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Volume 58

Number 3, June 2003

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This paper is devoted to an explicit construction and study of an isometry between the spaces of square-integrable functionals of an arbitrary Lévy process (a process with independent values) and of a vector-valued Gaussian white noise. Explicit formulae are obtained for this isometry on the level of multiplicative functionals and orthogonal decompositions. The central special case is treated at length, that is, the case of an isometry between the L2 spaces over a Poisson process and over a white noise; in particular, an explicit combinatorial formula is given for the kernel of this isometry. A key role in our considerations is played by the concepts of measure factorization and Hilbert factorization, as well as the closely related concepts of multiplicative and additive functionals and of taking the logarithm in factorizations. The results obtained make possible the introduction of a canonical Fock structure (an analogue of the Wiener-Itô decomposition) in the L2 space over an arbitrary Lévy process. Applications to the theory of representations of current groups are also considered, and an example of a non-Fock factorization is given.



Higher-rank solutions of the equations of the two-dimensionalized Toda lattice are constructed. The construction of these solutions is based on the theory of commuting difference operators, which is developed in the first part of the paper. It is shown that the problem of recovering the coefficients of commuting operators can be effectively solved by means of the equations of the discrete dynamics of the Tyurin parameters characterizing the stable holomorphic vector bundles over an algebraic curve.


This paper studies the derived categories of coherent sheaves on smooth complete algebraic varieties and equivalences between them. We prove that every equivalence of categories is represented by an object on the product of the varieties. This result is applied to describe the Abelian varieties and K3 surfaces that have equivalent derived categories of coherent sheaves.