For pt.III, see ibid., vol.20, p.3577 (1987). An algebra of operators commuting with a given compact internal symmetry group action on a Fock space is introduced as a means for constructing unitary invariant operators on the Fock space. The algebra is generated by invariant polynomials and, in general, is an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra with a Cartan-Weyl structure. As an example, the algebra ASO(3)2 generated by the l=2 representation of SO(3) is analysed. Irreducible representations of ASO(3)2 are given by raising operators acting on lowest-weight states; the coefficients which connect states generated by raising operators are computed. Some of the multiplicity appearing in an irreducible representation is dealt with by introducing an SL(2,R) subalgebra of ASO(3)2.