To fulfil its mission to ensure and promote the global comparability of measurements, the BIPM operates laboratories in the fields of mass, time, electricity, ionizing radiation and chemistry. All of the laboratory work addresses one or more of the agreed objectives for the BIPM's laboratories, which are
- To establish and maintain appropriate reference standards for use as the basis of a limited number of key international comparisons at the highest level.
- To coordinate international comparisons of national measurement standards through the Consultative Committees of the CIPM; taking the role of coordinating laboratory for selected comparisons of the highest priority and undertaking the scientific work necessary to enable this to be done.
- To provide selected calibrations for Member States.
In the following sections, we provide highlights of the work undertaken at the BIPM during 2014, and the full text of the five resolutions adopted by the CGPM in November 2014.
In December 2013 the Mass Department started a campaign of calibrations (Extraordinary Calibrations) against the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK) in anticipation of the planned redefinition of the kilogram. This campaign will meet one of the prerequisites for the redefinition of the kilogram requested by the Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (CCM) [1]. It will enable the mass standards used in the watt balance and x-ray crystal density (XRCD) experiments, which will contribute to fixing the numerical value of the Planck constant, as well as the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) reference and working standards, to be compared as directly as possible with the IPK. In the first phase of the campaign, the six official copies of the IPK and the BIPM working standards have been compared with the IPK for the first time since the 3rd Periodic Verification (3rd PV, 1988–1992). The results show that the differences in mass between the IPK and the official copies have changed on average by only 1 µg since the 3rd PV. These results do not confirm the trend observed during the 2nd and 3rd PVs by which the masses of the six official copies diverged from the mass of the IPK. All BIPM working standards have been calibrated with respect to the IPK and all were found to have lower masses than those established when they were calibrated during the 3rd PV. As a consequence, the BIPM's 'as-maintained' mass unit has been found to be offset by 35 µg with respect to the IPK.
To understand how this offset of 35 µg in 2014 has evolved over time, extensive mathematical modelling has been carried out. The results of all mass comparisons between the BIPM working standards carried out since the 3rd PV have been used as input data. Different deterministic models were tested against these data and the one that describes the data most satisfactorily has been identified. The phenomena included in the model are: the mass increase of a standard after cleaning and washing, and mass changes proportional to the number of weighings in the two comparators used most often during this time. As boundary conditions, the fit assumes that the mass of the IPK is exactly 1 kg after cleaning and washing, in 1992 and in 2014. This model allows retrospective calculation of revised mass values for previous calibrations. The uncertainty of the revised mass values has been estimated to be 3 µg. The National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) participating in accurate determinations of the Planck or the Avogadro constant have been informed of the revised mass values for previous mass calibrations. This will allow them to recalculate their results, if necessary. The second phase of the Extraordinary Calibrations, consisting of calibrations of transfer standards from these NMIs started in December 2014 and will be completed in January 2015.
Preparations for a new version of the BIPM watt balance are actively under way with the specific objective of reducing the type B uncertainty due to misalignment. The new apparatus will comprise several new and improved measurement facilities. Some of them have already been assembled and tested in situ, most importantly a dynamic alignment mechanism for the correction of the coil trajectory. Its performance has been successfully validated under real working conditions. Alignment techniques for the coil and the magnetic field continue to be refined. Development of a new interferometer has advanced well. It is based on space-separated heterodyning techniques to allow for small non-linear error and high phase resolution. In order to facilitate the alignment of the interferometer, a new open support structure allowing easy access to the watt balance apparatus has been designed. In addition to being rigid and stable, the design has been refined using finite element analysis to avoid low frequency resonance peaks, especially those present in the environment. The Josephson voltage standard for current measurement has been successfully tested in the watt balance.
In 2011, the CGPM encouraged the BIPM to develop 'a pool of reference standards to facilitate the dissemination of the unit of mass when redefined' (Resolution 1 (2011)). Since then, the Mass Department has been assembling a new Ensemble of 12 Reference Mass Standards and four stacks of disks. The storage network for the Ensemble of Reference Mass Standards (ERMS) has undergone several improvements in 2014. The gas flow has been reduced and is now uniform within the different gas lines. New mass holders for the standards stored in gas allow easier manipulation in the glove box and are safer for the standards. New holders have been designed for the stacks, which allow the transfer to the mass comparator while keeping them in their storage medium. The first standards will be placed in their containers in early 2015.
