Table of contents

Volume 65

Number 1, January 2010

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Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society


A survey is given of results and approaches for a broad spectrum of free boundary problems for harmonic functions of two variables. The main results are obtained by the functional geometric method. The core of these methods is an interrelated analysis of the functional and geometric characteristics of the problems under consideration and of the corresponding non-linear Riemann-Hilbert problems. An extensive list of open questions is presented.

Bibliography: 124 titles.


This is a survey of results on the long-time asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations in weighted energy norms. Results obtained from 1975 to 2001 in the spectral scattering theory of Agmon, Jensen-Kato, Jensen-Nenciu, and Murata are described for the Schrödinger equation, along with the author's recent results [1]-[3] obtained jointly with A.I. Komech for the Klein-Gordon equation. The methods used develop the spectral approach as applied to relativistic equations.

Bibliography: 40 titles.


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In this article we describe relations of the topology of closed 1-forms to the group-theoretic invariants of Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz. Starting with a survey, we extend these Sigma invariants to finite CW-complexes and show that many properties of the group-theoretic version have analogous statements. In particular, we show the relation between Sigma invariants and finiteness properties of certain infinite covering spaces. We also discuss applications of these invariants to the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a closed 1-form and to the existence of a non-singular closed 1-form in a given cohomology class on a high-dimensional closed manifold.

Bibliography: 32 titles.