Table of contents

Volume 38

Number 3, June 1992

Previous issue


A method for constructing the systems of hydrodynamic type having a number of Riemann invariants is indicated. The method is based on a new differential equation in a space of linear operators. The systems of hydrodynamic type naturally connected with the Volterra model and the Toda lattice are constructed. Their continuous limits are found, the equation (see [1] and [2]) of interaction between Riemann breaking waves and transversal long waves is among them. The equations for self-similar solutions of homogeneous systems of hydrodynamic type are derived.


The author constructs mappings between bundles on an elliptic surface and bundles on an elliptic surface that has been modified by a logarithmic transformation. These mappings are applied to the study of the moduli varieties of bundles with c1=0 on elliptic surfaces.


Effective conditions are found under which planar relaxation systems of a certain class have cycles with one δ-like component and another component close to discontinuous. A complete asymptotics of the cycles is constructed and the question on their stability is solved.


The Morse-type index of a compact p-dimensional minimal submanifold is the index of the second variation of the p-dimensional volume functional. In this paper a definition is given for the index of a noncompact minimal submanifold, and the indices of some two-dimensional minimal surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space R3 and in three-dimensional Lobachevsky space H3 are computed. In particular, the indices of all the classic minimal surfaces in R3 are computed: the catenoid, Enneper surfaces, Scherk surfaces, Richmond surfaces, and others. The indices of spherical catenoids in H3 are computed, which completes the computation of the indices of catenoids in H3 (hyperbolic and parabolic catenoids have zero index, that is, they are stable). It is also proved that for a one-parameter family of helicoids in H3 the helicoids are stable for certain values of the parameter.


A twistor description of the Weil-Petersson metric on the moduli space of stable vector bundles on a K3-surface with hyper-Kähler structure is given, and this metric is extended to the compactification of the moduli space by torsion-free sheaves.


New classes of Heun's functions that are eigenfunctions of a two-parameter spectral problem with boundary conditions at singular points of Heun's equation are introduced. The asymptotics of the spectrum and of Heun's functions are studied.



It is proved that the extended matrix disk is a domain of holomorphy. This gives a positive answer to a conjecture that is a "compact" analogue of the conjecture on the extended future tube.


An algorithm is found that decides, for an arbitrary system of semigroup identities, whether the orders of the finite semigroups satisfying the system are bounded by a function (or a recursive function) of the number of generators.


This paper is concerned with the question of the average value of the function τ(n), the number of divisors of n, for some special sequences of natural numbers.