Four new mass prototypes and one stack of eight discs have been fabricated during 2014. The four mass prototypes have been calibrated and, together with an already existing stack, have been characterized for their vacuum-to-air transfer behaviour. Three more prototypes are under fabrication. The department has determined the masses of the two repolished 28Si spheres AVO-S5 and AVO-S8, in air and in vacuum. A study was also undertaken to determine the mass of the chemisorbed water layer present on the surface of a natural silicon sphere. The mean chemical adsorption coefficient obtained by two different methods was 0.026 µg cm−2 with a standard uncertainty of 0.012 µg cm−2. The BIPM results confirm those obtained by the National Metrology Institute of Japan/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (NMIJ/AIST), Japan, which had measured the adsorption isotherms on SiO2/Si(1 0 0) plane surfaces. The mass results as well as the chemical adsorption coefficient will contribute to a new determination of the Avogadro constant. The Mass Department has published the final report on the CCM comparison, CCM.M-K4, of stainless steel masses.
A major achievement in the Time Department has been the implementation of a new algorithm for the regular calculation of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This algorithm is based on a parabolic model for the prediction of the participating clocks' frequency, and a weighting procedure which uses the clock predictability as the criteria. The time scale computed with the new algorithm has an improved stability of about 20% in both the short and long term.
Time transfer methods used for clock comparison are the major component in the uncertainty of [UTC − UTC(k)] in the key comparison CCTF-K001.UTC. Improving time transfer with the study and implementation of new methods has been a substantial part of the work programme of the Department, with the target of reducing the statistical uncertainty of time transfer to a few hundred ps from the present best value of 0.3 ns for 46% of time links, and also to enhance the accuracy of time transfer with more refined and frequent calibrations.
Coordination with the Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs) for the calibration of time transfer links and equipment in UTC contributing laboratories was a major theme for the department in 2014. The BIPM revised the guidelines on the procedures to be followed in the regional calibrations; a scheme fixes the responsibilities of the BIPM for the calibration of a set of selected laboratories and the RMOs for the calibration of the others. The measurements that are the responsibility of the BIPM are close to being concluded. At the end of the first round of the process, all time links in UTC will be calibrated, and the Type B uncertainty (uB) value characterizing the links and impacting on the uncertainty of [UTC − UTC(k)] is expected to decrease by a factor of 2.
Four new caesium fountains have been incorporated in 2014 to improve the frequency accuracy of International Atomic Time (TAI) following approval from the relevant Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF) Working Group. Eleven primary frequency standards, including nine caesium fountains, and one secondary representation of the second contributed to TAI in 2014, with an average of three to four caesium fountains reporting measurements each month. The increasing number of measurements reported for these standards reinforces the accuracy estimation of TAI, which is in the low 10−16.
BIPM Circular T continues to be published monthly, giving traceability to the SI second via UTC to its local realizations in national laboratories. It is the most frequent key comparison, with one evaluation of the key comparison reference value UTC and the degrees of equivalence [UTC − UTC(k)] every five days for the 73 participants that together contributed data from more than 450 atomic clocks at the end of 2014 compared to 400 in 2013.
Regular publication of rapid UTC (UTCr) has continued in 2014, providing a weekly solution that is consistently better than ±2 ns peak to peak with the final UTC published in Circular T. This rapid solution supports the quality of the representations of UTC in national laboratories and the steering of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems' times to local representations of UTC.
A first uncertainty budget has been established for the calculable capacitor, which includes the results of a theoretical model of the frequency dependence. The present alignment accuracy of the capacitor's electrode bars limits the relative uncertainty of determinations of the von Klitzing constant to about 1 part in 107. A number of measurements involving the calculable capacitor and the dedicated coaxial ac-bridge have been carried out to investigate possible systematic errors and noise sources. These investigations allowed the elimination of several noise sources from the measurement chain which has improved the measurement repeatability to 1 part in 108 or better. Two causes of systematic errors have been detected in the calculable capacitor. One of them is related to a mechanical instability of the electrode bars and the second to an instability of the interferometer laser, which has recently been solved. These difficulties have delayed the planned determination of the von Klitzing constant at the 10−7 level, which is now scheduled for early 2015. This will be followed by a careful re-alignment of the electrode bars with a new alignment probe which is at present being fabricated in the BIPM workshop. The ultimate goal remains a determination of the von Klitzing constant at the 10−8 level.
