In the past five years, a sufficient understanding of hot-carrier degradation has been obtained to slow reliability predictions of digital and analogue CMOS circuits. The proven quasi-static behaviour and a universal time dependence of the degradation, which is independent of the specific stress condition, prove helpful in developing simple formulae for predicting n-channel lifetimes in digital circuits. In p-channel devices, in contrast, a detailed quantitative understanding is obtained which leads to a precise description of the degradation in this type of device. Reliability predictions of digital CMOS circuits are performed on this basis. Analogue circuits operate with long-channel devices and in regimes differing from those for digital applications, thus requiring additional considerations. Channel-length dependences of the hot-carrier degradation have been found for a variety of electrical parameters relevant to the analogue operation of n- and p-MOSFETs. In particular, a new degradation effect independent of channel length that is important for modelling analogue circuits has been discovered in p-MOSFETs. The reliability of devices in analogue circuits is described and tested on this basis.