Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate a spin system with randomness defined by a Hamiltonian. The phase diagram is investigated for a range of concentrations of the single-ion anisotropy term for the set of parameters (J/sub ///, Jperpendicular to , D)=(1/3, 1/6, 1). The phase boundaries are determined from the positions of the maxima in the transverse and longitudinal susceptibilities. The ordered state is a longitudinal ferromagnet for small values of p and a transverse ferromagnet for large values of p. For intermediate p-values the ground state is a mixed phase characterised by the presence of both transverse and longitudinal order parameters. It is shown that the two order parameters are coupled in the mixed phase, in agreement with the experimental findings for the material FepCo1-pCl2. Isotherms of the difference between the transverse and longitudinal order parameters are smooth functions of p in the mixed phase. The model seems to exhibit a tetra-critical point close to (p,T)=(0.75, 0.30 J/sub ////kB).