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A statistical mechanics approach to cultural evolution of structured behavior in non-human primates: From disorder to tetris-like structures

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Published 21 November 2022 Copyright © 2022 EPLA
, , Citation Javier Vera et al 2022 EPL 140 42001 DOI 10.1209/0295-5075/ac9f65



This paper explores a statistical mechanics approach to cultural evolution of structured behavior in non-human primates. Previous works on cultural evolution have proposed Iterated Learning procedures, in which the behavioral output of one individual becomes the target behavior for the next individual in the chain. Within this line of research, previous work has suggested that even in non-human primates this paradigm shows that cultural transmission can lead to the progressive emergence of tetris-like structures. Our simulations are based on several interrelated statistical mechanics measurements, which quantify the way structures become closer to each other and the tendency to put activated cells together (understood by means of a number of measures and an energy-like function). With these tools, we suggested the hypothesis that the appearance of tetris-like structures might be an indirect consequence of the energy-like minimization. From this, it is plausible to think that the preference of the participants for tetris-like structures is strongly related to some kind of minimization towards simplicity in cognition.

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This letter bridges the gap between statistical mechanics and cultural evolution, by asking an intriguing question: Can statistical mechanics' measures provide a fine-grained characterization of the cultural evolution of structured behavior in communities of non-human primates? A standard procedure to describe cultural evolution [1] is the Iterated Learning paradigm [26]. The hypothesis underlying this paradigm is that cultural adaptive evolution appears to the extent that an individual acquires a behavior by observing a similar behavior in another individual who acquired it in the same way [5]. For instance, in the experiment described in [5] human participants must learn and reproduce a miniature language. Participants are asked to learn an "alien" language made up of written labels for visual stimuli. The initial set of labels in the language is generated and assigned randomly, and the first participant in the experiment is trained in this random language. Subsequent participants are trained on the output of the final testing of the previous participant. In this case, the appearance of linguistic structure is a consequence of the hypothesis of cumulative adaptive evolution.

Within the cultural evolution framework, the experiment described in [7] studied the formation of structured behavior in non-human primates. As described in the experiment, at each evolutionary step, a different monkey (from a group of 12 participants) was exposed to a grid of 16 squares, 12 white and 4 red. After a short time period, all the red squares became white and the monkey had to touch the previously showed red squares in any order. The trial was completed when four different cells had been touched. The trial is a success if three or four of the original red cells were touched. In this case, the computer delivered some grains as a reward for success. The procedure for the between-individuals transmission relies on the fact that the actual pattern of squares touched while attempting to reproduce the observed patterns became the set of target patterns shown to the next individual in that chain. Strikingly, [7] argues that the group of non-human participants are capable of sustaining a culture in the laboratory that exhibits some of the fundamental properties of human culture (particularly, the emergence of structure). As shown in fig. 1, the structured behaviors that emerged in their experiment exhibited tetris-like shapes formed by combinations of adjacent red cells.

Fig. 1:

Fig. 1: Example of the evolutionary changes of one initial trial. The figure displays one transmission chain of the experimental data of [7]. Each generation is defined by one non-human primate interacting with a grid of cells. Red cells are activated. After 12 generations, the tetris-like structure of the rightmost matrix of the second row emerged.

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Based on these observations: Were the tetris-like shapes generated by the non-human primates a consequence of some kind of cognitive optimization process? More generally, we attempt to solve the puzzle of the relationship between the observed tetris-like structured behavior and the fine-grained interaction between cells. This idea is not completely new. A key example is Network Science which has become extremely relevant to the study of cognition [8]. Remarkably, several neural structures and processes are constrained by some kind of optimization. Among others, two ideas stand out: human cortex is highly interconnected and efficient, revealing a complex k-shell structure [9]; and human brain exhibits "small world" characteristics (see, for example, [10]). Within a cognitive science approach, the idea that cognition and learning favour simplicity is well established. General references on simplicity in cognition are [11,12]. In the Iterated Learning framework, several works have pointed out the role of simplicity [1316]. Here, we explore the hypothesis that the tetris-like structured behavior described in [7] is 1) mensurable using simple statistical mechanics techniques; and 2) partly explainable by some kind of optimization or simplification.

