Electron scattering by interstitial hydrogen or deuterium in palladium is investigated by means of measurements of de Haas-van Alphen Dingle temperatures, TD, and electrical resistivity, rho . For Fermi-surface orbits with a strong d character dTD/dx (x is the number of interstitial atoms per Pd atom) is approximately twice as large in PdDx as in PdHx. For electrons on the large Gamma -centred Fermi-surface sheet, however, dTD/dx=750K for both H and D. This value is much smaller than values predicted by average-t-matrix calculations. The experimental value for dTD/dx is, however, confirmed by electrical resistivity measurements on homogeneous alpha -PdHx and alpha -PdDx samples prepared by rapidly cooling down the samples from the hydrogen (deuterium) loading temperature (typically 600K) to helium temperature.