Algebraic expressions are derived to second order in perturbation theory for the contributions to the effective two- and three-electron orthogonal operators which act within the configurations s2pNd and owe their origin to the excitations of the types d to d', d to s', p to p', sd to p2, s to d, s to s', sd to pp', sd to pf and s2 to p2. The parameters defining the strengths of the orthogonal operators are obtained by least-squares fits to the experimental levels of 2s22pN3d and are compared with the values calculated from Hartree-Fock integrals and configuration energies for the third spectra of O, F, Ne, Na and Mg, and for the fourth spectra of F, Ne, Na, Mg and Al. The agreement, which ranges from excellent to moderate, is discussed in terms of higher-order contributions and omitted excitations.