A swept frequency rf mass spectrometer of small path length has been developed. This works on the principle that each ion species present in a sample can be made to produce a characteristic waveform which can be identified in the output. A scan of a mass range can be performed by analysing the output waveform resulting from one rf sweep. While, in general, a complete spectral analysis would best be performed by computer, the required information for specific applications might be obtained more simply. The overall ion path length of the prototype instrument was 0·705 cm and its aperture diameter 1·6 cm. The large aperture gives the instrument high sensitivity which is still further increased by the fact that most of the wanted ions entering the head contribute to the output waveform. The measured sensitivity of the prototype instrument was 20 μA torr−1 for argon, but this was in the absence of any attempt to optimize the ion source characteristics. The resolution can be high, the exact value depending on the sampling process. The physical characteristics of the prototype limited the mass resolution to about 150 but a resolution of 200 should be easily attainable, and a mass range of 1-200 could be swept in a time of the order of 10 ms. Smaller path length instruments could be used for measurements at pressures up to about 0·1 torr. This, together with the compactness of the instrument, offers opportunities for its use in the investigation of the ionosphere and of planetary atmospheres.