The author describes the soluble minimal irreducible subgroups of
, where
are prime numbers,
, and
is an arbitrary subfield of the field of real numbers. He proves that up to conjugacy, there exist exactly 4 soluble minimal irreducible subgroups in
, and
, where each
is a Sylow 2-subgroup of
, and
are minimal transitive groups of permutation matrices of degree
are metabelian groups, each of which is generated by two matrices, and
are soluble groups of class 3 with three generators:

is the order of the number 2 modulo
is the order of
, and
is the order of
. The properties of subspaces generated by the rows of circulants over a prime finite field are investigated. The connection between these properties and the problem of describing certain classes of minimal irreducible linear groups is indicated. Bibliography: 18 titles.