Introduction 323
1. Complex Dielectric Tensor
ij(ω, k) and Normal Waves in the Medium 328
a) The Tensor
ij(ω, k) and Its Properties 328
b) Normal Electromagnetic Waves in a Medium. Transverse and Longitudinal Waves.
"Fictitious" Longitudinal Waves and "Polarization Waves" 331
c) Energy and Other Relations for Waves in an Anisotropic Medium 334
2. The Tensor
ij(ω, k) in Crystals 337
a) The Concept of the Tensor
ij(ω, k) for Crystals 337
b) The Case of Weak Spatial Dispersion (a/λ ≪ 1) 339
Cited Literature, Part I 345
3. Crystal optics with allowance for spatial dispersion, a) New wave near absorption line in gyrotropic
crystals, b) New waves in non-gyrotropic crystals, c) Optical anisotropy of cubic crystals.
Quadrupole absorption lines, d) Effect of mechanical stresses and external electric and magnetic
fields, e) The problem of boundary conditions, f) Experimental investigations of effects of spatial
dispersion in crystal optics. 4. Quantum mechanical calculation of the tensor
ij(ω, k). a) Quantum
mechanical expression for
ij(ω, k). b) Mechanical excitons and the tensor
ij(ω, k) in molecular
crystals and in the case of the classical oscillator model, c) Absorption mechanism and
calculations. Concluding remarks. Cited literature, part II.