The present Special issue collects original and review articles that
were a matter of discussion at the workshop `All about metastables' organised
as a subsection of the XVth ESCAMPIG conference held in Miskol-Lillafured in
Hungary on 26-30 August 2000.
The Europhysics Sectional Conference on Atomic
and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases (ESCAMPIG) is an important biennial
meeting for scientists involved in fundamental and applied sciences based on
ionised gases. The conference is organised under the sponsorship of the European
Physical Society. The ESCAMPIG is a meeting rich with discussion opportunities.
Besides lectures, hot topics and poster sessions, it is a custom of the
ESCAMPIG to arrange during the meeting short workshops or round tables focused
on topics of large scientific impact on this community. Such discussions are
mainly based on the participation of scientists attending the conference.
The International Scientific Committee of XVth ESCAMPIG envisaged a renewed interest
in the topics concerning long-lived species, and particularly those
concerning the atoms and molecules in electronically excited metastable
states (metastable species). The importance of such species is largely known in different ionised gas environments like laboratory gas-discharges for lamps, lasers and panel display technologies, as well as in natural environments
like the upper atmosphere. The energy transfers operated by such species are of
primary importance in many kinds of afterglows containing nitrogen, oxygen and
noble gases. Actually, most of the details (density temperature or internal state distributions, etc.) of long-lived species can be detected by many
extremely sensitive techniques, most of them based on lasers. This knowledge
therefore offers the possibility of approaching with more confidence the microscopic kinetic modelling of discharge and post-discharge systems containing long-lived species.
Most of the matter discussed at the workshop `All about metastables'
is addressed by the articles in this special issue. The issue focuses on some
recent achievements in the topics concerning the diagnostics and modelling of elementary kinetics and energy
transfers of electronically excited metastables and ground state atoms and vibrationally excited molecules
in N2, O2, N2-O2 and N2-H2O systems. It also highlights the role
of long-lived species in high-pressure discharge and in supersonic flow
generated by N2 plasma jets as well as in oxygen-iodine lasers. Two reviews will help the reader to focus on the main
aspects of the gas phase and the gas-surface kinetics modelling of the long-lived species in
the glow and afterglow conditions.
Finally, despite the appealing title, the workshop highlighted a
restricted number of topics on metastables and more generally long-lived species.
The issue of noble-gas metastables was not touched upon.
For this reason we think the reader will appreciate also finding in this special
issue two regular articles on topics not covered by the workshop. We hope this special issue contributes to an overview of the many links of the metastable issue in
the physics and chemistry of partially ionised gases.
Dr S De Benedictis, Guest Editor
Centro di Studio per la Chimica dei Plasma CNR,
c/o Dipartimento di Chimica Universita' di Bari,
4, Via Orabona, 70126 Bari, Italy
June 2001