Differential cross sections for Li(2p) excitation in low-energy (1000 eV) Li-inert-gas collisions have been determined from photon-scattered-atom coincidence measurements; reduced angles tau up to 18 keV deg were studied. The following conclusions are drawn from the data and are illustrated by model calculations with the coupled-state impact parameter method: for Li-Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe the excitation process is due to non-adiabatic transitions at internuclear distances where the two closed shells of Li+ and the inert-gas atom overlap (1.1, 1.6, 1.76 and 2.2 au respectively); for Li-He, Li(2p) excitation is mainly due to direct, non-localised transitions between the molecular states formed from Li(2s) and Li(2p)-He at distances as large as 2 au.