Describes the first application of a method, which is implicit in the writings of Maradudin, Montroll, Weiss and Iptatova (1971), of calculating the non-configurational entropy change sd associated with the formation of point defects in ionic crystals. The equivalence of this method and the formulation of Mahanty and Sachdev (1970) is demonstrated, and it is then applied to the calculation of the entropy changes associated with the substitution of an Na+, Rb+ or Ag+ for a K+ ion in KCl. The calculation requires a knowledge of the Green functions for the perfect crystal and these are evaluated using eigenvectors calculated from shell-model parameters that fit the neutron scattering data for KCl. The calculation of sd includes effects due to the change in mass and to force-constant changes, and the latter are calculated using the best available two-body potentials for the alkali halides.