The electron and ion continuity equations and Poisson's equation are solved for the motion of pulses of (i) electrons and (ii) plasma in an applied electric field of approximately 6 kV cm-1. For the cases considered in nitrogen at a temperature of 293K and at pressures of 12 kPa, where E/N approximately 2*10-15 V cm-2, and drift distances are a few cm, electron drift dominates over diffusion. The relative motion of electrons and ions in a plasma pulse have characteristic features very different from ambipolar diffusion motion characteristic of low fields and pressures. An electron pulse of radius approximately 0.5 cm and density approximately 1011 cm-3 spreads rapidly due to space-charge fields, regardless of whether a uniform electric field is applied. Space-charge effects enhance the electric field at the leading edge of an electron pulse in a uniform electric field. For an initially neutral plasma of density 5*106 cm-3 in a uniform electric field, electrons move independently of the ions. When the density is increased, and space charge is significant, the electron distributions have a characteristic steep trailing edge and an almost flat leading edge. At the highest densities considered of approximately 1011 cm-3 the electric field is reduced almost to zero at the centre of the plasma by space-charge effects.