For the two mutually reciprocal, unit, Bravais lattices ( tau ) and ( gamma ) in an m-dimensional Euclidean space, the author presents exact results for (i) a class of lattice sums Jtau (a, k, m)= Sigma 'tau exp(-a tau 2)/ tau 2k for a>0 and k any real number and (ii) the class of complementary lattice sums Sgamma (a, l, j, m)= Sigma 'gamma gamma -2l( gamma 2+q2)-1 for j>0, l any real number and (2l+2j)>m. These results may be useful in dealing with finite as well as infinite physical systems-in particular, the ones undergoing phase transitions. The asymptotic results following from the expressions are in qualitative agreement with those of Hall (1976), though quantitatively a slight discrepancy is noted in the case k<m/2 for Jtau (a, k, m) and in the case l<m/2 for Sgamma (q, l, j, m).