RLQs.34 In a fractional IC/CMB scenario, the enhanced X-ray emission from z > 4 HRLQs is solely due to the increased energy density of the CMB; the jet bulk velocities, the disk/corona accretion structure, and the host-galaxy properties of individual RLQs are not required to evolve with redshift.

    Alternative interpretations of the observed X-ray emission enhancement of z > 4 HRLQs are also possible. For example, increased host-galaxy star formation could provide additional seed photons for external Compton upscattering in the jet (see Section 4.1.3). Also, a decrease in the jet bulk Lorentz factor at high redshift (a possibility suggested by Volonteri et al. 2011) might increase the ratio of X-ray to radio emission, particularly in a multi-component jet. It does not appear likely that X-ray spectral curvature drives our results, as the observed-frame ultra-soft luminosities are also enhanced. After careful consideration of selection effects, there is no obvious indication that our sample contains a disproportionate number of "extreme" HRLQs, with properties (low inclinations, strong variability) likely to correlate with enhanced X-ray emission.

    Future X-ray observations of additional z > 4 HRLQs, e.g., a Chandra snapshot survey of the 11 objects listed in Table 2, would further improve the sample statistics and better constrain the possible mechanisms for the X-ray enhancement. For example, the HRLQs at z = 3–4 apparently have a similar level of X-ray enhancement to that of z > 4 HRLQs, which would not agree with the expectations from the fractional IC/CMB model. However, more objects are needed to reduce the large uncertainties on the mean Δαox values in current analyses. Identifying potential intrinsic X-ray absorption in our objects, especially for the two moderately radio-loud quasars (J0741+2520 and J1639+4340), requires deeper X-ray spectroscopic observations. The ongoing Fermi-LAT survey will provide tighter γ-ray luminosity upper limits or perhaps γ-ray detections of z > 4 HRLQs, which will be useful for modeling their SEDs and for constraining the relative strengths of the jet emissions from different mechanisms.

    We thank the anonymous referee for constructive comments. We thank M. S. Brotherton, A. C. Fabian, M. J. Hardcastle, R. F. Mushotzky, E. S. Perlman, G. T. Richards, R. W. Romani, and Z. Shang for helpful discussions. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the ACIS Instrument Team contract SV4-74018 (PI: G. P. Garmire) and NASA ADP grant NNX10AC99G (J.W., W.N.B). Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS Web site is


    • There is an ongoing debate regarding the bimodality of the radio-loudness distribution of quasars (e.g., Kellermann et al. 1989; Ivezić et al. 2002, 2004; Cirasuolo et al. 2003; Singal et al. 2011, 2012). Some recent studies with new approaches, e.g., investigating the loci of quasars in the optical/UV spectroscopic parameter space (Zamfir et al. 2008) or the quasar radio luminosity function (Kimball et al. 2011b) found two distinct populations with different radio properties, supporting the dichotomy of radio-loud vs. radio-quiet quasars (but also see, e.g., Broderick & Fender 2011).

    • The term "blazar," including subcategories of BL Lac objects and optically violently variable quasars (e.g., see Section 1.3 of Krolik 1999), has been defined based on a set of criteria, including the equivalent widths of emission lines, the non-thermal jet-linked contribution to the optical continuum, broadband variability, the radio spectral shape, and the polarization. However, this terminology has sometimes been applied either inconsistently or based on incomplete information. For our objects, it is often not feasible to classify them clearly as "blazars" based on available data. All of them are broad-line quasars (i.e., not BL Lac objects). All but one (J0913+5919) of our objects have flat radio spectra (see Section 3). In this work, we have made minimal use of the term "blazar." Instead we define a highly radio-loud quasar sample based on radio loudness (see Section 2 for details).

    • M11 defined "RLQs" as quasars with R ⩾ 100, while objects with 10 ⩽ R < 100 were classified as radio-intermediate quasars (RIQs). To simplify the terminology, we refer to all quasars with R ⩾ 10 as RLQs in this work.

    • 10 
    • 11 

      However, it is still possible that some relevant HRLQs at z > 4 have not been identified due to the lack of optical/UV spectroscopic follow up. Therefore, it is not possible to generate a fully complete sample of z > 4 HRLQs at present with available databases.

    • 12 

      We required the ROSAT observations to be pointed observations (i.e., not ROSAT All-Sky Survey) with an exposure time greater than 5 ks and an off-axis angle less than 19' (i.e., within the inner ring of the PSPC detector) to achieve adequate sensitivity. However, none of the z > 4 HRLQs is covered by ROSAT observations satisfying these criteria.

