An experimental technique is described from which plasma velocity distributions have been determined. The technique consists of dropping a line of ball bearings of 3, 4 or 5 mm through a horizontal arc and recording the horizontal deflection of the balls by allowing them to strike a carbon paper. Multiple drops through repeated arcs enabled a deflection curve to be compiled. This curve was then subjected to an Abel inversion so that the radial variation of aerodynamic drag on the balls could be determined. By iterative techniques it was then possible to calculate a plasma velocity distribution compatible both with the Reynold's number and the radial deflection profile.
A comparison with Wienecke's results obtained using photographic techniques on a 200 A arc showed good agreement, although the maximum deflection recorded was less than 3 mm with balls of 3 mm diameter. It was not possible to increase the deflection resolution by using smaller balls, since the scatter in striking position even in the absence of an arc increased unacceptably for balls of 2 mm diameter.
An examination of the validity of the assumptions involved and associated errors is included. In particular the disturbing influence of the ball within the plasma is considered to be small. A more serious difficulty, pointed out by Kimura and Kanzawa concerns the difficulty of assigning the effective temperature and Reynold's number which determines the drag coefficient, since the ball and plasma boundary layer are necessarily at different temperatures. It is argued that the error involved in assigning the undisturbed plasma temperature is small.
The overall error in the velocity distributions, which reach to 1500 m s−1 for the 2160 A arc, is considered to be about ±11%.