The author calculates the response of an N*N Josephson junction array to an oscillatory transverse vector potential. Duality transformations, and a dynamic version of Kosterlitz real space scaling, are used with the resistivity shunted junction model as a starting point. The long-wavelength low-frequency conductivity sigma (q to 0, omega , T) identical to sigma 1+i sigma 2 is calculated, for T near TKT, the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature. For fixed frequency, sigma 1( omega ,T) peaks at, and sigma 2( omega ,T) falls off at, a frequency-dependent T=Tw>TKT. In the limit of mod T-TKT mod /TKT<<1,(1n( Gamma 0/ omega ))-1<<1, dispersion relations and a sum rule are approximately satisfied. The sigma 1,2( omega ,T) behaviour is similar to the (phenomenological) response function of helium films to an oscillating substrate, with the difference that the quantum phase relaxation rate Gamma 0 is not a fitted parameter, but is related to the isolated-junction resistance.