Accurate measurements of the electrical resistivity ( rho ) and its temperature derivative (d rho /dT) have been performed in a set of random anisotropy alloys a-DyxGd1-xNi (x=0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0) exhibiting magnetic freezing at temperatures (Tf) ranging from approximately 60 K to approximately 14 K, and a negative d rho /dT in the paramagnetic phase. For the Gd-rich samples, which have a low anisotropy energy D (D/J approximately 10-2; J=exchange energy), the magnetic resistivity ( rho m) increases steadily with temperature until saturation above Tf; in contrast, for the Dy-rich samples (large anisotropy, D approximately J) rho m decreases with increasing temperature near Tf. These results are interpreted qualitatively in terms of a schematic model based on the existence of effective antiferromagnetic pairs located at the boundary of Imry and Ma domains (1975). This interpretation is supported by magnetoresistance measurement performed in the authors' samples. They also analyse the x dependence of rho m along the series at constant reduced temperatures. An approximately linear dependence of rho m on x was found both above and below Tf (at least down to T/Tf approximately=0.5, for all the samples except x=0.1). Their d rho /dT results exhibit pronounced anomalies near Tf, which enable the accurate determination of Tf in the samples investigated.