Based on the available data of specific heat Cv at
constant volume and the Grüneisen parameter γ of both lattice and
electron contributions, we present a consistent method for
simultaneously calculating the effective or synthesized Grüneisen
parameter along Hugoniot, γeH, covering solid, mixed, and
liquid states, and the melting temperature Tm for ε-iron.
The rationality validation for this method is confirmed as compared
with the experimental data, including the measured Tm and
Hugoniot bulk sound velocities Cb. The calculated γeH and
Tm for ε-iron at the Earth's inner-core boundary (330 GPa) are
1.58 and 5930 K, respectively, which are close to the values of 1.53
and 6050 K given by Anderson [J. Phys. Chem.
Solids 64 (2003) 2125]. This method for determination of γeH
could be, in principle, also applicable to any thermodynamic state
calculations, e.g., along isothermal and isentropic paths, other than
the Hugoniot locus.