For Pt. I see ibid., vol.4, 1983 (1971). Magnetostriction measurements along the (110) and (112)axes of a NiO single crystal, which was compressed along the (111) direction in order to produce a twin free specimen, are reported. At fields up to 10-15 kOe the strain varies with H2 and this is interpreted as due to the movement of spin domains. At higher fields a tendency towards saturation is found. The ordinary anisotropic magnetostriction was measured along the (110) and (112) axes by rotation of an applied field of 25 kOe in the (111) plane to the perpendicular directions. The temperature dependence of the resulting strain -1/3(A1+A2+2/3A4+1/6A5), as described in terms of the equation of Birss (1959), is given and it takes values of 33*10-6 and 23*10-6 at room temperature as measured along respectively the (110) and (112) axes. An attempt towards comparison with the single ion theory of Callen and Callen (1963) was made, but this was hindered by the large temperature dependence of the elastic constants of NiO. The temperature dependence of the forced exchange magnetostriction in the (111) plane, which shows a discontinuity at the Neel point and which persists with a large and remaining constant value in the paramagnetic region, is also given.