A Josephson Voltage Standard (JVS) dedicated to the measurement of the current sent to the coil of the BIPM watt balance experiment has been assembled, tested and delivered. It was demonstrated that the array voltage remained quantized and that the performance of the array did not suffer from the noise level of the watt balance environment. It has been successfully implemented on the watt balance and demonstrated for the first time that the stability of the current source needed to be improved as this was the limiting factor.
The BIPM series of onsite quantum Hall comparisons (BIPM.EM-K12) restarted with a successful visit to the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in November 2013 [2]. This comparison highlighted a limiting factor for 1 Ω measurements, which has been the subject of further study in 2014 in collaboration with the PTB. The effect of Peltier heating in a range of different 1 Ω standards has now been comprehensively characterized, with the results submitted for publication. With this improved knowledge it should be possible to minimize these effects in future comparisons, and ensure comparability of 1 Ω measurements to the level of around 10 nΩ/Ω. (The effect is less significant for higher value resistors, and comparisons of 100 and 10 kΩ standards against the quantum Hall reference are possible at uncertainties approaching 1 nΩ/Ω, as seen in the PTB comparison). The comparison series will continue with two onsite visits planned for 2015.
The very low frequency (1 Hz or below) room temperature current comparator bridge technology that the BIPM uses for onsite resistance comparisons forms the basis of a EURAMET research project on next generation quantum Hall reference systems based on graphene. The BIPM has been collaborating with the PTB and the MIKES in tests of new resistance bridges that can give primary standards level accuracy without the need for liquid helium. Initial tests have shown successful ratio measurements using MIKES-built current comparators and the existing BIPM electronics. This technology, combined with the graphene devices is now in development and promises simpler, more robust primary standards for resistance.
Ionizing radiation
The project to develop an absorbed-dose standard for medium-energy x-rays has made significant progress in 2014. The transfer standards constructed at the BIPM have been measured in air and in the new water-phantom arrangement over the range of x-ray energies. Corresponding Monte Carlo calculations of the relative response of the chambers under these conditions indicate that the absorbed dose is likely to be determined to well within the target uncertainty of 1%.
The Ionizing Radiation Department carried out the seventh and eighth comparisons in the series BIPM.RI(I)-K6 for absorbed dose to water in high-energy photon beams, with the NPL and the VSL, in the 6, 10 and 25 MV beams of the NPL. The BIPM used a remote-controlled motorized monitoring and shutter system for the first time, to reliably track and correct for intrinsic intensity variations in the beams. The new design is compact and showed a high reproducibility in the positioning of the shutter. Being controlled remotely, the system avoids the need for staff to enter the radiation area between irradiations, which saves time and improves radiation protection for the operator.
The accumulated data from the BIPM.RI(I)-K6 comparison series were used for a re-determination of the value for Wair, the mean energy required to create an ion pair in air, with a world-wide impact on primary ionometric dosimetry measurements [3].
The comparison series BIPM.RI(I)-K8 for reference air kerma rate for HDR 192Ir brachytherapy sources was re-launched: a new protocol was adopted, the results of the three previous comparisons were re-analysed and the corresponding comparison reports were produced and published. Two new comparisons with the NRC and the LNE-LNHB were carried out.
In total, sixteen dosimetry comparisons and thirteen calibrations of national secondary standards were made, which are underpinned by a significant effort in equipment calibration and maintenance. In addition, eleven comparison reports were submitted for publication.
Within the radionuclides measurements programme, the Système International de Référence (SIR) received 16 ampoules of 11 different radionuclides from seven laboratories, all oriented to generate equivalence values in the ongoing BIPM key comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1. Measurements of 222Rn, a radioactive gas with a short half-life (T1/2 = 3.8235 d, u = 0.0003 d), contributed to a co-authored article on geometry and type of containers. Monitoring of 222Rn has been implemented to study possible correlations of the background on SIR measurements.
This year marked a significant milestone with the effective use of the SIRTI to extend the SIR to 18F (T1/2 = 1.8 h), one of the most frequently used radionuclides in positron emission tomography (PET), through a new BIPM.RI(II)-K4.F-18 ongoing comparison, onsite at the NMIs' premises. The new specific protocol was established and the link SIRTI-SIR was measured for 18F using both a commercial solution and a solution from the LNE-LNHB. The validation was made at the NPL by comparing the SIRTI result and the NPL SIR result from 2003. This new ongoing comparison series started with comparisons at the VNIIM, the NPL and the ENEA-INMRI.
