The engineering of electromagnetic modes at optical frequencies in artificial
dielectric structures with periodic and random variation of the refractive
index, enabling control of the radiative properties of the materials and photon
localization, was first proposed independently by Yablonovitch and John in 1987.
It is possible to control the flow of light in the periodic dielectric
structures, known as photonic crystals (PC). As light waves scatter within the
photonic crystal, destructive interference cancels out light of certain
wavelengths, thereby forming a photonic bandgap, similar to the energy bandgap
for electron waves in a semiconductor. Photons whose energies lie within the
gap cannot propagate through the periodic structure. This property can be used
to make a low-loss cavity. If a point defect, such as one or more missing
periods, is introduced into the periodic structure a region is obtained within
which the otherwise forbidden wavelengths can be locally trapped. This property
can be used to realize photonic microcavities. Similarly, a line of defects can
serve as a waveguide.
While the realization of three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals received
considerable attention initially, planar two-dimensional (2D) structures are
currently favoured because of their relative ease of fabrication. 2D photonic
crystal structures provide most of the functionality of 3D structures. These
attributes have generated worldwide research and development of sub-μm and
μm size active and passive photonic devices such as single-mode and non-
classical light sources, guided wave devices, resonant cavity detection, and
components for optical communication. More recently, photonic crystal guided
wave devices are being investigated for application in microfludic and
biochemical sensing. Photonic crystal devices have been realized with bulk,
quantum well and quantum dot active regions.
The Cluster of articles in this issue of Journal of Physics D: Applied
Physics provides a glimpse of some of the most recent advances in the
application of photonic crystals. The modelling of PC defect-mode cavities are
described by Zhou et al. Ye and co-authors describe the concept and
realization of a novel 3D silicon-based spiral PC. It is, in fact, the only
article on 3D PCs. The design and realization of ultra-high Q
heterostructure PC nanocavities are described by Song and co-authors. The
concept of self-collimation of light in PCs and its applications are presented
by Prather and co-workers. Experimental and numerical studies on the negative
refraction related phenomenon in 2D PCs are the subject of the next article by
Ozbay and co-authors. The emerging subject of slow light generation, control
and propagation in PCs is presented in the next two articles by Baba and Mori
and by Krauss. Finally, the progress made in the development of PC microcavity
lasers and electrically injected microcavity light emitters and arrays is
described, respectively, by O'Brien et al and by Chakravarty et
It is hoped that readers will get a sense of the exciting developments and
the possibilities presented by heterostructure photonic crystals and their
devices from reading the articles in this Cluster.