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Number 6, December 1995
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V L Alekseev
V A Artamonov
A D Bryuno and A Soleev
Aleksei A Davydov and L Ortiz-Bobadil'ya
O O Griniv and R L Dobrushin
S D Iliadis
S A Iskhokov
V F Kirichenko
Yu Yu Kochetkov
Yu S Kolesov
V V Konev and S M Pergamenshchikov
D V Leikin
A Yu Levin
T L Mordasheva
E A Morozova
S M Natanzon
S A Nazarov
Stepan Yu Orevkov
F B Pakovich
O V Platonova
L D Pustyl'nikov
E G Pytkeev
O V Radkevich
V V Ryzhikov
I V Savel'ev
Ju M Smirnov
S A Stepin
A A Tuganbaev
A P Veselov and S P Novikov
S N Volkov
Oleg V Besov, S B Bochkarev, V K Dzyadyk, V A Il'in, B S Kashin, N P Korneichuk, L D Kudryavtsev, O A Oleinik, Yu S Osipov, S I Pokhozhaev et al
O B Lupanov, Yu V Nesterenko, Sergei M Nikol'skii, M K Potapov, V A Sadovnichii and P L Ul'yanov
I Krichever and A Zabrodin
Contents §1. Introduction §2. The generating linear problem §3. The direct problem §4. Finite-gap solutions of the non-Abelian Toda chain §5. Difference analogues of Lamé operators §6. Representations of the Sklyanin algebra §7. Concluding remarks
V I Piterbarg and V R Fatalov
Contents §1. Introduction Chapter I. Asymptotic analysis of continual integrals in Banach space, depending on a large parameter §2. The large deviation principle and logarithmic asymptotics of continual integrals §3. Exact asymptotics of Gaussian integrals in Banach spaces: the Laplace method 3.1. The Laplace method for Gaussian integrals taken over the whole Hilbert space: isolated minimum points ([167], I) 3.2. The Laplace method for Gaussian integrals in Hilbert space: the manifold of minimum points ([167], II) 3.3. The Laplace method for Gaussian integrals in Banach space ([90], [174], [176]) 3.4. Exact asymptotics of large deviations of Gaussian norms §4. The Laplace method for distributions of sums of independent random elements with values in Banach space 4.1. The case of a non-degenerate minimum point ([137], I) 4.2. A degenerate isolated minimum point and the manifold of minimum points ([137], II) §5. Further examples 5.1. The Laplace method for the local time functional of a Markov symmetric process ([217]) 5.2. The Laplace method for diffusion processes, a finite number of non-degenerate minimum points ([116]) 5.3. Asymptotics of large deviations for Brownian motion in the Hölder norm 5.4. Non-asymptotic expansion of a strong stable law in Hilbert space ([41]) Chapter II. The double sum method - a version of the Laplace method in the space of continuous functions §6. Pickands' method of double sums 6.1. General situations 6.2. Asymptotics of the distribution of the maximum of a Gaussian stationary process 6.3. Asymptotics of the probability of a large excursion of a Gaussian non-stationary process §7. Probabilities of large deviations of trajectories of Gaussian fields 7.1. Homogeneous fields and fields with constant dispersion 7.2. Finitely many maximum points of dispersion 7.3. Manifold of maximum points of dispersion 7.4. Asymptotics of distributions of maxima of Wiener fields §8. Exact asymptotics of large deviations of the norm of Gaussian vectors and processes with values in the spaces and . Gaussian fields with the set of parameters in Hilbert space 8.1 Exact asymptotics of the distribution of the -norm of a Gaussian finite-dimensional vector with dependent coordinates, 8.2. Exact asymptotics of probabilities of high excursions of trajectories of processes of type 8.3. Asymptotics of the probabilities of large deviations of Gaussian processes with a set of parameters in Hilbert space [74] 8.4. Asymptotics of distributions of maxima of the norms of -valued Gaussian processes 8.5. Exact asymptotics of large deviations for the -valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
O I Mokhov, S P Novikov and A K Pogrebkov
N M Korobov, Yu V Nesterenko and A B Shidlovskii