Trigonally symmetric electron spin resonance spectra have been observed for Co2+, Ni2+ and Mn4+ ions occupying single sites, and Cr3+ ions occupying two sites in ilmenite-structure MgTiO3. The fine-structure parameters at 295K for Cr3+(1), Cr3+(2), Mn4+ and Ni2+ ions are D=-1672, +364, -1769 and 1370*10-4 cm-1 respectively, whilst for Co2+ ions g/sub ///=2.867 and gperpendicular to =4.99. Previous results for Fe3+ and Mn2+ ions are substantially confirmed. Oxidation and reduction experiments show that the valence state of iron in MgTiO3 may be readily changed; the observed effects are consistent with the earlier proposal that Fe3+ ions are located at both the Mg2+ and Ti4+ sites. A comparison of experimental and calculated fine-structure splittings for Cr3+ ions suggests that Cr3+ (1) and Cr3+ (2) ions are located at sites which involve Cr3+-Ti4+ and Cr3+-Mg2+ ion pairs in nearest-neighbour cation sites respectively, although whether the Cr3+ ion in each pair occupies the Mg2+ or Ti4+ host lattice site is indeterminate. The calculations are based on the superposition model of crystal fields and existing data for ruby. The ESR data for MgTiO3 and Al2O3 containing Mn2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ ions suggests that the single-ion anisotropy in the layered antiferromagnets MnTiO3, CoTiO3 and NiTiO3 may be comparable with the dipolar anisotropy.