The mass-action equation for the equilibrium between interstitial F- ion-substitutional Y3+ ion nearest-neighbour pairs and unpaired interstitials and impurities in CaF2 doped with YF3 is studied by a statistical-mechanical cluster theory. Results are compared with the Teltow-Lidiard approximation that defect pairs have an activity coefficient of unity and that unpaired defects have Debye-Huckel activity coefficients. Numerical results are given, showing the contributions of various terms in the cluster-theory expressions for the activity coefficients, and the degrees of pairing predicted by the two method are compared. Although the activity coefficient expressions appear rather different, the degree of pairing from the Teltow-Lidiard approximation is accurate at 1173K at impurity concentrations up to 0.8%. However, at 673K, the possibility is found of deviations at relatively low concentrations, 0.2% from the effect of interactions between unpaired defects.