The matrix formulation of Flaschka is used to study the integrability of nonlinear N-particle systems of exponential type (e.g. Toda lattices, electric circuits of ladder type, Volterra systems). The asymptotic, i.e., N to infinity , behaviour of the normalised eigenvalue moments ( mu r'(N); r=0,1,...,N) of the N-dimensional L matrices, which are constants of motion of the system, is investigated. Compact expressions of these quantities in terms of the asymptotic values of the dynamical variables (Pn, Qn) of the Toda lattice are analytically obtained in a simple way. The applicability of these expressions is illustrated in the case (Pn to 0, Qn-Qn-1 to 0), which encompasses many of the motions of the Toda lattice considered in the literature.