The 584.3 AA photoelectron spectrum of Ba has been measured in a crossed-beam experiment with about 30 meV energy resolution using a 127 degrees cylindrical analyser. In the single-ionization part of the spectrum, population of Ba+ ions in the states 6s, 5d, 6p, 7s, 6d, 4f, 7p, 5f, 8s, 7d, 8p and 11s is clearly detected, the double-ionization spectrum mainly consists of three lines ('natural' widths <15 meV) at 5.935(4), 5.852(4) and 5.798(4) eV together with their detected counterparts at 0.067, 0.150 and 0.204 eV. The (lowest) 5p ionization potential is deduced to be 21.014(4) eV.