For pt.II see ibid., vol.11, p.2231 (1981). The stable configurations and binding energies of interstitial-solute complexes in irradiated dilute Al-Cu, Al-Ag and Al-Au alloys were calculated using interatomic potentials derived from first principles. The interactions between the host lattice atoms were governed by the Al interatomic potential of Dagens et al. (1975), while the host-solute interactions were described by pair potentials determined via the recent resonant-model-potential theory of Dagens (1976, 1977). It was found that all three noble-metal solutes-Cu, Ag, and Au-interacted strongly with self-interstitials in Al, forming stable complexes with large binding energies, greater than 0.5 eV. Despite the size differences of these solutes in Al, the stable complexes had the same symmetries; in each alloy, the complexes were bound in three configurations: type b first-neighbour, and type a and type b second-neighbour configurations.