Previous results on fluctuation-induced domain wall wandering in continuous systems and its influence on the nature of the uniaxial incommensurate-commensurate transition are unified in a phenomenological interface theory. A relation between the exponents beta and psi describing the vanishing of the domain wall density with the driving parameter delta , and the divergence of the effective wall width for vanishing pinning potential, respectively, is established. If psi is linear in the dimensionality, d, we get for dR>or=d>or=dc, beta =(dR-d)/2(d-dc). The critical dimensionalities dR and dc depend on the model under consideration. The changeover from the weak to the strong fluctuation regime is characterised by the different behaviour of the wall correlation length xi perpendicular to . If walls separate domains of opposite polarisation, dipolar interaction increases the stiffness of the walls and decreases dR and dc. Their values for thermal, quantum and random field fluctuations are calculated. In the dipolar case, frozen impurities lead to a lower critical dimensionality dc=2 and beta =1/2 for d=3, in agreement with experiments.