For pt.I see ibid., vol.14, p.2581 (1981). If one begins with N non-interacting fermions, the Pauli principle can be easily incorporated by the use of Slater determinants. This is not the case for N interacting fermions. The authors consider exactly soluble 'Coulomb-type' quantum systems in three dimensions of N interacting identical spin-1/2-fermions. A systematic procedure for constructing Pauli antisymmetry adapted wavefunctions is given. The resulting antisymmetric wavefunctions are labelled by conserved 'good' quantum numbers. In particular, for N=2, all the physically acceptable states are obtained. For N=3, they present a class of antisymmetric states which consists of all the ground states, all the first excited states and the states obtained by the hyperradial excitations of these. For N=2 and 3, the ground states of the authors' model systems are found to be 1S(s2) and 2P(s2p), respectively, in the quantum numbers of the interacting system.