The apparent voltamperes into a nonsinusoidal circuit can be considered as the resultant of three hypothetical components known as the active voltamperes SR, the true reactive voltamperes SX, and the apparent distortion voltamperes SD. In systems with nonsinusoidal voltage, the active voltamperes SR differs from the average power P, and the true reactive voltamperes SX differs from the quantity Q=Σ1nEnIn sin In frequently quoted in the literature.
The reactive voltamperes of an inductive load can only be completely compensated by capacitance to give unity power when the load impedance is linear and the voltage is sinusoidal. If the load impedance is nonlinear or the load voltage is nonsinusoidal or both, some improvement of power factor may be relizable by capacitance compensation, but the highest power factor achievable is less than unity.
Formulae are developed to give the maximum power factor and the minimum reactive voltamperes achievable by capacitance compensation. The optimum value of capacitance to give maximum power factor operation is defined for the cases of nonsinusoidal voltage supplying a nonlinear load, nonsinusoidal voltage supplying a linear load, and sinusoidal voltage supplying a nonlinear load.