Using a pulsed tunable dye laser either of the 6s6p 1P10, 5d6p 3D10 or 5d6p 3Pd10 levels in Ba I could be selectively excited from the 6s21S0 ground state. A simultaneously pumped broad-band dye laser provided a back-ground continuum for photographic registration of absorption spectra. By quantum defect analysis, series members and perturbing terms of 6sns 1S0 were extended from n=9 to n=31, of 6snd 1D2, from n=41 to n=52, and of 6snd 3D2, from n=11 to n=28. In addition, a change of previous assignments is suggested for 6p2, 8s, 9s 1S0 and 10d, 11d 3D2. Argon or neon was used as a buffer gas. For lines going to levels with high quantum numbers (n>or approximately=12), argon gave a pressure shift to the red of about 0.3 cm-1 per 100 Torr and neon a blue-shift of about 0.015 cm-1 per 100 Torr.