This is a call for contributions to a special issue ofJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and General entitled
`Singular Interactions in Quantum Mechanics: Solvable Models'.
This issue should be a repository for high quality original work. We
are interested in having the topic interpreted broadly, that is,
to include contributions dealing with point-interaction models,
one- and many-body, quantum graphs, including graph-like structures
coupling different dimensions, interactions supported by curves,
manifolds, and more complicated sets, random and nonlinear
couplings, etc., as well as approximations helping us to understand the
meaning of singular couplings and applications of such models on
different parts of quantum mechanics. We believe that
when the second printing of the `bible' of the field, the book Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics by
S Albeverio, F Gesztesy, the late R Høegh-Krohn and H Holden,
appears it is the right moment to review new developments in this
area, with the hope of stimulating further development of these
extremely useful techniques.
The Editorial Board has invited G Dell'Antonio, P Exner
and V Geyler to serve as Guest Editors for the special issue.
Their criteria for acceptance of contributions are as follows:
The subject of the paper should relate to singular interactions in
quantum mechanics in the sense described above.
Contributions will be refereed and processed according to the usual
procedure of the journal.
Papers should be original; reviews of a work published elsewhere
will not be accepted.
The guidelines for the preparation of contributions are as follows:
The DEADLINE for submission of contributions is 31 October 2004.
This deadline will allow the special issue to appear in about April 2005.
There is a nominal page limit of 15 printed pages (approximately 9000
words) per contribution. Papers exceeding these limits may be accepted at
the discretion of the Guest Editors. Further advice on publishing your work in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General may be
found at
Contributions to the Special Issue should if possible be submitted
electronically by web upload at { or by
e-mail to, quoting `JPhysA Special Issue-Quantum Mechanics: Solvable Models'.
Submissions should ideally be in standard LaTeX form; we are,
however, able to accept most formats including Microsoft Word.
Please see the web site for further information on electronic
Authors unable to submit electronically may send hard copy
contributions to: Publishing Administrators, Journal of Physics A,
Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol
BS1 6BE, UK, enclosing the electronic code on floppy disk if
available and quoting `JPhysA Special Issue-Quantum Mechanics: Solvable Models'.
All contributions should be accompanied by a read-me file or
covering letter giving the postal and e-mail addresses for
correspondence. The Publishing Office should be notified of any subsequent change of address.
This special issue will be published in the paper and online version of the journal. The corresponding author of each contribution will receive a complimentary copy of the issue.
G Dell'Antonio, P Exner and V Geyler
Guest Editors