LEED and AES studies were performed on the clean and oxidized Zn and O faces of a ZnO crystal. Clean surfaces were obtained by ar bombardment and anneal. The surface structure of the clean (0001)Zn face depended on the annealing temperature: if it was below a certain 'transition temperature' (=600 degrees C for our sample), the surface was unreconstructed and displayed a (1*1) LEED pattern. For annealing temperatures higher than 600 degrees C, the Zn face underwent reconstruction and exhibited a (sqroot3*sqroot3) pattern, which was retained even after extended exposure to oxygen. The clean (0001)o face displayed a (1*1) pattern, with lines indicative of steps. When this surface was annealed above 600 degrees C, there was no sign of reconstruction. The (1*1) pattern was retained after exposure to oxygen. After oxygen adsorption, no chemical shift in the Zn or A Auger transitions could be detected on either the (0001)Zn or the (0001)o surface.