In 1966 Bonnor and Rotenberg used the double-series approximation method, in conjunction with the Bondi metric, to study gravitational radiation from an isolated cohesive axisymmetric source vibrating smoothly during a finite interval u1<or=u<or=u2 (u=retarded time t-r). In part I of this paper a complete solution, clearly convergent for r>0 and all u, is given of the (24) approximation step of Bonnor and Rotenberg's work. The quadrupole-quadrupole interaction is shown to satisfy Huygens' principle, but the monopole-24-pole interaction gives rise to 'wave tails'. In part II it is shown that, for u>u2 (end of the source vibration), the 'wave tails' resulting from the monopole-2s-pole contribution of the (2s) approximation (s>or=2) represent incoming 2s-pole radiation, at any rate for s=2, 3, 4.