In order to clarify the reasons for the contradictory results regarding quadratic electrostriction in alkali halides reported by various authors, we developed an improved capacitive dilatometer. Employing the frequency-modulation technique, the resolution of the experimental set-up reaches
2×10-13 m. Various possible sources of errors could be detected, including sample mounting, calibration faults and, in particular, electro-mechanical resonances caused by strong Coulomb interactions between certain components of the dilatometer. From frequency-dependent measurements in the range 60-1200 Hz we determined the complete tensors of the quadratic electrostriction of LiF, NaCl, NaBr, KCl, KBr, KI, RbCl, RbBr and RbI at room temperature. The results are in reasonable agreement with values derived from sophisticated lattice-theoretical models. Furthermore, we studied the influence of the real structure of Li-doped KCl crystals on their electrostrictive properties.