In this paper the magnetic field dependence of the resonant frequency, fres, and frequency of maximum absorption, fmax, for a ferrofluid sample, for polarizing fields both perpendicular to and parallel with the axis of a coaxial cell, are presented for the first time.
Measurements of the complex magnetic susceptibility,
) =
) as a function of frequency, f (Hz), over the range 100 MHz-6 GHz and external polarizing field, H (kA m-1), up to approximately 100 kA m-1, are obtained by means of the coaxial transmission line technique. The presence of ferromagnetic resonance in the ferrofluid, (at a frequency fres) is found for all values of the polarizing field and the influence of demagnetizing effects on fres is accounted for. The dependence of fres on H is found to be linear and an average value of internal anisotropy field,
, and the corresponding magnetic anisotropy constant,
, are determined.
The susceptibility component profiles obtained for both cases of polarization are similar to those obtained in an analogous theoretical study of dielectrics subjected to an external electric field.