Thus, the aim of this study is to model the cultural evolution of structured behavior in non-human primates, as described in [7], using statistical mechanics' measures. To quantitatively characterize cultural evolution using a statistical mechanics approach, we used the open-source experimental results of [7] to provide a quantitative understanding of the cultural evolution from a disordered to a progressive emergence of systematic structure. Our methodology is mainly based on the study of the tendency of activated cells to become closer to each other and the tendency to put activated cells together (mainly understood by means of an energy-like function). With these tools, we provided a fine-grained description of the evolutionary changes of the grids, to the extent that non-human participants interact with them.

The remaining of the article details our statistical mechanics approach to quantifying the cultural evolution of structured behavior in non-human primates. We organize the discussion in three sections. The "Materials and methods" section describes the experimental data [7] and the technical notions to quantify evolutionary steps over transmission chains. The "Results" section describes and illustrates the main results. The "Discussion" section summarizes our work and restates the key challenges of our approach to the description of the cultural evolution of structured behavior.

Materials and methods

Experimental data

Data concerning [7] have been deposited as an open-source repository in the Dryad database (doi:10.5061/dryad.0f1m0). The experiment described in [7] is divided into 6 transmission chains. A transmission chain is simply a predefined random order of the 12 monkeys. For this experiment, a "time step" or evolutionary step is defined by one monkey interacting with a grid of squares. For each transmission chain, the group of monkeys successively interact towards the emergence of structured behavior (for details of the participants and the experimental protocol, see [7]). At each evolutionary step, a different monkey was exposed to a grid of 16 squares, 12 white and 4 red. This defined a trial. The same participant received a first block of 50 transmission trials.

The procedure for the between-individuals transmission relies on the fact that the actual pattern of squares touched while attempting to reproduce these 50 transmission trials and became the set of target patterns (after randomly reordering) shown to the next individual in that chain. From this, the experimental data of [7] is defined by 6 transmission chains, in which 50 trials are exposed to the group of 12 monkeys. All our calculations with the experimental data of [7] are stored in

Matrix representation of data

Each trial consisted of the interaction between a monkey and a grid made by 16 squares, 12 white and 4 red. Here, each trial $T = (t_{ij})$ is understood as a $4\times 4$ binary matrix where $t_{ij}=1$ if the cell i, j is activated, and 0 otherwise. The (von Neumann) neighborhood of a cell i, j is the set $V_{ij} = \{(i,j+1),(i,j-1),(i+1,j),(i-1,j)\}$ (for details, see fig. 2).

Fig. 2:

Fig. 2: Matrix representation of a trial. The figure displays the matrix representation of experimental data. Each trial consisted of the interaction between a monkey and a grid made by 16 squares. Each cell is associated to four neighbors (von Neumann neighborhood): up, down, left and right ones (like the cell Y). By the influence of boundaries, some cells have two neighbors (like the cell X).

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Explicit measures of cultural evolution

To shed light on the formation of tetris-like shapes, as an evidence of the emergence of structured behavior, we used a number of measures pointing out to the same phenomenon: the participants of the experiments described by [7] prefer the activation of closer cells over evolutionary steps. We focus on the description of the tetris-like shapes emerging from activated cells approaching to each other, by means of 1) the connectivity of the grid cells and 2) the distance to the nearest activated cell; and the simplification in cognition, by means of 3) energy-like measure.

We provide two simple measures to quantify the way in which squares become closer to each other. First, given a trail $T = (t_{uv})$ (at each neighborhood Vu ) such that the cell u is activated, the function cu is defined, which is 1 in the case that one neighbor in Vu is activated, and 0 otherwise. Averaging this quantity over all cells defines the connectivity of the configuration at that time step,

Equation (1)

From this definition, it is natural to think that the evolutionary steps from random cell grids to the formation of tetrominos can be characterized by an increase of connectivity.

Second, at each neighborhood Vu the function du is defined, which measures the distance between u and the nearest activated cell. The distance between two cells is $|i_u - i_v| + |j_u - j_v|$ , where iu , iv are the respective row numbers, and ju , jv are the respective column numbers. Summing this quantity over all cells defines the distance to the nearest activated cell of the configuration at that time step,

Equation (2)

Random configurations of activated cells could lead to small distances to the nearest activated cells. By contrary, the formation of tetromino structures could led to high distances to the nearest activated cells.

