AC susceptibility ( chi ) measurements have been carried out in disordered spinel ferrites Co2TiO4, Co2SnO4 and Co1.2Zn0.8TiO4 between 1.7 and 100 K. The last two systems are studied in order to understand the puzzling result for Co2TiO4. The measurements show as many as five peaks in the chi against T curve of this system. In Co2SnO4 only three chi peaks, and in Co1.2Zn0.8TiO4 only one chi peak, are seen. DC magnetisation and neutron diffraction studies by earlier workers have shown Co2TiO4 and Co2SnO4 to be re-entrant systems and Co1.2Zn0.8TiO4 to be a spin glass below about 16.5 K. Furthermore, whereas A site canting is present in Co2TiO4, Co2SnO4 has collinear magnetic structure indicating strong A-B coupling. On the basis of all these results it is concluded that the A and B site spins in Co2TiO4 freeze separately, which is a consequence of the weak A-B coupling in this system. The nature of the variation in the position of the chi peaks with the applied DC field, H, supports this pictures. H is applied collinearly to the AC field.