First we define an optimum discharge corresponding to a minimum energy consumption (optimum discharge), which may not necessarily correspond to the shortest discharge path. The definition results from charge and voltage measurement in a 2.2 m point-to-plane air gap energized by standard and oscillating impulse shapes. The second step is the creation of a macroscopic model and fitting it, to compare actual discharges with the optimum one. The variation of observable discharge parameters such as axial length of the leader channel, velocity of the leader tip, apparent injected charge, time-to-breakdown and applied voltage value just before breakdown are readily simulated using this model, whatever the waveshape. The third step is to validate the model using previous experimental results on several gap spacings: 5, 10 and 17 m (standard impulse shapes) and 2.2 m (oscillating impulse shapes). Two main phases are shown to exist in both experiment and model: an unstable one resulting from the first corona event and, in some cases, a quasi-steady one occurring before the final jump (breakdown cases). For a breakdown case, the U50 value can be deduced from a U0 value, the withstand level, given by this model. Finally, the well-known U curves for switching impulses are easily reproduced using our modelling work.