In parallel, the BIPM.RI(II)-K4.Tc-99 m (T1/2 = 6.0 h) comparison using the SIRTI continued with the VNIIM and the ENEA-INMRI participating in 2014. It is remarkable that, in spite of being transported around the world, the SIRTI has shown a very high reproducibility since 2007, with a relative standard deviation of 2 × 10−4 for the count rate of the 94Nb reference source measured world-wide.
Another significant step concerns the effective start in November 2014 of the trial exercise for the Extension of the SIR to beta emitters, with liquid scintillation measurements of 3H, 14C, 55Fe and 63Ni in different scintillators, volumes and counters and the participation of 14 NMI/DIs. The trial exercise will last 5 to 7 months and will serve to establish the procedures for a new ongoing, 'on demand' key comparison that will allow NMIs to obtain equivalence rapidly for beta emitters without the need for large-scale time-consuming comparisons.
In total, eighteen radionuclide activity comparisons were undertaken, and update reports of six BIPM.RI(II)-K1 comparisons and one BIPM.RI(II)-K4 comparison were submitted for publication in the Metrologia Technical Supplement covering 131I, 133Ba, 152Eu, 177Lu, 166mHo and 99mTc, and including the links from APMP.RI(II)-K2.I-131, COOMET.RI(II)-K2.Eu-152, CCRI(II)-K2.Lu-177 and EURAMET.RI(II)-K2.Ho-166 m comparisons.
In summary, thirty-four comparisons, thirteen calibrations and seventeen comparison reports were generated by the BIPM in 2014. Additionally, four CCRI and five RMO comparison reports were reviewed and published.
In the field of gas metrology, the BIPM continued to coordinate comparisons of standards for greenhouse gases and air quality monitoring in 2014. In the area of greenhouse gases and their precursors, the final report of CCQM-K82 on methane in air at ambient levels was published and the results were presented at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly. A paper demonstrating equivalence between standards made in whole and synthetic air and measured by cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) for atmospheric monitoring applications was submitted to Analytical Chemistry in November 2014. A new vacuum Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) was acquired and validated in preparation of the comparison CCQM-K120 on carbon dioxide in air standards. Standards chosen to span both the target amount fraction and isotope ratio ranges have been obtained through collaborative work with partner NMIs (NIST and NPL). A new methodology to deduce the isotopic shift δ13C in the CO2/air mixtures by FTIR has been developed during the secondment of Dr Marta Doval Minarro from the NPL. A new system to measure carbon dioxide amount fractions with traceability to the BIPM pressure standards has also been installed in a new laboratory. The system makes use of cryogenic separation of carbon dioxide from its air matrix and accurate measurements of pressure, temperature and volume. Corrections for the presence of N2O will be made based on gas chromatography-electron capture detector (GC-ECD) measurements, with the funds for the purchase of a system donated from the KRISS. The system will also underpin future key comparisons on nitrous oxide standards.
In the area of air quality gas standard comparisons, the ongoing surface ozone reference standard comparison (BIPM.QM-K1) has continued with four laboratories participating in 2014, bringing the total number of participants to 21. Work on new ozone absorption cross-section measurements was completed, leading to the proposal of a new value of 11.27 × 10−18 cm2 molecule−1 with an expanded relative uncertainty of 0.92%. This is lower than the conventional value currently in use and measured by Hearn in 1961 with a relative difference of 1.8%, with the consequence that historically reported ozone concentrations should be increased by 1.8%. A paper describing the measurements was published online in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions [4]. The comparison CCQM-K90 on formaldehyde (HCHO) in nitrogen standards has started after the delivery of the transfer standards mixtures selected by BIPM for their stability and the final validation of two different systems to dynamically generate HCHO, one by permeation from paraformaldehyde, the other by diffusion of trioxane. The development of a dynamic generation system for nitric acid in nitrogen standards was carried out during the secondment of Mrs Céline Pascal from METAS. It was used to calibrate the FTIR spectrometer, reducing the relative uncertainty of measurements of nitric acid by a factor of three. This will reduce the uncertainty in the reference value for nitrogen dioxide standards in future key comparisons (CCQM-K74.2018).
