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Volume 63

Number 6, December 2008

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In the first part of this paper the theory of Frobenius manifolds is applied to the problem of classification of Hamiltonian systems of partial differential equations depending on a small parameter. Also developed is a deformation theory of integrable hierarchies including the subclass of integrable hierarchies of topological type. Many well-known examples of integrable hierarchies, such as the Korteweg-de Vries, non-linear Schrödinger, Toda, Boussinesq equations, and so on, belong to this subclass that also contains new integrable hierarchies. Some of these new integrable hierarchies may be important for applications. Properties of the solutions to these equations are studied in the second part. Consideration is given to the comparative study of the local properties of perturbed and unperturbed solutions near a point of gradient catastrophe. A Universality Conjecture is formulated describing the various types of critical behaviour of solutions to perturbed Hamiltonian systems near the point of gradient catastrophe of the unperturbed solution.


The present article is an exposition of the author's talk at the conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of S.P. Novikov. The talk contained the proof of Welters' conjecture which proposes a solution of the classical Riemann-Schottky problem of characterizing the Jacobians of smooth algebraic curves in terms of the existence of a trisecant of the associated Kummer variety, and a solution of another classical problem of algebraic geometry, that of characterizing the Prym varieties of unramified covers.


This paper is a discussion of the behaviour of the trigonometric sums and their limiting distribution as a function of . The analysis is based upon another application of the renormalization group theory.


This survey is devoted to some results in the area of combinatorial and convex geometry, from classical theorems up to the latest contemporary results, mainly those results whose proofs make essential use of the methods of algebraic topology. Various generalizations of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem for a -action are explained in detail, along with applications to Knaster's problem about levels of a function on a sphere, and applications are discussed to the Lyusternik-Shnirel'man theory for estimating the number of critical points of a smooth function. An overview is given of the topological methods for estimating the chromatic number of graphs and hypergraphs, in theorems of Tverberg and van Kampen-Flores type. The author's results on the `dual' analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem are described. Results are considered on the existence of inscribed and circumscribed polytopes of special form for convex bodies and on the existence of billiard trajectories in a convex body. Results on partition of measures by hyperplanes and other partitions of Euclidean space are presented. For theorems of Helly type a brief overview is given of topological approaches connected with the nerve of a family of convex sets in Euclidean space. Also surveyed are theorems of Helly type for common flat transversals, and results using the topology of the Grassmann manifold and of the canonical vector bundle over it are considered in detail.



This article surveys recent progress of results in topology and dynamics based on techniques of closed 1-forms. Our approach lets us draw conclusions about properties of flows by studying homotopical and cohomological features of manifolds. More specifically, a Lusternik-Schnirelmann type theory for closed 1-forms is described, along with the focusing effect for flows and the theory of Lyapunov 1-forms. Also discussed are recent results about cohomological treatment of the invariants and and their explicit computation in certain examples.