Numerical ion trajectory calculations in a simplified model of a Daly type conversion detector have been performed to check how the impact point of an ion on the converter depends on the geometry of the conversion chamber, the point of entrance into the detector and the initial energy (0-10 keV) of the considered ion. A relation has been deduced between the initial ion energy and the position of the converter for a central point of impact.
With the chosen model dimensions the converter has to be adjustable over 10 mm, in order to meet this `central impact' condition for ions with initial energies up to 10 keV. Consequently, the influence on the detection efficiency by inhomogeneities in the converter surface, the scintillator material and the cathode of the photomultiplifier has been eliminated.
With the aid of the numerical results a conversion detector has been built with an adjustable converter, suitable for nonsimultaneous detection of 0-10 keV positive ions, and an experimental verification has been carried out. For the chosen configuration a good agreement exists between numerical and experimental results. The calculated ion trajectories therefore describe the real ion motion in the conversion chamber rather well.