An energy-like measure is proposed to describe the cultural evolution of structured behavior as the tendency to put cells with the same activation state (activated or deactivated) together. In simple terms, each trial matrix is simply understood as a $4\times 4$ binary matrix, formed by activated and deactivated cells. To explicitly describe the amount of local agreement between cells, a function, called the "energy", is defined (for a similar function, see [17]). This energy-based approach arises from a physical interpretation. The energy measures the amount of local instability of the configuration. Large values of energy imply the evolution until ordered low-energy configurations are reached.

At each neighborhood Vu , the function $\delta_u$ is defined, which is 1 in the case that $x_u = x_v$ (agreement between the vertices u and v), and 0 otherwise (disagreement). Thus, it measures the amount of local agreement of the neighborhood $\sum_{v \in V_u} \delta(x_u,x_v)$ . Summing this quantity over all cells defines the total energy of the configuration at that time,

Equation (3)


Claidière et al. [7] observed that the behaviors of individual grids over transmission chains develop a rare tetromino structure which implies the emergence of systematic structure. We face thus the following question: Is it possible to provide a fine-grained characterization of the preferred cell patterns over a transmission chain evolving towards tetromino structures? To provide a deeper understanding of these issues, we explore the connectivity of cell patterns, the distance to the nearest activated cell, the energy-like function and a toy theoretical model that mimics cultural evolution.

Activated cells become closer to each other

As a first simple numerical simulation, the average connectivity of grid cells over transmission chains was analyzed in fig. 3 (top). As a general observation, a smooth increase in connectivity C vs. time can be noticed. Two domains can be observed. First, C increases abruptly for t < 7, indicating that for this domain the participants prefer to touch closer cells. Second, a stable phase is attained for t > 7. This indicates that from that time step activated cells remain close to each other over transmission chains. Strikingly, the behavior of C suggests the important fact that the observation provided by [7] that in non-human primates it is possible to observe evolution of structure (tetris-like figures) could be an indirect effect of the increasing of connectivity.

As shown in fig. 3 (bottom), over time the participants prefer to slowly put activated cells closer to each other. More precisely, a smooth increase in D vs. time can be noticed. Two domains can be observed. First, D increases abruptly for t < 3, indicating that for this domain the participants prefer to put activated cells together. Second, a more stable phase is attained for t > 3.

Fig. 3:

Fig. 3: Activated cells become closer to each other. For each transmission chain, we averaged the connectivity of trails, using eq. (1) (top), and we sum the distance to the nearest activated cell, using eq. (2) (bottom). Time is defined by the interaction of a different participant with a trial. Each participant interacts with 50 trials. Orange lines indicate each transmission chain. Red line indicates the average over transmission chains.

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Cultural evolution of structured behavior: energy-like measure

We now shift our focus from general observations about cell connectivity patterns to a general view of simplification in cognition. As shown in fig. 4, the energy-like function E over transmission chains exhibited a global tendency of smooth decreasing. As in the previous subsection, two domains can be observed for the evolution of E. First, E decreases abruptly for t < 7, which is an evidence for an initial phase of energy minimization. Second, a stable phase is attained for t > 7. The inverse relationship between the average connectivity and the energy-like function might provide some evidence for three main facts. Firstly, non-human participants might prefer connected cell patterns of lower energy; secondly, it is plausible to think that the appearance of tetris-like structures is an indirect consequence of energy minimization; and maybe more importantly, thirdly, non-human primates simplify efforts while they participate in cultural evolution experiments. Although this kind of minimization seems obvious, it is important to remark the influence of this fact on the observed structured behavior.

Fig. 4:

Fig. 4: Energy-like function over time. For each transmission chain, we measured the energy-like function of trails, using eq. (3). Time is defined by the interaction of a different participant with a trial. Each participant interacts with 50 trials. Orange lines indicate each transmission chain. The red line indicates the average over transmission chains.

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A simple model to study cultural evolution of structured behavior

What is the influence of the energy-like minimization on the grid of cells? To answer this question, we studied a simple algorithm, based on several related models of discrete dynamics (see, for example, [1820]; for a general overview of this kind of models, see [21]). Our interest is to provide a quantitative view of the collective phenomena emerging from the interactions of individual cells as elementary units in trial matrices. The energy-like function E is minimized with the following algorithm. Consider an initial cell grid A of size $N \times N$ . N cells of A are activated, while $N \times N - N$ are deactivated. At each time step, the matrix A is modified by randomly changing the state (activated or deactivated) of some pairs of cells with opposite states, and the new A matrix is accepted if the energy-like function E is lowered. With this procedure, we ensure that the number of activated cells remains constant.

