Absorption of ion Bernstein (IB) waves by electrons is investigated.
These waves are excited by linear mode conversion in tokamak plasmas during fast wave (FW) heating and
current drive experiments in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies.
Near mode conversion, electromagnetic corrections to the local dispersion
relation largely suppress electron Landau damping of these waves, which
becomes important again, however, when their wavelength is comparable to
the ion Larmor radius or shorter. The small Larmor radius wave equations
solved by most numerical codes do not correctly describe the onset of
electron Landau damping at very short wavelengths, and these codes,
therefore, predict very little damping of IB waves, in
contrast to what one would expect from the local dispersion relation.
We present a heuristic, but quantitatively accurate, model which allows account to
be taken of electron Landau damping of IB waves in such
codes, without affecting the damping of the compressional wave or the efficiency
of mode conversion. The possibilities and limitations of this approach are
discussed on the basis of a few examples, obtained by implementing this
model in the toroidal axisymmetric full wave code TORIC.