Recently new electronic structures were introduced which are composed of tunable electronically anisotropic materials deposited onto semiconductors (TEAMS). A subgroup of these TEAMS structures is tunable electronic materials with pores in oxide on semiconductors (TEMPOS), the pores usually being etched ion tracks in silicon oxide filled with (semi)conducting material and the semiconductor substrate usually being of silicon. These structures, especially TEMPOS structures, are expected to be to some extent radiation hard and resistant against high voltage pulses due to their inherent construction principles.
In this work, the first test experiments have been undertaken to check this assumption. It has been observed that, indeed, there exist TEAMS structures which are rather stable under severe external influences, but there are also others which are less stable under the same conditions. The degree of hardness against high energy radiation and high voltage electrical pulses appears to depend primarily on the chemical composition of the material embedded in these electronic structures.