    • 13 

      Only one known z > 4 HRLQ (PKS B1251−407) with sensitive X-ray coverage lies south of δ = −40°, and thus is not included in our sample. See Yuan et al. (2006) for the X-ray properties of this object.

    • 14 

      The NED lists SDSS J112429.62+283125.8 as a z = 4.38 quasar based on SDSS DR6 data. However, the redshift of this object provided in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog is z = 1.36. Therefore, we do not consider this object as a z > 4 HRLQ although it satisfies our log R criterion. This object does not have sensitive X-ray coverage.

    • 15 

      We also found high-resolution radio images for two z > 4 HRLQs without sensitive X-ray coverage listed in Table 2. The VLBI image of J0813+3508 shows jet-like resolved structure at observed-frame 1.6 GHz, which contributes ≈1/4 of the total flux, while its image at observed-frame 5 GHz does not have evidence of extended emission (Frey et al. 2010). J1242+5422 has extended radio emission in both of its VLBI images at observed-frame 1.6 GHz and 5 GHz, where the extended emission only contributes ≈3% of the total fluxes (Frey et al. 2010).

    • 16 
    • 17 

      We did not use the XMM–Newton observation with the longest exposure time for GB 1428+4217 because this object was undergoing an exceptional radio flare (see Worsley et al. 2006).

    • 18 

      The Swift mission has excellent rapid pointing capability, while its pointing accuracy is not exceptional. Therefore, it is normal to have off-axis angles of ≈1'–2' for targeted observations.

    • 19 
    • 20 

      The full sample of M11 contains a mixture of objects that are optically selected (∼80%), radio selected (∼15%), or X-ray selected (∼5%).

    • 21 

      The Kaplan–Meier estimator is applicable to censored data; note that some of the M11 data points are censored.

    • 22 

      The mi values were estimated from their monochromatic luminosities at rest-frame 2500 Å.

    • 23 

      This is not a true radio-selected sample because, e.g., they were restricted by SDSS magnitude limits for FIRST sources. See Section 2.1.1 of M11 for details.

    • 24 

      This object is not included in our two-sample tests since it does not satisfy mi < 20.

    • 25 

      It is obviously also possible, but not required, that the jet-linked X-ray generation mechanism of HRLQs differs from (and is more sensitive to redshift than) that of moderately radio-loud quasars.

    • 26 

      We also list the values of J1639+4340 in Table 8 and the following Table 9 for reference despite it being a moderately radio-loud quasar.

    • 27 

      Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) measured the REW(Lyα + N v) values for SDSS DR5 quasars (Schneider et al. 2007) at z > 3. These two objects are in the SDSS DR7 quasar catalog but not in the DR5 quasar catalog.

    • 28 

      Kimball et al. (2011a) found positive correlations between the core radio-to-optical flux ratio RI and the REW values of Mg ii and C iv for SDSS RLQs. The definition of RI is generally different from that of radio loudness because the latter is defined based on the total radio luminosity. However, the positive correlations in Kimball et al. (2011a) also hold true for their subsample of RLQs without extended radio emission (the "core" morphology class which makes up ≈70% of their full sample; see their Table 8). In this case, the definition of RI is similar to that of radio loudness. Therefore, our results are consistent with those of Kimball et al. (2011a).

    • 29 

      See Appendix A3.3 of the ASURV manual at In our work, we choose Spearman's rank-order analysis when sample size N ⩾ 30 and Kendall's τ test when N < 30.

    • 30 

      This linear-regression algorithm is applicable to censored data. Our sample has two objects with upper limits upon ΓX.

    • 31 

      See the WISE all-sky data release at

    • 32 

      We also searched for the z > 4 HRLQs without sensitive X-ray coverage listed in Table 2 and found none of them having counterparts in the 2FGL catalog.

    • 33 

      Another HRLQ in our sample, J1026+2542, has MBH estimated by Sbarrato et al. (2012b) based on the peak frequency of disk emission and the total disk luminosity. The estimated range is MBH = (1.8–4.5) × 109M. Although this object has SDSS spectroscopy, its MBH cannot be measured based on available emission-line widths because none of the standard lines (Hβ, Mg ii, and C iv) is covered due to its high redshift (z = 5.304).

    • 34 

      Cheung et al. (2012) interpret the X-ray/radio flux ratios of jets in GB 1428+4217 and GB 1508+4714 as supportive of an IC/CMB origin, but require a lower bulk Lorentz factor than is typically inferred from IC/CMB modeling of low-redshift RLQs.

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