Two new possibilities in the axiomatic foundations of quantum mechanics are examined: first, the possibility of introducing a non-symmetric transition probability between pure states, and second, showing that the concept of orthocomplementation in the logic of events is unnecessary and of secondary importance. An axiomatic scheme is presented which does not involve the concept of orthocomplementation and yet has all the advantages of the well-known quantum logic axiomatics, because the generalised logic of events admits an extension, which is a complete orthocomplemented orthomodular lattice with the covering law holding in it. Thus, the approach to quantum axiomatics may be seen as answering both the old questions of the quantum logic approach (e.g. the questions of the complete lattice structure of the logic, atomicity, the validity of the covering law) and the question concerning the necessity of the orthocomplementation in the logic of events, recently raised by Mielnik (1976).