The d-dimensional, quantum-mechanical Ising model in a transverse field Gamma displays a critical line, Gamma = Gamma c(T), which terminates in a multicritical point, ( Gamma ,T)=( Gamma c(0),0), with the exponents of the (d+1)-dimensional, nonquantal Ising model. Analogous behaviour is found for a nonquantal, (d+1)-dimensional n-component model of finite thickness, L in the last dimension, with the replacement Gamma to T,T to 1/L. A field theoretic method is used to study crossover behaviour in the vicinity of the multicritical point, for 3<d<4, where the multicritical exponents are mean-field-like. Multicritical behaviour is found to be governed by a Gaussian-like fixed point of the renormalisation group, yielding the crossover exponent, phi T=1/2(4-d). Crossover scaling functions are constructed to first order in epsilon =4-d for the longitudinal susceptibility and specific heat.