The BIPM's organic programme forms an essential part of the CCQM Working Group on Organic Analysis' (OAWG) strategy for Core Competency comparisons. A white paper outlining an approach for the linkage of organic purity key comparison results to calibration and measurement capability (CMC) claims for organic analysis, which included an extensive compilation of the results by all NMIs that have participated in BIPM coordinated purity comparisons, was prepared. It has been accepted for implementation by the OAWG and the CCQM Working Group on Key Comparisons and CMC Quality (KCWG).
The BIPM's laboratory facilities for supporting purity key comparisons were augmented through the donation of a high field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer from an instrument manufacturer. Obtaining the donation was the first outcome of the BIPM-NMIJ collaboration on the development of quantitative NMR (qNMR) for organic purity assignment which started in 2014. This was followed by training of BIPM staff at both the NMIJ and the NRC, and the installation and commissioning of the NMR instrument at the BIPM. In a lead up to this collaboration the BIPM participated successfully in the CCQM-P150 pilot study, coordinated by the NMIJ, on use of qNMR for a purity assignment of dimethyl sulfone with bis-3,5-triflurormethylbenzoic acid as the internal standard.
The final report of the CCQM-K55.c [(L) Valine purity] key comparison was published in the key comparison database (KCDB) and the preparative work on samples for CCQM-K55.d [Folic acid purity] is continuing, with homogeneity and stability measurements under way. The normal phase-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method with atmospheric pressure photoionization developed for the purity assessment of 17β-estradiol by the BIPM as part of CCQM-K55.a was published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry [5]. The BIPM has led an International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) working group, with members from 12 NMIs and two international organizations, with two meetings held in 2014 to draft technical guidelines on 'Methods for the SI Value Assignment of the Purity of Organic Compounds for use as Primary Reference Materials and Calibrators'. A draft report from this working group is expected in 2015, which will describe validated methods and achievable measurements uncertainties for organic primary calibrator material characterization. The implementation of these methods is expected to improve the comparability of analytical chemical measurements world-wide.
The BIPM's organic programme on large organic molecule purity has continued with the start of the first CCQM key comparison (CCQM-K115/P55.2) on peptide purity (C-peptide (hCP)) coordinated by the BIPM in collaboration with the NIM, China, supported by the secondments of Dr Ming Li and Dr Dewei Song. Preparatory work for the comparison included the successful completion of the cross-validation of different approaches for the purity mass fraction value assignment of a model decapeptide (Angiotensin I in collaboration with NIST) as well as insulin and three external publications, currently in preparation describe this work.
Resolutions adopted by the CGPM at its 25th meeting (18–20 November 2014)
The 25th meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) was held in Versailles from 18 to 20 November 2014. Five resolutions were adopted by the CGPM during the meeting.
On the future revision of the International System of Units, the SI
Resolution 1.
The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,
- Resolution 1 adopted by the CGPM at its 24th meeting (2011), which takes note of the intention of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) to propose a revision of the SI that links the definitions of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole to exact numerical values of the Planck constant h, elementary charge e, Boltzmann constant k, and Avogadro constant NA, respectively, and which revises the way the SI is defined including the wording of the definitions of the SI units for time, length, mass, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity so that the reference constants on which the SI is based are clearly apparent,
- the many benefits summarized in Resolution 1 that will accrue to science, technology, industry, and commerce from such a revision, especially from linking the kilogram to an invariant of nature rather than to the mass of a material artefact, thereby ensuring its long-term stability,
- Resolution 7 adopted by the CGPM at its 21st meeting (1999), which encourages work at the NMIs that can lead to such a redefinition of the kilogram,
- Resolution 12 adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting (2007), which outlines the work that should be carried out by the NMIs, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), and the CIPM together with its Consultative Committees (CCs) that could enable the planned revision of the SI to be adopted by the CGPM,
considering that there has been significant progress in completing the necessary work, including
- the acquisition of relevant data and their analysis by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) to obtain the required values of h, e, k, and NA,
- establishment by the BIPM of an ensemble of reference standards of mass to facilitate the dissemination of the unit of mass in the revised SI,
- the preparation of mises-en-pratique for the new definitions of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin, and mole,
noting that further work by the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU),the CIPM, the BIPM, the NMIs and the CCs should focus on
- awareness campaigns to alert user communities as well as the general public to the proposed revision of the SI,
- the preparation of the 9th edition of the SI Brochure that presents the revised SI in a way that can be understood by a diverse readership without compromising scientific rigour,
that despite this progress the data do not yet appear to be sufficiently robust for the CGPM to adopt the revised SI at its 25th meeting,
- continued effort in the NMIs, the BIPM, and academic institutions to obtain data relevant to the determination of h, e, k, and NA with the requisite uncertainties,
- the NMIs to continue acting through the CCs to discuss and review this data,
- the CIPM to continue developing a plan to provide the path via the Consultative Committees and the CCU for implementing Resolution 1 adopted by the CGPM at its 24th meeting (2011), and
- continued effort by the CIPM, together with its Consultative Committees, the NMIs, the BIPM, and other organizations such as the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), to complete all work necessary for the CGPM at its 26th meeting to adopt a resolution that would replace the current SI with the revised SI, provided the amount of data, their uncertainties, and level of consistency are deemed satisfactory.
