In LiF:Mg, Ti dosimeters, gamma -irradiation at low temperature (77K) reduces the TL intensities of peaks 7 (260 degrees C) and 10 (450 degrees C) drastically whereas the TL intensity of peak 5 (200 degrees C) remains nearly the same as that after irradiation at room temperature (RT). This implies that during irradiation, interstitial migration is involved in the formation of traps giving rise to peaks 7 and 10. The generic nature of peaks 7 (Z2) and 10 (Z3) traps and their (Z2 to or from Z3) trap conversion are further demonstrated. Since diffusion processes are inhibited, F and Z centres are not formed efficiently in LiF dosimeters irradiated at 77K. Studies on supralinearity, sensitisation, thermal history, optical absorption, optical bleaching, phototransfer and LET dependence following irradiation at RT and at 77K imply that four different processes (competing nonluminescent centre, track interaction during read-out, Z centre and mobile interstitial) are operating simultaneously to varying extents during the trapping/luminescent stage of different TL glow peaks. The photon emission mechanisms of these peaks are discussed. The claim that supralinearity of peak 5 is related to Z3 production is disproved. Further studies on Z centre identification in LiF:Mg, Ti are indicated.