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Number 6, June 1969
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M S Khaĭkin
G R Khutsishvili
Sergei M Stishov
Viktor Ya Frenkel'
N G Basov and V S Letokhov
A F Volkov and Sh M Kogan
N S Shestov, E O Fedorova, V F Zakharenkov and N A Stavitskaya
S T Belyaev, Vladimir A Sidorov and B V Chirikov
S A Akhmanov, F V Bunkin, Viktor G Veselago, L I Gudzenko, Yu A Kravtsov, M L Levin, Immanuil L Fabelinskiĭ and R V Khokhlov
M G Veselov, G F Drukarev and Yu V Novozhilov