On the election of the International Committee for Weights and Measures
Resolution 2.
The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,
- the provisions of Articles 7, 8 and 9 of the Regulations Annexed to the Metre Convention on the election and composition of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM),
- the decision made by the CGPM at its 17th meeting (1983), upon recommendation of the ad hoc Working Group it had created at its 16th meeting (1979), that the CIPM should – in general – ensure that the candidate is acceptable to his or her government at the time of provisional election,
- Resolution 10 adopted by the CGPM at its 24th meeting (2011) on the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), in which the CGPM invited the CIPM to establish an ad hoc Working Group charged with conducting a Review of the role, mission, objectives, long-term financial stability, strategic direction and governance of the BIPM, and to report to the CGPM at its 25th meeting on recommendations from the Review of the ad hoc Working Group, actions consequently taken by the CIPM and proposals for additional actions that require the approval of the CGPM,
- the findings and recommendations of the said ad hoc Working Group relating in particular to the election and composition of the CIPM,
- the revision by the CIPM, at Session II of its 102nd meeting (October 2013), of the principles it follows in making elections, which had been adopted by the CIPM at its 94th meeting (2005),
- Decision 103–08 of the CIPM, adopted by unanimity at Session I of its 103rd meeting (March 2014), on the resignation of all CIPM members to become effective from the start of Session I of the 104th meeting of the CIPM, scheduled for March 2015,
decides that
- beginning with the 25th meeting of the CGPM (2014), CIPM members shall be elected to fixed renewable terms,
- terms will begin at the first CIPM meeting to take place no later than six months after the CGPM meeting at which they are elected, and will end at the beginning of the CIPM meeting that follows the next meeting of the CGPM,
- a Committee for CIPM Election is set up in order to assist the CIPM and the CGPM in the election of CIPM members, being elected and operating in conformity with a procedure to be adopted by the Committee,
- the Committee for CIPM Election shall be composed of nine representatives, each from a different Member State with maximum, intermediary and minimum contributions, with appropriate geographic representation, elected by the CGPM by majority vote, as well as the CIPM President and CIPM Secretary; and that it shall be chaired by one of the Member States' representatives,
- the CGPM shall proceed at each of its meetings to the election of the nine Member States' representatives of the Committee for CIPM Election,
- Member States to participate actively in the CIPM election process.
On the Pension and Provident Fund of the BIPM
Resolution 3.