We provide a simple definition of a tetris-like structure. Consider the matrix A of size $N \times N$ with N activated cells. T is a tetris-like structure if 1) T is formed by N cells; and T is connected. A group of activated cells G is connected if each neighbor's cell is activated.

If the hypothesis that the appearance of structured behavior over transmission chains is a consequence of energy minimization were valid, tetris-like structures should appear. As shown in fig. 5, the algorithm provides a simple way to minimize the energy-like function E. We need to remark an important fact: all trajectories defined by the algorithm minimized the energy-like function, so we can expect the formation of tetris-like structures. This is true indeed, as shown in fig. 6.

Fig. 5:

Fig. 5: Energy-like minimization for the proposed algorithm. Using a modified version of the energy-like function defined by eq. (3), the proposed algorithm attempts to change cell states according to its minimization. The figure displays the trajectories of 100 random initial conditions with matrices of size $4 \times 4$ .

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Fig. 6:

Fig. 6: Configurations of the algorithm at different time steps. Starting from a given matrix of size $4 \times 4$ at time step 0, with random activated cells, the algorithm performs a change in a pair of cells with opposite states. the energy-like function, based on eq. (3), is then evaluated, and the new matrix is accepted if E is lowered. We display four matrices at time steps 0, 10, 25 and 50.

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Fine-grained characterization of structured behavior

In this paper, we proposed a bridge between cultural evolution in non-human primates and Statistical Mechanics techniques. We focused on measuring the emergence of tetris-like structures as described by the experiments of [7]. The most important measures studied were the average connectivity and the energy-like function, which pointed to a fine-grained characterization of the formation of tetris-like structures.

Tetris-like structures and cultural evolution

This study's results suggest an inverse relationship between the tendency of activated cells to become closer to each other and the minimization of (cognitive) efforts. The most important fact arising from this observation is twofold: Firstly, it is plausible to think that the appearance of tetris-like structures is an indirect consequence of energy minimization; and, secondly, we may hypothesize that non-human primates simplify their efforts while they participate in cultural evolution experiments. If the previous idea is confirmed, a couple of pending questions are: What are the cognitive pressures and constraints that lead to the appearance of behavioral structures? What is the role of reward in this process of structure formation?

To go in depth on low-energy configurations for each trial, we count the proportion of tetromino squares of activated cells over transmission chains. As shown in fig. 7, the proportion of squares varies from 0.05 to 0.2. Underlying this measure, it is plausible to suggest that the participants minimized cognitive (and maybe not motor) efforts.

Fig. 7:

Fig. 7: Number of squares over time. For each transmission chain, we measured the percentage of squares of activated cells. Time is defined by the interaction of a different participant with a trial. Each participant interacts with 50 trials. Orange lines indicate each transmission chain. The red line indicates the average over transmission chains.

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An interesting way to answer these pending questions would be to investigate how in idealized agent-based scenarios agents can negotiate the formation of behavioral structures [2224], constrained by simple cognitive pressures. Current work is investigating an agent-based game, in which players are equipped with simple forms of working memory while developing structures in cultural evolution experiments.


Future work could involve a fascinating related question within the Iterated Learning paradigm: Is it possible to observe energy-like minimization in a population of human participants? For example, as described above, in [5] human participants must learn and reproduce a miniature language. The participants are asked to learn a language made up of written labels for visual stimuli. As usual, the output of a participant is the input language for the next participant. We may ask: Is there some kind of optimization of a quantity (related to the energy-like function studied here)? Are there conserved quantities? The answer to these questions is not obvious. At first glance, future work should propose energy-like functions for the emergence of linguistic structure in cultural evolution frameworks. A good start point to face this problem is the literature related to optimization of linguistic units or principles (see, for example, [2529]). With this, we could explore the hypothesis that the emergence of linguistic structure is strongly related to the minimization of some form of cognitive effort.

Data availability statement: The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at the following URL/DOI:

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