The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,
- that the CGPM at its 3rd meeting (1901) established a fund for pensions for the benefit of BIPM staff members,
- article 15 paragraph 2 of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention, which states, inter alia, that '[a]n annual levy in favour of the Pension Fund may be made from the total fees received by the Bureau',
- that the CGPM at its 24th meeting (2011) has adopted Resolution 10 on the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the BIPM which invited the CIPM to establish an ad hoc Working Group to conduct a Review of inter alia the long-term financial stability of the BIPM,
- that the CIPM established a Standing Sub-Committee on the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund and Health Insurance in 2012,
- the importance of a sustainable pension fund as a mechanism for the BIPM to attract, retain and motivate competent staff,
- the need for the CIPM together with the BIPM to manage the BIPM's budget and finances to meet its financial obligations towards the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund within the dotation agreed by the Member States,
- that the CIPM has brought increased transparency to the accounts and financial statements of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund through the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),
- the measures already taken by the CIPM towards ensuring the long-term financial stability of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund, especially the amendments that were adopted by the CIPM in 2009 and that entered into force from 1 January 2010, including raising the retirement age and increasing the BIPM staff contribution,
- the work carried out to review and analyze the current assets and liabilities of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund since the 24th meeting of the CGPM (2011) by the CIPM Sub-Committee on the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund and Health Insurance,
- the decision made at its 10th meeting (1954) to charge the CIPM with the administration of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund,
invites the CIPM to
- implement its plans to provide sustainability for the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund whilst continuing to examine the longer term liability issue,
- inform Member States about the outcome of actuarial studies on the assets and liabilities of the BIPM Pension and Provident Fund in its regular financial publications and at the next meeting of the General Conference.
Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2016–2019
Resolution 4.
The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,
- the increased importance of the work of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) to international trade, industrial innovation, monitoring climate change, human health and medicine, food and forensic science in all Member States,
- the recognition of the BIPM as the scientifically expert intergovernmental organization in metrology and the added value and cost efficiency it provides to all Member States in technical and economic terms,
- the manner in which the BIPM is adopting best management practice and improving the efficiency of its operation,
- that Resolution 7 (1979) adopted by the CGPM at its 16th meeting established a principle for the determination of the base dotation,
- Resolution 10 (2011) adopted by the CGPM at its 24th meeting on the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the BIPM, and the actions consequently taken and successfully implemented by the BIPM,
- the current world financial situation and the financial constraints Member States are subject to,
- the successful implementation by the BIPM of the recommendation made by the CGPM at its 24th meeting that additional voluntary support be sought to enable additional activities at the BIPM related to its mission,
thanks those National Metrology Institutes that have provided voluntary support of all kinds to the BIPM, in particular by way of secondment of staff to the BIPM,
decides that the annual dotation of the BIPM, as defined in Article 6, 1921, of the Regulations annexed to the Metre Convention, will be set in such a way that, for those States that are Parties to the Metre Convention at the time of the 25th meeting of the CGPM, it shall be:
- 11 980 000 euros in 2016
- 11 980 000 euros in 2017
- 11 980 000 euros in 2018
- 11 980 000 euros in 2019
- Member States, as well as international organizations, private organizations and foundations to maintain the provision of additional voluntary support of all kinds to support specific BIPM mission-related activities, particularly those that facilitate participation in the activities of the BIPM by those countries without well-developed metrology infrastructure.
On the importance of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement
Resolution 5.
The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,
- the relevance and importance of the CIPM MRA as expressed in particular by the CGPM in Resolution 6 (2003) adopted at its 22nd meeting and in Resolution 4 (2007) adopted at its 23rd meeting,
- the appreciation and support expressed by all interested parties for the CIPM MRA since its entry into force more than fifteen years ago,
- the positive social and economic impact of the CIPM MRA in providing for the mutual recognition of national measurement standards and of calibration and measurement certificates,
- that after fifteen years of successful operation of the CIPM MRA, there is a need to review its implementation and operation,
- that the activities carried out under the CIPM MRA are of direct relevance to the role, mission and objectives of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM),
- the unique and distinct role of the RMOs within the activities of the CIPM MRA, through the Joint Committee of the RMOs and the BIPM (JCRB) and for the Associates of the CGPM,
- the improvements being made within the existing framework including the strategic planning of comparisons and ongoing streamlining of processes,
- a workshop planned for 2015 to engage in a broad discussion of the CIPM MRA, involving: Directors of National Metrology Institutes, Member States representatives, representatives of RMOs and other relevant stakeholders concerning the benefits of the CIPM MRA, as well as establishing views on what works well, and what needs to be improved regarding its implementation,
- the Consultative Committees and the JCRB to continue their ongoing efforts to streamline operations within the existing framework, and to prepare for and contribute to the wider review in 2015,
- the CIPM to establish a working group under the chairmanship of its President, with membership to be determined at the 2015 workshop, to conduct a review of the implementation and operation of the CIPM MRA,
- its recommendation that the principles of the CIPM MRA be included in intergovernmental agreements as appropriate,
- all signatories of the CIPM MRA to support the activities and work of the working group on the CIPM MRA.